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Posts posted by MarkEzra

  1. Originally posted by Omenowl:

    Reading so many threads I find it depressing. Yes, I have some of the same complaints, but the difference for me is they are more annoying rather than game breaking.

    Overall, I still have fun. I enjoy the simple artillery management. I like the fact things move easily. I like the reload options and I do enjoy the ability to reload. I am beginning to appreciate the visual interface to know who has what weapons. I am looking forward to 1.05 and will see what I find a good game even better. I can't wait for the modding tools so I can get much of the same feel as I did for CMx1

    The game is great. The game has gotten better with each patch...and yes it needed to. Some say that 1.04 made this game "purchase-able"...I wouldn't disagree, but neither do I exactly care. I love the dual options of RT and WEGO. I play both but do scen testing in RT....MUCH faster. The editor is so far ahead of old CM to be no comparison. The new AI editor allows me to be attacked by an AI far more crafty than Charles alone can ever be. And come at me 5 different ways and different groups all with different times, attack/defend/advance orders..! Can't do that in old CM...No way to actually order the AI. The arty is a dream to work. The graphics are great and have reached the point that I remember why I stopped paper board gaming and played micro armor instead. And finally The immersion quality while playing is excellent. I see my losses and recognize the cost of "politics by other means" when the medic is working on my wounded. CM:SF may have started as an ugly duckling but has advanced steadily towards a beautiful swan. Thank you BFC.

    [ November 08, 2007, 07:43 AM: Message edited by: MarkEzra ]

  2. They have it already. A re-DL is not mandatory. If played as PBEM the player who starts the game will use whichever version he has loaded. Now if you are asking me which I would use than I say get the latest for one reason only:

    The trees have been re-figured completely. The largest tree number is 2 but the the trees most used are "D" which provide the best limited LOS. The tree bases are mud, so vehicles are at risk through tree approach and slows the Strykers ability to get into those areas of the battlefield covered by trees. Because the trees are mostly "1" it is easier to watch the action and less need to use alt T. But, again, it is not mandatory to use the latest The game play is about the same whichever you use.

  3. Here's what I know. It involves the balcony only and I cannot duplicate the error on a test scen of all 2nd story positions with balconies. I think it may be that spot with that ground texture with that building position with a balcony. Ain't bug chasing fun...

    Tom: I will send you the test scen

    I will fix this building issue along with some tree base texture changes that will help game play ASAP and notify here.

  4. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    By the way, did anybody ever succeed in putting a team (FO, MMG) on the second floor of the (quite strategic) building on the left flank!

    I got teams on the first floor and on the roof, but they always ignored orders to go to the second floor!

    Very weird!

    Best regards,


    I get 'em on the second floor balcony all the time...that's why the balcony is there...so don't know what happened to your guys unless they were taking fire from the church...very typical thing to happen...by the way my knickname for that since CMBO days is "Slaughter House 5" smile.gif
  5. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    Chance Encounter had started choppy for me in Elite but for some reason things quickly smoothed out and now its playing like my first runthrough in Veteran mode . It might've been the high proportion of see-thru "?" icons initially (something you don't get in Veteran). As units come into view, go out of view and die outright the see-thru "?" icon slowdown become less of an issue.

    I had my doubts about whether Chance Encounter could be 're-imagined' for CMSF, but its a real hoot to play, a straightforward shoot-em-up!

    Thank's MikeyD....I learned a bit on the trees. The old shot gun, fill space method of placement does not do justice to the CM:SF editor. I think that Last Defense will show some interesting forest for movement and battle.
  6. Khane: my rig is similar...7300 GS..Haven't tried it in Elite but will give it a go and report here.

    Valley of Trouble...I hope somebody else does it...Hey...how about you!?

    Adam1: Thank you...

    Slow: Trees: I love the 1x1 trees. In the short run I do think it will be up to scen designers to more adequately show where trees are when alt T used. Perhaps by using only tall grass where each tree is would work. I'm working on the concept for Last Defense. If it seems to help I'll redraw Chance.

  7. I had no idea there is any difference in settings as far as performance. The trees are a big hit and I thin them out in lines to reduce the problems. I just finished an intense ambush gone bad in the woods. To really see the action I alt T the trees. I do wish that the tree trunks remained so you could still have an idea of where they are (LOS/LOF)

  8. Handioc: Why this was not posted on the scen forum is all on me. Normally I would post a new scen notice on the scen forum and NOT the general forum. Since Chance Encounter has it's own unique history I wanted to make sure that casual forum readers would see the notice and perhaps remember the scen from the past. Since it's posted here I felt another post on the scen forum would not be right. When QBG was putting up all the QB maps and 2P PBEM scen I used this forum to announce. Again due to the unique circumstance of those particular products. My last scen, Viper Pass, was only posted on the Scen Forum. No offense intended to my scen design brothers and sisters.

  9. Originally posted by Flanker15:

    Nice work mate. Is Last Defense the map with the bunker on the hill, allies attack? That was my favorite from the demo.

    This map makes me wish CMSF had fire because I used to set the enemy's forest area ablaze at the start to make it tricky for them!

    No sir: Last defense: a lone rifle company is attacked by mech armor force...but are save by the timely Hell cat re-inforcement
  10. I won my first WEGO as Blue only failed on friendly casualties...

    playing my second I set up the same and attacked the same...but the damned AI didn't...came at me from a completely different axis of attack. I won't go into details. Suffice to say I suddenly got VERY tired...rather than save the game...blah, blah blah...and to think I designed the AI pathing...LOL

    It really does bring back memories of CMBO beta and the many..many...many Battles I PBEM'd with Max...And here it is again: all at once an old friend yet totally new and exciting.

  11. Handihoc: The BDRM's does fire it's weapons...but much target acquisition seems far too slow...they often die before firing a shot.

    Baking is the term that allows the scen designer to give the kind of orders normally found while playing. That allows the AI to act on them during the first turn. The manual gives the example of "baking" a supply columns route in an ambush scen. Baking allows a scen designer to protect his work from changes...something valuable to those who play competitive matches.

    Magnomar: Your primary defense against the Blue Attack force is not the BDRM's... Do keep in mind that the Blue attack force will come at you 5 different ways...some of those will not do as well against the Red defenses. You won't find it a walk in the Park as Blue attacker either. I always lose far more Strykers than I think I should...a phyrric victory. The scen is designed to showcase the AI's editor's ability to fight...No need for frustration...I just hope you'll put the scen in the editor and look at how it works...and try out your own designs...

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