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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. Originally posted by Les the Sarge 9-1:

    Demos aren't for everyone.

    Battlefront uses them, but then I consider them "lucky" nothing more.

    What do you mean by lucky out of interest Les? smile.gif

    To me, putting a demo out is simply a way to show the public a sample of what they will get for their money, good or bad, the same way you would want browse a book before purchasing. Some people wont buy CM after playing the demo, and others will. To be honest the last thing I would want is for someone to buy CM who otherwise wouldnt have after playing it becuase that would only mean those people may not return to look at our other games, like Strategic Command for instance.


    [ November 10, 2003, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  2. Hehe, no worries at all Zimorodok, I was just having a joke ;) Actually Ive said all along that I could no way spend the time on each vehicles that the mod guys have..I had to do 2 or 3 a day to get all of the vehicles I did into CMBB smile.gif

    Thanksfully with the rewrite coming along we should be able to have much more detailed models and textures. Actually I am looking at some software right now that allows you to paint detail directly onto the 3D model smile.gif


  3. Actually guys Im pretty sure that this has been tweaked, along with vehicle rotation speeds slightly (one I noticed you metnioned somewhere redwolf smile.gif ) plus a bunch of other stuff. I have had my head buried in other stuff so I can say with 100% certainty about the bunker, but Im *petty* sure I saw it was an update.


  4. Yes, that is how it works, though as I said vehicles only create dust under certain conditions. It is either do it this way and have dust play a tactical role in the desert or have it as eye candy behind spotted vehicles. As this sort of dust mainly shows in the desert where the terrain is usually reasonably flat, and then only under certain conditions, it works fine as far as Im concerned (and I did have the same concerns as you guys) smile.gif .


  5. Also guys, note that dust creation is actually based on a lot of factors and is calculated for each square metre (dont quote me there, but it is something like that) of ground.

    For instance, under certain conditions and 81mm round may not create dust, yet a 81mm barrage may create dust towards the centre of the barrage where many seperate rounds have impacted.

    Yes, in certain conditions (desert on dry hot days) you will be able to see individual dust clouds kicked up by vehicles, but this isnt particually unrealistic as mentioned above, particually in the desert where terrain is usually flatter. Vehicle types really can be defined though, so you could be watching recon vehicles or tanks, or carefully place kubelwagons smile.gif

    In Italy, dust is rarely kicked up by vehicles and usually only on dirt roads in dryer conditions. Artillery does though, and it looks particually cool, hehe.

    I know that I have been keeping an eye out for possible cheats using dust myself, and I dont beleive it to be a problem. Although its not a perfect simulation of dust it does do a very good job and its benifits far outweight its concerns in my opinion. If it is really a concern though, players can simply set the ground conditions to damp and most dust will be non-existant. smile.gif


  6. Gyrene, dont worry, we are fully aware of the Mac situation and its results. As you guys all know supporting OSX is just not an option with the current engine, but as now we are soon moving onto the engine rewrite we will continue to support Macs, including of course full OSX support smile.gif


    [ October 27, 2003, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  7. Kyrandos, are you using daisey chain mines? smile.gif

    There is no way that mines should be spotted from a distance unless they are of the daisey chain variety (which are hastily plance mines to simply deny movement). I have used mines often and as many others here have suggested they work fine. If you like, send me a save game showing this behaviour and Ill try and see what is happening.


  8. Do note that I said that it was high on our list to investiage, along with such things as multi-multi player, observerser, etc smile.gif ? Personally I have no idea if these things are possible or not as thats not my area, but Im guessing there is a reasonable chance that at least some are.

    Alrighty, Ill lock this one up now. The origional question has been answered and I fear this thread may slide downhill shortly.


    [ October 24, 2003, 02:57 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  9. Something to consider is that the Panther could have been hit whilst moving down the slope. If so, then the armour would have been presented at just about 0 degrees to the firer and thus could have been penetrated by a number of guns I would imagine.

    For those who dont know his is something modelled in CM by the way :)

    This is of course assuming that the vehicles wasnt being used as a target range. Although it does have no tracks these could be mash into the mud somewhere, hehe.


    [ October 22, 2003, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  10. Originally posted by sgtgoody (esq):

    If you plan to take a trip to Normandy to see the Boccage or the Shingle don't bother, neither one is there anymore. There is a small section of Boccage south of St. Lo. although the precise location escapes me at the moment.

    I had no idea that that was the case?! What a pitty.


  11. And yes, chances are that you will see a terrain type with the same modelling as boccage had in CMBO. No, not perfect, but good enough to allow people to make Normandy terrain if they so desire. If this makes it in its a little gift for us to our fans who would like to be able to model such battles in CMAK smile.gif


    [ October 15, 2003, 04:22 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  12. This being the case, the creation of graphics for a plane do not seem like the large a deal. They have people at BFC whose sole job is graphics design. So it would not take a way from other activities such as coding. The coding is already in the program for planes.

    Yup, thatd be me ;)

    As I mentioned above, it is certainly something we will investigate. We can do it and as you suggested bammer, on the suface it appears it probably wouldnt be too hard to do. Time will tell though, and time to implement it will probably be the deciding factor smile.gif


    [ October 13, 2003, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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