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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. MasterGoodale, these forums are mainly for CMBB discussions. If you want to talk about general stuff try the general forum or if you want to talk with opponents try the opponent forum. If youd like to kid around with others, Id suggest trying the Peng thread smile.gif

    Thing is, if a thread isnt on the first page of the forum it generally gets missed by most and this is an extremely busy forum. By starting the three threads you have here youve knocked off what could have been 3 valid questions which may now be missed (ironically including one of your own). That is basically why we try to keep the CMBB forum on topic...to simply be fair to everyone with comments and questions and allow everyone possible to be heard, not just the noisey few (and Im not saying you are one of those).


    [ November 05, 2002, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  2. Suicides, if you are honestly like this in your every day life then that is a real pitty, as it must be a hard and stressful life to lead. It would probably explain why you car always comes back from the mechanic with a different problem or why you computer costs twice as much to get fixed than everyones else though. What goes around comes around...thats life.

    Okay, now, I didnt make myself clear in my last post so I will now. Please feel free to carry out polite discussion on our forum about CM and any problems you feel the need to bring up or whatever else you like over in the general forum. If you feel the need to be rude (cut out this 'butter things up' crap, there is a big difference between honest critism and abuse) then take it else where.

    There is no need to be rude and to do so in the manner you have in unacceptable here...I dont like it directed at us and more importantly I wont risk it being directed at our descent posters when Im not around. As I said, the choice is yours...here is a chance to start afresh.


    [ November 05, 2002, 04:52 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  3. Sodball, I must admit I believe there to be a hidden agenda behind these posts, but I dont know what it is. It seem strange that someone can manage to download an Alpha of Doom 3 which appears to only be on pirated sites from what Ive read, yet cant manage to delete a game of his HD.

    Even more interesting is that he seems to live in the same town as our number one fan, Gunny Bunny. Maybe its something in the water up there.

    Im going to lock this thread. Suicides, I hate rude people but I beleive everyone is entitled to a second chance and we can all have an off day. I also going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you are a genuine fan whom wishes to be a part of the community. The choice is yours from where on in.

    To anyone reading this in the future take note. Im not locking this becuase we dont wish to discuss possible enchancements or bugs with out games...a quick search on our forum will answer that concern. I am locking it for the same reason I would ask you to leave my presence if you spoke to me in this way in person. Life it too short to deal with people in such a way...


    [ November 05, 2002, 04:21 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  4. Suicides, anyone whom reads this post or our forum can see that this isnt about us not being able to take constructive comment...hell look at any page on our forum and you will find many polite and useful conversations about possible tweaks to CM.

    This is simply about you being rude and insulting...nothing more. If you havnt yet worked it out this will get you no where in life, and I honestly feel sorry for people like you, as it must be a very sad way to live. Its amazes me how people can loose all levels of politeness when they can hide behind their computer screen, but I guess it gives them a brief moment of power that they so crave.

    You may have valid points but thus far you havnt pointed out one, unless you include those you were totally incorrect about. To be honest, I dont want to hear any of your problems either due to your childish attitude. We have plenty of polite posters whom will inform us if they are having a true problem and I look forward to them posting them.


    [ November 05, 2002, 03:36 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  5. Hi Guys smile.gif

    Just thought Id post this in a new thread in case some of you guys missed it the first time around. Boots and Tracks this month have an exclusive bunch of new Panther textures ready for download!

    Check out their newsletter for some screen shots and other great info...


    or download them from their website!


    Enjoy guys...hope you like them smile.gif


  6. Just so you guys know, we were very careful to make sure that all trees in CMBB are spiecies native to Eastern Europe. They are modelled from a 3D package that allowed you too choose a particular species and grow them to a certain age and werent chosen at random. We were actually hoping to have more variety (particually more birch trees) but unfortuantely VRAM had the last word on that idea.

    The mods look great Tanks a Lot.


    [ October 25, 2002, 12:18 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  7. Yeah, not to worry guys...this wasnt his sort of game. It can be frustrating to read such things where the reviewer doesnt really get the direction from which the game is coming from, but it does happen and we cant change that.

    Its like a wargaming site reviewing BF1942 and knocking it becuase the japanese have Kubelwagons and the tanks have health bars smile.gif Personally I think the game is a heap of fun when played as a FPS sytle game (particaully multiplayer!) but it shouldnt be reviewed as a wargame and to do so would be unfair.


  8. Oak, I have been working non stop since the game was finished to complete the vehicles included in 1.01, along with 3 of the mod guys. Unfortunately under the current engine it is a long and complicated process to get models in game, and it takes quite some time per model. I wish it was easy and they could all be added plus some extras, but we can only do whats possible, not whats not smile.gif

    Guys, its important to note that we have never promised vehicles that werent included in the origional game...there are some 300+ vehicles in there now. We will be updating as many of the models as we can before we need to move on though. We will prioritise vehicles according to their quantities and combat usage at this point.


    [ October 18, 2002, 01:51 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  9. Hehe, well dont forget guys we play CM too smile.gif

    Id LOVE to be able to put in every single model. I mean that, Id absolutely love too, which is why I made them. The problem is that reality hits home and it cant be done for many reasons described above. We realise our limitations and I wont promise something we cant deliever here guys...and chances are that we cant do every single model.

    What I can promise is that I will try my hardest to get as many of those suckers in there as I can smile.gif We did better than expected with the first patch, so I think we should do pretty well!


    [ October 18, 2002, 01:06 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  10. Cant be done guys.

    Basically it takes almost as long for Steve and Chalres to get a model in game as it does for me to texture it. Yes, we could do it, but youd probably see no further code changes, bugs or others, from here on in. Putting in every single model we have complete would take a long long time with the current engine.

    This will change with the rewrite guys and Ill be able to handle it all of the parts of the process myself, which will speed the process up a lot.


  11. Commissar, nope, its more complicated than that smile.gif . The reality of the matter is that probably only 10-20% of our customers whom have CMBB use mods or even know what a mod is. As opposed to that, probably 80-90% will install the patch.

    Can you imagine the response we would get? There would be many many threads commenting on it being unprofessional to release untextured models and to be totally honest Id agree smile.gif

    Besides that there is all the work done by Steve and Charles to get a model into the game which doesnt texturing.


    [ October 18, 2002, 12:59 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  12. Vanir, IIRC more of the gun is actually in the turret on that particualar vehicle. They were taken off of blueprints, so the length is correct or at least as correct as the blueprint was smile.gif

    Guys, the IS-3 and T-44 are on the to do list but personally I feel that there are much more important vehicles we want to get new models in there for first. Which would you prefer...new models and textures for, say, the Jpz series or models for the IS-3 and T-44...vehicles which probably never saw combat? smile.gif


    [ October 17, 2002, 07:19 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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