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Posts posted by dima

  1. Still I wish to tell what incorrectly to do any Syrian tank without devices of night vision Any Soviet tank type (even Т-72 Turms) has no night vision in square inventory.

    Only the field-glass in inventory is available.

    Example Т-62М on Russian picture shows that two devices of night vision is available in tank T-62M - 1)the replaceable device for the driver and

    2) device in a tower

    Maybe these devices not so fine as in Abrams 1A2SEP , but the Soviet tanks have night vision and they not blind kittens as in SMSF



    Again with baseless arguments! What are you 10 years old?!

    You show a picture of a tank that says it has night-vision device and then you complain that T-62 is not as good as today's Abrams. Unlike most of the other forum members here you are very lucky to be able to read Russian. So why don't you use it? Do the actual research where it says what kind of device that is and how far does it let tanker to see. That information is available out there in Russian and I could probably find it in 5 minutes. But I think it would be a very good exercise for you to do. It is called - Research.

    Now, about your attachment. What is all that? Bunch of missions, bunch of documents. How is it related to the artillery problems in CMSF? What am I suppose to do with that? Spend 2 days reading through them trying to guess what it is they are supposed to prove? You need to show me exactly the page in a document that specifies how long the artillery request should take.

    I told all you guys on the russian forum and I will repeat here - if you don't "grow up" (even if you are teenagers) and become serious with your claims no one is going to take you seriously.

    - No one will make T-62 NV same as on Abrams just on the basis of picture that says T-62 has some kind of night vision device.

    - No one will change artillery arrival time just by you attaching a bunch of russian documents without specifying what we are supposed to read in there.

  2. Now, if the French government wants a specialized version for training purposes, that's a different story :) If they pay we can hire people to add all the French stuff into the game, test, and create scenarios. But we've had no offers from them so it's not likely to happen.


    Well, not after the "Freedom Fries" they won't. :D

  3. Also, I'd like to ask how you guys want us to make tests? Create scenario, save it, make tests and then send via email to you? Dima mentioned few times that he needs "replays" and can't judge anything from screenshots. How can I create such "replay" when palying in Real time mode? Did he mean just a save game? Before or after weird thing happened?

    Real Time mode is really not useful to reproduce the issues. WeGo is a lot better at it as you can save the replay and can save the game too at the begining of the turn. I actually playe WeGo exclusively.

  4. Hello.

    i just want to know if there is any chance that the Syrian Equipment gets an overlook? Does the C2 stays that fast or will there be something tweaked in Future Patches?

    What did the Dev Team extract from the "Russian Community Thread"?

    I have requested more information from those russian community members on their russian forum regarding exact issues they were having. All I got back was anecdotal evidence that Russian equipment is artificially made worse in the game because developers do not like russians. When I asked them to provide me specific example test scenarios doing apples-to-apples comparisons I got none of that.

    Hence there is really nothing that we can do about their complaints.

  5. Yesh... yeah, that's a pretty nasty experience there. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon in the 'puter biz. I still remember the days of PacBell computers sitting on shelves at Staples. The specs proudly announced processor speed, amount of RAM, and harddrive capacity, all of which were pretty decent compared to much more expensive systems. What it didn't tell people is that the motherboard had components on it left over from the Crustaceous Period and the RAM was a hair faster than paint drying, not to mention a harddrive that was slower than even the oldest librarian. To find that out you had to look at benchmark performances in the computer mags. Unsuspecting people would buy the cheap POS and then would blame everybody else for the fact that it was a pig. Well, that's if it turned on since back in those days they had a 25% DOA rate!!


    And back in those days there was none of this Interweb so people couldn't research any of this.

    But on the flip-side all the software in those days worked out of the box - patch was something you put on your skin after you get a cut. And 20Mb hard drive was HUGE! ...Ah, good times....

  6. People had the same expectations when Theater Of War was announced. Those expectations did not materialize.

    Developers of this project did indeed make fairly good tank sim, but they have limited budget and time. And unlike BTS they can't just make the game and release it when it is done - they get funding from publisher and have to deliver on time. At least this is how things worked with Steel Fury and looks like the same approach will be with this game.

    So I'd expect TOW-like game here as well.

  7. Just thought I'd create a separate thread about this great scenario by Birdstrike, as it deserves separate thread!

    I played it as Blue and it was great! But the real fun an chellenge I had when playing as Red vs Blue AI. Blue was the attacker and I could never believe such great AI plans can be made for attacker.

    Birdstrike, I am definitely looking forward to more scenarious by you!

  8. Let's continue.

    For item #2, in my observations Bradley takes a bit less time to aim and fire TOW than BMP-1 takes to fire its missile. But not much less. Considering Bradley crew get 10 times more training than Syrian BMP crew I think what we see is realistic. Unless there are some specific restrictions for TOW on Bradley that I don't know about, I think everything if fine here.

    Bolt, your point #3 about ATGM crew. In my first test Abrams when fired back usually hit one of the crew member. Always another crew member went to the missile and fired the next one. However I think it is unrealistic to expect when missile is in flight and gunner is shot that another crew member will take control of missile and continue guiding it.

    So I really don't see a problem with #3

  9. No vodka for you, Sergey! :)


    OK, for item #1 I have setup exact test conditions you described. Ran the test 4 times, here are the outcomes

    Test 1

    1st missile missed, not detected

    2nd missile hit, killed one crew member, tank did not detect

    3d missile missed, detected only as ?

    4th missile was detected very close to the tank, he shot back

    5th missile hit, not detected


    Test 2

    1st missile hit, not detected

    2nd missile hit,tank saw it very close, fired back

    3d missile hit, not detected

    4th missile hit, not detected

    5th missile missed, not detected

    Test 3


    1st missile hit, not detected

    2nd missile hit, but was detected very close and shot back

    3d missile hit, but was detected very close and shot back

    4th missile he detected and destroyed before it hit

    Test 4


    1st missile missed, not detected

    2, 3, 4, 5 missiles all hit and none of them were detected.

    As you can see Abrams is far from telepathic. Also mind you that after first missile hits the tank it turns in general direction of where the missile came from which increases detection chances.

  10. Привет Bolt,

    Свяжись со мной пожалуйста по мылу " dimastep at gmail dot com"

    Мы конкретно разберем каждый случай бяки.

    Я бета тестер игры и потому все глюки могу напрямую разрабам посылать.

    Кстати, я и не знал что в России в игру кто-то играет... Это обнадеживает!


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