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Posts posted by BFCElvis

  1. This thought just popped into my pee brain.

    When you have a machine gun(s) in a postion to see multiple targets are you better off not giving it target orders unless there is one specific target that you MUST get or should you allow the gun to target what it feels is the best target(s). The reason I ask this is because when you target one unit it will continue to shoot at that one target until it can't shoot anymore or the target is eliminated or moves out of the LOS. But maybe if you don't target a specific unit it will fire at the greatest threat until it feels it has suppressed that unit enough and then retargets another unit even if the initial target is still in LOS.

    God I hope that made sense.


    "To conquer death you only have to die" JC

  2. mfred...if you want alot more (maybe too much) detail on what you seem to be asking do a search of SS_Panzerleader from a month or 2 ago. There was a VERY long informative and sometimes funny post on what you are asking about. I forget the name of the topic but if you do a search will his name you will find it.


    "To conquer death you only have to die" JC

  3. When MrHappy and I used to play SL/ASL there was a thrill when I would do something clever and unexpected and triumph over him. The feeling that I had "out thought" him. I would also get the same high when he would do the same to me.

    The other night one of us executed a great looking assault. And that same feeling was there. No need to mention who made the assault because it didn't matter. That moment is why I play war games.


    "To conquer death you only have to die" JC

  4. Lewis,

    For the most part I have found your posts misunderstood and funny....but this shows me that everyone must be right and you are jerk.

    While I do not think of Fionn as an all knowing person, his insights and knowledge of the the game and WW2 have been EXTREMLY helpful to me and my enjoyment of CM so do me (us) a favor and keep the blatant bastardly behavior to a minimum. A good ball busting is plenty funny but what you have done here insults me.


    "To conquer death you only have to die" JC

  5. We were doing work on the FAQ's but it kinda stalled for a number of reasons....My feeling recently has been to put it on ice until the game is out. Otherwise it will have to be done all over again anyway. I know we did a decent amount of work on it before it came to a grinding halt. Now Peter is in Great Britain and apparently MIA and as far as I know has all the emails we sent back and forth.


    "To conquer death you only have to die" JC

  6. Sean you are right. I discussed this with wife at dinner tonight and she thought it would be cool to do a daytrip dash into Switzerland to give Jeff his copy. Much of this plan are in Jeff and BTS' hands. But it would be cool to meet up with another CM fan while abroad one way or another.


    "To conquer death you only have to die" JC

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