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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. Funnily enoungh, about a year ago I bought a German WW2 training tape on video that showed a meeting engagement and how a commander should tackle one! Apparently it was only recently found, and is fascinating to watch as it shows both Jpz IV's and Flame half tracks in action and had funky 1944 era aminations showing paths of attack, etc.

    The example they used was a Russian break through through a particually weak area of the German front lines. The Russians were moving forward reasonably quickly and a force was them ordered to move forward and stop them. Not an unreasonable situation I imagine. The forces were of about equal size but of course the Germans had a wonderful victory smile.gif

    I have no idea how common they were, but it seems they were at least common enough to make a 20 min training tape on how to tackle such a situation. smile.gif


    [ November 24, 2002, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  2. illo, as Ive mentioned in another thread, we had two choices.

    One was to remove the vehicles completely that didnt have a unique model or two was to research them, make sure they play exactly as they should but use a replacement or shared model for them. This gives players greater tactical scope, something we didnt want to compromise in exchange for graphical correctness.

    Once we finish updating vehicles we could simply cut out any that dont have a unique 3D model, but I think most people would be happy with a more detailed wargame, which is what we wanted to create.

    To claim that the game is unfinished is really not fair. We researched and modeled the vehicles as accurately as we could within the game engine itself, which is the important part. I would feel the game unfinished if we had all the correct 3D models yet had generic or poorly researched armour ratings.

    As Ive mentioned elsewhere, CM is a wargame first and foremost and we wont reduce the tactical depth of the game for graphical correctness. If so, we would have removed trenches, too, as they arent modelled as 3D objects.


    [ November 22, 2002, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  3. Yeknodathon, actually many of the modders are helping out already, and they have been a great help. You need to keep in mind that most of these guys have a real life that limits their time they can help out though, so whereas we can probably do a vehicle a day most modders would probably only be able to do one every week or so.

    Flammenwerfer, I totally agree it would be fun, but I am pretty sure we will be focusing on combat vehicles first and foremost smile.gif . With the rarity system in place youll chances are that you will rarely see one in battle.

    Commissar, to be totally honest I dont know smile.gif . I would say that it is defiantely something we will have to do for the rewrite though, as a guess.


  4. Guys, we had a choice here...

    We could have removed any vehicle that didnt have a unique 3D model, and the option was discussed. I didnt want to take this option though as I feel it would be silly to reduce the scope of a wargame in exchange for graphical representation of vehicles.

    So, to say that the game is incomplete simply becuase we chose to add in more vehicles that we could visually represent is incorrect and to be totally honest its not fair to say this. The game was complete when it shipped and now we are adding to it. Irconally it seems you would feel that the game would be more 'complete' if we cut out those added vehicles with shared models and reduce CMBB's scope. It sure would have been easier for us, as it would have saved a HEAP of research time.

    If people have an issue with vehicles we cant update before we move on, we could still consider removing them. Chances are we wont though as most people Im sure would rather the greater tactical scope more vehicles will bring to a wargame.

    Ryan, along with time constraints unfortuantely there are technical reasons here we need to take into account, too. We will one day need to print more CD's including the latest patch at that time, so thus we need to keep any added model textures within our CD space. Unfortuantely we cant do too much about this.

    Blackbear, yes, we will probably be focusing on the earlier war vehicles next, but no promises smile.gif .


    [ November 22, 2002, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  5. 1.01 will replace several vehicles (Pz-IV series, sdkfz 222, and some others I think) and add textures for many new models like the BT-7 series, etc. These were designed to blend with the graphics that shipped with the game, as will any others we release in the future. Sorry guys, not much we can do about this except stop adding in new vehicles. smile.gif


  6. Originally posted by japinard:

    And if all members were treated the same, then Madmatt and Kwazydog would not be employed by Battlefront...

    Its probably not something well known, but I spent what must have been hundreds of hours helping the guys out on CMBO. I was working a day job at the time but was up many a night without any sleep to get as many models as I could done for CMBO. I had no expectations of ever working for the guys or recieving any payment from them, I did it purely becuase I thought it was a great game and I wanted to help out two great guys. Matt also did much work behind the scenes to help make CMBO what it was.

    The fact of the matter is that I offered to help out before I was even a member of the forum. I just wanted to clear that up, as the above comment seems to be suggesting that we were just plucked from the forum at random and thus recieved special treatment. That was not the case and there was a lot that was done behind the scenes.


    [ November 19, 2002, 04:24 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  7. Hehe, Im not sure if he meant that he didnt like the mod I did, or if he couldnt find many mods over there. The later shouldnt be suprising though, as B&T is primarily a scenario and op site, which I beleive is their focus (unless Im wrong guys ;) ?). Either way, it seems not the best way to bring up a topic for discussion smile.gif .

    Runyan99, check out the boots and tracks newsletter below for screen shots and downloads.


    Glad some of you guys enjoyed them smile.gif


    [ November 18, 2002, 01:23 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  8. Guys, for those of you whom cant download the mod most video cards these days allow you to adjust colour, saturation, brightness, etc in their control panel, so you can probably fiddle with it to get the same effect.

    Focker, I agree. Its a job well done but that look is not really my cup of tea either. I think it looks really good in fog or overcast weather, but it doesnt look quite right during a nice sunny day. At least that what I found when I played with the idea during development. After some experimenting I decided what is in there is a happy medium.

    Each to their own though smile.gif


    [ November 15, 2002, 01:48 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  9. Juju, yup, it wont make any difference to CM. I would say that you notice no different visually when you change them to 256 as they are mainly grey, so the isnt as many colour to have to share 256 colours between. The result looks great though smile.gif

    Hehe, do note guys that just *one* of these tiles will take up about the same amount of VRAM as the entire series of paved roads we supplied with CMBB. Just be warey to keep an eye on performance whilst using them and see how you go. If you have a high end card I think you should be fine, unless of could you install other mods that are high res like these smile.gif


    [ November 11, 2002, 12:01 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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