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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Mace

  1. Bugger the rules. I'm haven't got time between Katyusha barrages, human waves and mass Soviet armoured assaults. btw..any suggestions on how to get the sheep used to this weather? Mace
  2. The good thing is that when we ask you to shut the door on the way out, you're going to freeze to death outside in the Russian Winter. We can't begin to tell you how happy that makes us! Mace
  3. As seniour knight...I claim the CMBB board in the name of the PENG CHALLENGE!!! Tis a beautiful thing...makes me ... choke... up! *sobs* Mace
  4. Urrah! You Ost Fronten vermin, you know the rules and if ya don't.. sod off! Mace
  5. The literature I have on the IS2 makes no mention of the hull mounted MG, and there is no evidence of it on the IS2 1944 variant. Could it have been a field fitting (if so, it must have been a pain to produce)? Mace
  6. A two word post? That definitely wasn't Seanachai, but some imposter. Mace
  7. That's the best ending. We'll keep that one. Mace PS so I posted a smiley...bite me.
  8. Dontcha love it when we have a split in the time space continuum? Mace
  9. You have ...err... quite an interesting library there, Lars. *backs away slowly and makes no sudden move to bend over* Mace
  10. It's an honour to have our country name bolded by a kiwi. And yes, Australia is a cultural icon. Mace
  11. For those wondering what the hell Noba is talking about: Wayne Carey is to Aussie rules football what Gunny Bunny is to CMBO (ie. bloody useless). [name of football player and team not bolded out of disrespect and spite] Mace
  12. Western Australians (bolded because they're still Aussies) - never could hold their grog the way we Easterners could. Mace PS Slapdragon, are you stalking me? Everywhere I go I see that news clipping.
  13. Yep, they do need a run through the sheep dip. I hope the dip doesn't fade the nice pink color though. *thinks* Best run them through another 50,000 times, will ya? Mace
  14. Errr Squire Simon, where are you lad?!! We have a most important job for you. I'll be with the ladies helping them out with the wine if you need any advice. Mace
  15. *thwack* Ouch. *thwack* Ouch! *thwack* OUCH!!!! I have now learnt that it's a lot more safer and prudent to be chained firmly to a rail track than it is to comment about the cesspool decor. Won't happen again. Mace
  16. I'd follow these steps: i) become a politician xx) get elected a.7) bribe and blackmail yourself into the Defence secretary job w00t) begin a secret research project to create rabid, flesh eating,ill tempered, decapitating, mutated birds with frigging laser beams attached to their heads. 2.1.5) give some company the contract to produce them. omega) replace soldiers. Hope that helps Mace
  17. Persephone, sorry but I just don't think niceness works here. Doesn't match the decor. Mace
  18. Why? We have better sense than to sell our copies of CMBO. Mace
  19. Interesting read in yesterday's newspaper: South Australia has finally recognised that WW2 is over by terminating a 1939 emergency powers bill. Does that mean we'll see more of Speedy until he goes off to fight the Korean War? Mace
  20. *Grunt* Poor Mace tired. Mace work overtime for great State Guv'mint to introduce new fandangled hi-faluting database system thingy. Mace can't be bothered to do turns and just wants to go to bed, to begin new day of more system testing and overtime. Mace
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