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Posts posted by Mace

  1. Can you mail it to the Wolfp MkII for Auxilliary Backup Deputy Justicar of the Peng Challenge Thread election fund instead?

    Send it C/O Boo's Gotta Go, PO Box 777, Backwoods, NC 28728. Every little bit counts, and with your generous contribution, you get your name on a brick that's been laying in my backyard for quite some time.

    Remember...Wolfp MkII in 2009!

    What a waste.

    It could be better spent buying me a beer.

    **tips hat to Mr Emrys**

    btw any of you lot besides Bugged, Boo and Babra use facebook?

  2. They've been doing that in these parts too for a month or so. Crows don't usually flock together all that much, so it has been kind of strange to see them suddenly doing it a lot now. A couple of weeks ago I walked out and there must have been twenty or thirty of them sitting in the trees of my yard. They weren't doing anything, not flitting about, not making any noise. Just sitting there as if they were in a bus station or something. Odd. Almost eerie one might say.

    Well they do gather down here. In fact I recall with some mirth the big flock that used to gather in the gum trees just outside the old-peoples home in Melton.

    Of course they'd caw and call about 7am in the morning - and I couldn't help but chuckle about the poor people in the twilight of their years having to put up with all the noise at that time of the day. <g>

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