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Posts posted by Mace

  1. Yeah, way to sink quietly beneath the waves there 'Coventried one'. I was so looking forward to a good flare up and subsequent explosion and it just.....went.

    Damn ignoring users! It takes the fun out of a meltdown!!! **mad**

    Must be some behind the scenes scullduggery methinks, a conspiracy of Kettlerian proportions. Perhaps a crack assassination team of Seanachian mind control droids have infiltrated the remote highlands of outer Oregan and committed a spiriting away? No doubt using reptiloid assistance and a Panzer turreted UFO for the getaway to the secret Gnome base in Antarctica.

    and...lay off the hallucinogens m'kay?

  2. god chosen Northern Hemisphere.

    You mean 'chosen' for a disaster of biblical proportions?

    (yeh I know I'm late, and only just arrived to this thread, and have a lot of catching up to do, but you all know how it is!)

    PS I like Elvis' rules. Brief, succinct and to the point.

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