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Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

    Sure, but IRL a tank won't spot the gun as soon as the gun spots the tank, and the tank won't kill the gun or crew in a matter of 3 shots... The gun won't miss as often neither, I was stunned to see one gun miss 2-300m shots 4 times a row (with the tank coming right ahead, so it's not even a moving target problem).

    Spotting rules as well as hits % are very weird and not realistic IMHO.

    Typically you will find guns much easier to spot then in CM, but they are certainly harder to spot then tanks. Contrary to what I've seen mentioned a couple of times concealment IS calculated, so hiding in a grain field helps a little (not much for ATGs), hiding in a brush is even beter. Most problems with ATGs stem from poor ATG placement. The tutorial forces this on you but try the full scenario and you'll see sensible ATG tactics rewarded. Parking a big gun on a big hill isn't one of them. :D

    On your gun not hitting. That may be due to a number of factors. Is the tank is partly obscured by objects, trees and brush hitting it is hard. The guys that operated your gun may not have the required gunnery skill and are thus operating the gun at a vastly decreased efficiency. Or you were plain unlucky.

    For the game, a moving tank is a moving tank. That it's only getting bigger and not moving sidways from the gun isn't accounted for.

  2. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lanzfeld:

    The problem is that the infantry and the AT guns cant hide. I tried to lay my boys still in the grass to maybe try a grenade attack when the panzers came by but they were always spotted and killed. Even though I had them "Hold Ground" and "Don't fire" they always are seen. Why do they always go from prone to on a knee and then prone every few seconds? Sit the F*U*C*K still! No wonder they are seen.

    I am "kind of" enjoying the demo but the lack of anything to hide in or around is really going to hurt this game in the long run. It just feels way to open for any infantry.

    For me this problem is a total game-breaker. Unhideable ATGs in plain open view of every Panzer at 400m are totally unrealistic as well as useless. Same for infantry, the trenches don't seem to protect much !

    Overall with the training scens setup it's much easier to take a fortified position than to defend it...

    On paper the matchup looks balanced, with the attacker lacking infantry but having 4 tanks, the success depending on the ATG/ATR vs tanks duels. But the game seems to pretty badly simulate the defender's edge, and the AT thingies get killed in a matter of seconds !

    The same matchup on CM should have a pretty different result ... </font>

  3. Originally posted by Marc Anton:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> OK, genug auf Deutsch geschwatzt. Das ist ein englisches Forum, also bitte Englisch. Ich habe keine Lust, alles zu übersetzen.

    Also das finde ich nicht unbedingt sehr nett !

    Das mag ja ein englisches Forum sein aber wir Deutsche haben bis auf diesen Thread hier keinen eigenen Platz !

    Die deutsche Comunity ist schon immer sehr gross gewesen wenn es um Spiele dieser Art ging (Sudden Strike, Blitzkrieg usw.)

    Ich denke das ein eigener Bereich im Forum oder aber zumindest ein eigener Thread auf Deutsch mehr als fair und angebracht ist.

    Ich möchte gerne mal sehen wie sich die Amis und Briten mit der deutschen Sprache abmühen würden wäre es anders herum ....</font>

  4. Yeah, it's a toughie all right. It isn't supposed to be, the PzIII crews are regulars not elites, I checked. Why they are that accurate? I don't know.

    It is beatable, but it takes some doing and a deeper knowledge of the game comes in handy.

    Some tips:

    -Don't start shooting at the first sighting, hold your fire till you think you can get a good shot off.

    -Use the APCR rounds on the PzIIIs as early as possible. You want them dead ASAP.

    -Have your AT rifles focus on the PzIIs, the only thing they can reliably kill. Focus the 45mm guns on the PzIIIs.

    -If your gun crews get killed, have replacements near by but don't go recrewing the guns until the PzIIIs are moving again. If they remain still they'll only hit your gun again when you re-man it. When moving they miss their first shots more often.

  5. Yes, it's important to keep a few things in mind. Firstly, they still got a few hours left.

    Secondly, if there is a delay then they AREN'T DOING IT BECAUSE THEY ARE MESSING WITH YOUR MIND. They are NOT DOING IT BECAUSE THEY ARE EVIL.(probably) They are doing it because there is something that needs looking at, and quite possibly it's in your best interest that they do so. These are smart people, who have made the greatest wargames series ever. So when you perceive them doing something stupid, it's likely the perception that's wrong, not what they are doing.

    [ April 18, 2007, 03:10 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]

  6. Am I getting this right, there's people in this thread that ask for bugs today rather then polish tomorrow?

    Okay.... could someone please invent a way to kick people via the internet? Please... stop it... you are hurting the gaming community with your impatience.

  7. Have any of you checked for stuff running in the back ground?

    I'm running a E6600, 2Gig RAM, 7300GS, XP and it's fine. But if I have both ICQ and MSN on it my fps take a dramatic nosedive out of all proportion to what you'd expect.

    Some other stuff could be hogging your RAM too. If I run Silent Hunter III then afterwards I go for a bit of ToW then it's in the 5-10fps range. A restart smooths it out again.

  8. Most of the reinforcements are being landed in the thick of it, yes. But why move them if they got shot at? Shoot back!

    Sure, being allowed to manoeuvre first would be nice and easier. But don't cha know, 1C and BFC are Evil!!! BFC are employing Rune, afterall!

  9. PS, you may wish to select your ammo type. You've got two kinds, the one you've got fewest off (APCR) is most effective at penetrating armour. I find it best to fire the good ammo first so as to make the first hit you get count for something..

  10. If you take a look at the aiming button, you'll find three small cross-hairs to the side of the large cross-hairs. You can click on all three to shoot at turret, hull or tracks/lower hull respectively. Obviously, top one fires at turret, bottom one at tracks/lower hull. Alternatively use {ALT}+{1},{2} or {3} on the keyboard.

    About that training mission... yeah, it's tough, but no, not indicative of how the game plays. To be honest I'm not really sure why it plays the way it does. The PzIIIs that are doing the bulk of gun crew killing aren't elite or something, yet they are displaying a frightening accuracy. I find abandoning the guns the best method and then wait till they start moving. This'll throw of their aim a bit so if you re-crew your guns you can catch him on the move.

    Want to hear something truly awful? Once you kill that wave... you'll have to start nearly the same thing again.

    [ April 18, 2007, 08:05 AM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]

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