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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Make me proud, Squire, make me proud! Oh, and rake out the sheep pen.... Oh, and did I say the sheep need crutching?... Oh, and Fluffy is fly blown, deal with her.... And some of the flock are getting a bit daggy... Fence needs repair... My sword's a bit rusty and needs sharpening.... Oh, and be sure to heap scorn on my nemesis, Harv, because he has eyes on my flock (he's a pervert, you have to watch those types).... and check my stash of Victorian Bitter, I want the bottles chilled to the proper temperature.... Make sure that Kitty's cat litter is topped up for her return (as fortold in legend) And now and then remind Berli (my mentor), how evil he is (he likes that). And whatever you do, stay away from my sheep costume. That's reserved for special occassions only. Until tomorrow. Good night.
  2. You're an annoying little pom. I'm going to make you my Serf so I can put that annoyance to good use. Lorak, record this: Simon Elwen, squire to Mace That'll teach ya' to use my name. Mace
  3. Oh bugger! Some SSN went and used up our 'F*ck' quota for the month and now we can't cuss anymore until June. Mace [ May 25, 2002, 05:56 PM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  4. MBT female honour list: Kitty, YK2, Persephone. Boy, if they ever catch upto you, you're going to be in for some hurtin', sunshine! Mace
  5. Lorak once again fails to carry out reseach. We farm wombats, not badgers. Mace
  6. Even your early demise? (and stop stuffing the little red ones up your nostrils...they're not that sort of 'magic') Mace
  7. Not that I'm agreeing Harv, but there are some Canadians beyond our help. Mace PS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaargh, Saturday!
  8. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait, oh Chaos God. Mace
  9. Ahhh, smell that? It is the stench of crayfish that have been left out in the sun for 10 days, the stench of socks worn without a wash for 1 whole year, a sewerage treatment plant on a 40 degrees celsius day! In other words...it is the smell of our soul. Welcome back, Seanachai. Mace {edited to note that Noba has a touch of the Spike Milligans about him} [ May 23, 2002, 04:50 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  10. Meeks you daft nong! The Cesspool is the effluent of all nations! Mace
  11. If I did, you'd hear it from over there, so...no! Mace PS Tuesday was even better than Monday!
  12. What?!! Lawyer pike out of paying there as well? Mace
  13. I think someone suffers from premature rejection. Mace [ May 20, 2002, 06:12 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  14. btw, here's a little song to help you with your server migration. YESTERDAY Yesterday, All those backups seemed a waste of pay Now my database has gone away Oh I believe in yesterday... Suddenly, There's not half the files there used to be And there's a milestone hanging over me The system crashed so suddenly I pushed something wrong What it was I could not say Now all my data's gone and I long for yesterday-ay-ay-ay Yesterday, The need for back-ups seemed so far away I knew my data was all here to stay Now I believe in yesterday Mace [ May 20, 2002, 05:18 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  15. That's the best post I've ever read, Peng. Have you ever considered serialising it? Mace PS Did I ever say how much I love Mondays! I also love Tuesdays to Fridays! Everyday at work brings something new.
  16. Damn, I'm good looking. Unlike Harv, who wears the mask because it is Canadian law not to reveal physical ugliness in public. And Dalek, yes we'll do the fish slapping dance for you. You however will be our fish! Mace [ May 19, 2002, 01:13 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  17. It's nice that Dalek has risen to the occassion and is attempting to fill the void left by the mysterious dissapearence of our elders. Let's give him the same level of support we gave our elders... ie. Ignore him! Mace
  18. *AHEM* xxx) Everyone has the right to an opinion. W00t) When someone voices their opinion, listen intently, do not interupt 99.3) If you don't agree and you choose to respond, coach you disagreement in a way that does not belittle the person or something the person feels passionate about. AI) Think before you post. alpha) most of all, it's really an insignificant discussion and not worth getting that passionate about. (this is the 'who gives a sh*t' rule) omega) never eat carrots from Utah. Mace
  19. *searches for Berli's Monday bag* Crikey! Who's going to shower me with Mondays? I want Mondays up to my kazoo! In fact I don't want to be home anymore, I want to be at work. Mace [ May 18, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
  20. Yeh, you tell him Persephone! He's been nothing but grumpy since ...err.. since ever! Mace
  21. Heresy! Heresy!!!! Joe Shaw has gone against convention by bolding a squires' name! Mace
  22. Excerpts from Everything you wanted to know about Sheep, but was afraid to ask. Marino:Primary Sheep breed in Australia Lanolin: Oil exuded by sheep that, with wool, creates a thermal barrier Dag:fecal matter trapped on sheep's wool, (aka HARV, also refer Fly-blown, ) Fly-blown: Hideous maggot infestation, a result of Daggy sheep, or HARV. A putrifying mass of disgusting, wiggling life forms (aka Boo-Radley Pom: Citizen of England. Something Yecknathod is, but Mace isn't (nor wants to be) Mace
  23. ...and then suddenly MrSpkr was hit by a freight train, because he didn't notice that he was standing on the track. People were...
  24. We'll take your word for it. Mace [ May 16, 2002, 06:29 AM: Message edited by: Mace ]
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