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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. Hi Mike! Its not impossible that something like this might be available down the track but at this point no, we dont have any plans to allow the models themselves to be accessible unfortunately. Its also doubtful that anything like this will be available in game...we have much more important STUFF we need to code up first smile.gif


    [ September 02, 2005, 06:40 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  2. As others have mentioned there is a thread at the top of forum in which we have asked people to comment in their wishes for CMx2, which kinda makes the censorship comment as odd about the one on this forum being on the UK. smile.gif

    So until we do have something further to provide on PBEM that is the place to voice your opinions.


    [ September 02, 2005, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  3. Palantir, as the guys have mentioned there has only been 2 locked threads here, and the second one of those was locked because it was a rehash of the first. Generally though I think that if you do a search through the CM and General forums you will find very few threads have been locked and see that for the most part we are very tolerant for a forum with so many members (the old political forums were another matter though, hehe).

    Generally we dont lock threads unless they are becoming heated, but the PBEM issues is basically a dead one at the moment, one which has caused a lot of tension in the past. Yes, we want it in there too (Im a huge fan of it myself) if at all possible, and that is all that can really be said on the matter for the time being. So as far as that issue is concerned for now...I think we've discussed it in detail, how about we move on to a new topic until we have more info for you? ;)


  4. Gorden, yes, its a bit of a juggling act. The trick is to get the right balance of detail between the textures and the 3D models so that the lack of depth to the textures looks reasonably unnoticable.

    Generally speaking any 3D game with dynamic lighting makes these sort of concessions and unless you go looking you never really notice any problems smile.gif


  5. Columbus, that shouldnt be necessary as files should be named in a reasonably straight forward manner (depending on how late I made them ;) ). For instance a Pz-IVg tank might be made up of PzIVg-turret.bmp, PzIVg-Hull.bmp and PzIVg-details.bmp (details could be anything...for instance we may put the vision block glass in a seperate 'material' in order to all up to add reflection to it).

    Modding should be really interesting for you guys in CMx2 by the way! The considerably more detailed vehicles are both a blessing and a nightmare, hehe. For instance, much of the detailed that had to be simulated by textures in CMx1 is now handled by the model itself (and has light reflected off it correctly by the engine of course). Thus, for instance, in CMx1 we needed to create a raised surface around an engine cover by hand giving it a 3D appearance including simulated lighting...that wont be necessary any more. On the other hand if you want to get a neat row of bolts around the top of that engine cover they will need to be *exactly* in place or they wont actually be on the raised surface.

    The results though should well be worth the effort!


    Disclaimer : And the Pz-IVg was just an example...it should not be taken as an indicator of CMx2 setting either way :D

    [ August 29, 2005, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  6. Sergie, I see what you mean and I think that is pretty much what I was thinking Paul was after. Essentially though the product described really isnt all that much different to where the last CM series finished off...its the same game with the few remaining rough edges rounded off.

    As the engine was to be rebuilt from the ground up we didnt want to simply rewrite the origional game with a few new features added in...we wanted to take it much further exploring features which could have even been considered when coding began on the origional series. smile.gif


    [ August 29, 2005, 04:30 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  7. Hehe, thanks Salkin! Yes, things have been very busy indeed and have been for quite some time for me...for my point of view Ive had a considerable amount of new software and techniques to learn from the old CMx1 days.

    All told though I think you guys should be very happy with what we can do visually in the new engine...I know I am smile.gif


  8. Lamer, I cant give you any solid figures until we get a little further down the track but I can give you some estimates.

    From my perspective Im hoping we may be able to spend around say, 2000-3000 on a soldier, 300-500 on his weapon and maybe 5000-8000 on a vehicle. Im the 3D Modeller though and we always like to get as many pollies as we can, hehe...its not impossible that Chalres could turn around and say okay, time to cut them back. Testing thus far look promising but time will tell.

    Just to put those figures in perspect CMBO had about 150-350 pollies per vehicle and CMAK ended up with about 600-700 on new vehicles for that game. Each soldier in CMAK, as a guess, was probably about 120 each (these models were basically hardcoded so I cant say for sure).


    [ August 29, 2005, 02:13 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  9. Originally posted by RCHRD:

    I also read from BFC that much effort has been invested in the sun and the moon and the stars in their courses. I don't want to navigate the North Atlantic. I want to play a tactical wargame.

    Firstly, although its been mentioned a bunch of times, Ill remind folks that we didnt invest a lot of effort in this. Yes, it is modelled as described, but it wasnt something that took Chalres weeks (or even days) to code...basically it is just a nice touch that the engine could handle easily smile.gif

    As to your other question RCHRD, Id suggest doing some searching on posts by Steve in the past weeks/few months. I know he has been posted a lot of info about where we are heading and what people can expect.


  10. Sirocco dont worry, we *should* be able to have detailed running gear with suspenision, etc. smile.gif

    Something to keep in mind is that its amazing just how quickly you can remove details from a model as it moves away from screen yet have the human eye not be able too tell the differnce in game.


  11. Sirocco dont worry, we *should* be able to have detailed running gear with suspenision, etc. smile.gif

    Something to keep in mind is that its amazing just how quickly you can remove details from a model as it moves away from screen yet have the human eye not be able too tell the differnce in game.


  12. Guys, as weve mentioned CMX2 is going to be a huge jump over the current engine in every respect, including the tracking of ammo.

    As such, although we appreciate the effort very much, the above suggestion is based on the old engine and thus really isnt relevant to CMX2. Needless to say as soon as we are ready to give you guys solid info we will. smile.gif


  13. Hehe, I do still read the forums but at the moment I am spending more time working on details for the new engine which is taking away from my time I once had to do so. Its early days still but I know Im excited...we will certainly have more details for you guys when we are further through the process smile.gif


  14. Interesting discussion actually smile.gif

    Something the US has learnt in Iraq is that a Bradly can penetrate an M1 from the rear and if hit in the right locations the side, so although they would be one mean beast to kill I dont think it impossible if hit in the right location.

    I guess an interesting side note to this discussion is how a 25mm DU round from a bradley would compare to, say, a standard AP round from the Panthers 75mm?


  15. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Yes yes yes. Several people have already mentioned the tall mountain backgrounds in the desert locations. A 'low horizon' western desert sky set would probably be popular.

    Note that you will loose the mountains in Crete too guys, which will probably look rather odd, if you remove them from the desert...unfortuantely disk space got the better of us so we had to share more than we would have liked too. We will be looking at using multiple in the future though.


    [ December 06, 2003, 12:05 AM: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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