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George MC

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Posts posted by George MC

  1. Hi George MC,

    just wanted to say thanks for a very enjoyable campaign with excellent maps.

    I managed to get a Major Victory in the end, but had to Save/Reload a couple of times ;).

    The last mission (defending the Bridgehead at Brandenburg) was actually quite easy because i managed to keep the whole two M1 platoons from the previous missions.


    Mad Mike

    Well done mate :)

    Glad you enjoyed it :)

    Cheers fur noo


  2. What's the name of the mission you guys are having the issue with? If it's Debouch to Disaster it's a very large map. The Pooh mission likewsie although not as large a map does have a lot of units and is building heavy. Both may/will take a while to load.

    For any large mission that seems to hang I would let it alone and go do soemthing else for a while. Some large maps could take up to 15 minutes to load. Once loaded and you save it you should find that the load time is significantly less next time around. Hope this helps.

    Cheers fur noo


  3. Hi Ken

    Cheers for the screenies. The building issue I've not seen before. Could you send me your save game if that is not too much trouble and I'll take a look at the buildings. Could be a graphics rendering issue as I've not seen (noticed) the mismatching roofs. Just looking at the screenies - are the buildings occupying differant levels perchance?

    Cheers fur noo


  4. He! he! The Red Armour wave - that's how I like to attack! :)

    Possible spoilers









    The Red arty obervers I got the idea from Sgt Muhammad who used to play the OPFOR in military exercises. That was one of their recon tactics was to infiltrate the Blue lines then go to ground and observe the enemy, whilst brining down accurate observed fire.

  5. Hi

    Either Blue or Red reinforcements will enter they map wherever they are placed in the deploy units section of the editor. So you need to set em up deployed in formation and location as you would like them.

    Exception to this is when you give them a seperate location in an AI plan. In which case they should arrive at the painted AI Plan area. Note: this has to correspond with a painted set-up zone. Alos ensure that the painted AI plan zone and the painted set-up zone are large enough to accomodate the reinforcement group. oh and watch they don't spawn into LOS/LOF :)

    Hope all this helps.

    Cheers fur noo


  6. It would help if you could post some screenshots or save game files. I must admit I never noticed either of the two examples above. Not to say they did'nt happen, but save game files and/or screenshots along with what the spec is of your rig would help.

    If you have could you send em to me please? Address in my profile.

    Cheers fur noo


  7. I believe you can go past the time limit. I played a scenario (damn if I can remember which one) and ran the clock out. I watched the timer count to zero expecting the game to end...

    only for the time to change color to red and start counting up and the game continued.

    I recall this also happening in another scenario - the timer turned red and starting counting up and the game continued.

    I don't know if the victory conditions kick in or not after the clock runs out as in both scenarios, after a while, I opted for the cease fire method of ending the game.

    You can add a variable time up to a maximum (if I mind right) of 15 minutes - is that what happened here?

  8. Hi Sgt Joch and Stickypixie

    He! Cheers for the comments :) Errmm I think you are enjoying it!

    I've actually just uploaded version 2 in which I tweaked the repair setting for Blue. I had thought that the stuck vehicles would come back in. I must admit I was super cautious with vehicles in my own playtests, in fact generally avoiding stuff crossing ditches/trenches to avoid stuff bogging. This meant in my playtests I was’nt too plagued by bogged tanks and tracks. It’s one thing to lose stuff to enemy fire but it’s a real pisser when you lose stuff to bogging. On checking the repair value I don't think it was set high enough for bogged vehciles to come back on. I've maxed it out so I hope any and all vehicles that bog should be back on the map next mission. Also tweaked the refit section half way through so you should get some force re-build. Not massive mind but some.

    Thanks to all those who have posted their comments and feedback and emailed me direct. :)

    Cheers fur noo


  9. Just finished up the revamped Marines campaign. Did shape up to be very enjoyable!

    This is just what I need to continue my marine campaign obsession. Looking forward to this George MC! Armor attacks is one of my favorite user scenarios, so I'm sure this will be top notch as well!

    Hi Gmfrank

    Thank you :) Hope it lives up to your expectations!

    Cheers fur noo


  10. I have played one hour into the 1st mission. Great campaign so far, great map, good force mix; good job on the RED AI artillery, it is a real pain...;)

    Hi Sgt Joch

    Glad you are enjoying it so far. The RED AI arty is a pain in this as it seems to do the job of tracking your units very well. Course there is a reason it manages to do that ;)

    Cheers fur noo


  11. It's been discussed for sure. However it do throw up a variety of issues the main ones I mind being particularly relevant are ammo loadouts for AI forces and AI Plans.

    First one throws obvious issues in that AI forces cannot re-supply. The AI Plan issue is a bit more complex as it's difficult to design and implement an AI Plan that could last for an unspecified time limit. It's tough enough designing an AI Plan that will cover a two hour span at the moment.

    FWIW I would like to see longer time spans, but along with that I would also like to see battlefield re-supply for AFVs and some basic battlefield recovery e.g. towing stuck M1 out of mud. All of these throw up coding issues...

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