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George MC

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Posts posted by George MC

  1. Also the Army version of "Going to town" is an adaptation from one of the tactical vignette scenarios which you have with the base game.

    The idea behind that is you can play the same map and pretty much similar tactical situations with differant forces. The demo for CMSF Marines and Strykers has always, since they were first released, been based on Tactical Vignette Passage at Wilcox (which has some heavier stuff on map). Like for several years now :)

  2. Hhmm - I've tried two combos - waypoints in line, and waypoints in a parallel zig zag. Works OK in that I don't lose either the target commands nor the actual waypoints i.e vehicle does what I expect.

    Could be if using very short waypoints that the gunner does not have time to lay the weapon onto the new target before hitting the next waypoint. Could be all your waypoints are to short such that the gunner is trying to lay the weapon onto the new target but doe not have enough time before hitting the next waypoint.

    Check the wee dialogue box at the bottom left. You should see text saying 'Gunner@ and then a note as to what he si doing (Firing, aiming, reloading etc etc).

  3. Just checked this. If I'm understadning what you wrote correctly:

    plot a series of waypoints using slow and reverse. At the end of each waypoint give a target command.

    I gave this a quick play through in RT as I've a game going in that right now and the above works fine in RT. I'll check turn based.

    Just to check some stuff.

    Have you patched your game to 1.11?

    You are using the 'slow' command and the 'reverse' commands rather than using hunt?

    The unit in question is not reloading or run out of ammo during the plotted turns?

    Edited to add:

    Just checked this out in turn based and the above combo works for me. If none of the above answers your question can you post a screenshot showing what you are trying to do and why it is not working please? :)

    Cheers fur noo


  4. George - that is gleaming - however in your closing credits you refer to 'Combat Mission Strike Force'.

    :o I know - I'm not sure I can reupload the video and not lose the comments. Can't believe I've been in the beta testing team from the very first days and I got the name wrong!!! Thumbs for fingers I'll blame it on and inability to spell or understand simple basic commands. I'm good at carrying heavy things though :D

  5. Great Video George!!

    This video really builds anticipation for the module.

    Can you please post your PC specs? The animations looked extra smooth considering you also used software like FRAPS to capture the action.

    Thanks again!

    Glad you like it :)

    Re your query about my PC specs:

    Intel Core 2Duo

    E8400 @3.6Ghz; 2 Gb RAM

    Nividia GeForce 8800GT

    Windows XP Service Pack 3

    Cheers fur noo


  6. The music in the beginning is fantastic :)

    The opening music is "Cock O'The North" - the Gordon Highlanders Regimental march. You can buy the CD at this link http://www.gordonhighlanders.com/ghshop/index.cfm?p=shop&pID=74&cID=7

    Some background:

    4 SCOT = HIGHLANDERS - (4th Battalion) Although the Regiment originated in 1778 when the Seaforth Highlanders were raised across the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, they later amalgamated with the Gordon Highlanders. In 1961 the Queen's Own Highlanders were formed from the amalgamation of the Seaforth Highlanders and the Cameron Highlanders. In 1994 a name change occurred and The Highlanders were formed. This Regiment is now part of 7 Armoured Brigade. It now becomes The Highlanders (4th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland).

    More here:


    Cheers fur noo


    ps I live in the Gordon's old recruiting area. Just down the road there is a statue to the Duke himself. One story goes that when recruiting for the regiment his missus (who was rather attractive seemingly) promised a kiss, in addition to the King's shilling, to any man who joined her husband's regiment - The Gordon Highlanders.

  7. I've put together an unoffical film showing the British module in action.

    It shows Challengers and Warriors from the UK Highlanders Battle Group (4 SCOTS BG) in action as they advance along Highway 2.

    Syrian reserve infantry forces in battalion strength have established a blocking position oriented north along the axis of HIGHWAY 2. They have established dug-in firing positions equipped with hand held AT weapons, ATGMs and supported by AFVs.

    The film covers the opening combat events in a scenario I designed called UK Armoured Assault - there are no spoilers by the way :)

  8. Oops :) See my 'off the cuff' comment might have been misconstrued...

    That word I used has a multitude of meanings, al of em depending on context and tone in which it is used. So yes it does describe 'wimmins bits' but in the context I used it means more why you being daft. So see, not as offensive as it might first have sounded :) For those who collect such phrases I've another, which for you guys 'over the water' will not sound all that bad but has those of us on the other side of the pond sniggering - "Don't be a fanny"... ;)

    Think I better post some screenies latter today before I get banned...

  9. If the map is very large, and you want some fidelity with it here is a method I use.

    Go to the 3D view - zoom out to a level where you can see the detail (buildings etc) take screenshots then stich em together using Photoshop or similar. That way you can get large maps for planning with enough detail to actually use.

    I'd love a way to do similar maps I make for CMBB based on screenshots that actually have the topography shown (thaaks to Rockinharry who showed me the technique).

  10. Although not strictly set in Europe I've a few scenarios that cover similar sort of situations that a conventional US force might face in a WIII situation. As FMB says the Red vehicles are not up to what an actual Soviet force would possess but the 'flavour' of the scenarios might be what you are after.

    All on the repository:

    Cry Havoc

    Armour Attacks

    Forging Steel (armoured based campaign - might be on the ball with what you are after?)

    In the above three scenarios I've beefed up the Syrian experience and given them good quality stuff to approximate the sort of fight a Soviet unit might put up but I should stress they are not US vs Soviet scenarios. Anyways check em out and see what ya think :)

    Cheers fur noo


  11. All things considered I think the CMSF editor is pretty easy to use. You can make it complex but the basic buidling blocks are no harder IMO than the editor in CMX1 - just you can make more complex landscapes with CMSF but that's not to say the editor is complex.

    Maps in CMSF are time consuming but again no more time consuming than doing a good map in CMX1 (not a random generated horror).

    Regardless of how easy or otherwise making maps is perceived to be the AI plans are I think the real toughie to crack. But again experience with doing a few makes that process easier.

    Reckon it comes down to what you are used to. You should try it - simple 500m square map, add some stand alone buildings, run a road through it and I bet that process is both easier and faster than CMX1. In fact I'm so sure I'll bet ya :)

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