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Posts posted by dima

  1. How do i take screens. Print screen doesnt work. Is there a key for it?



    You know what else would be good. The ability to edit posts you made a while ago. So i dont have to keep posting new ones in new posts. I can just edit the first one.

    Here's how to take screenshot.

    1) In game press Shift+PrintScreen

    2) Press Alt-Tab

    3) Go to Start->Programs->Accessories-> and Launch Paint

    4) In Paint press Control+V

    5) Save the screenshot (best to choose to save it as .jpg not .bmp)

    6) .....

    7) Profit!!! :)

  2. As much as it may sound cliche for me CM is about playing, not winning or loosing. If I played the battle and did my best - that's what matters to me.

    Overtime I got better, so when I was playing all the CM:A missions I won most of them from the first time. So it can be done, but it requires one to gain a lot of practice and practice in CM world. But while you play and get practice - have fun!

    The only advice I may give - don't rush. Go slow but steady, if things look too good, don't feel tempted to go faster. Try to move en-masse so that other units cover each other. When advancing lay area fire at suspected ambush locations or buildings.

  3. The reality is that soviets didn't use mortars for direct fire - there just wasn't a need for that. Instead of carrying the heavy mortar then setting it up and popping rounds it was much faster and way more effective for them to call artillery or air support.

    Mujahiddin sometimes did use the mortars in direct fire but not in true battles, rather as a harassment fire at soviet bases or convoys.

  4. In the game?

    Seriously...the...ääähhh...shooting-ports (????) will open and the guys inside will fire...not through the wholes, but they will fire...

    That's cool and I don't know why this only happens with the bmp-1d...

    greetings, alex

    I've just tried to reproduce this but I couldn't...The solders are not firing.

    Are you sure it was solders firing and not the BMP?

  5. I was designing a winter scenario and realized that there is no winter foliage. Of course, one could use ALT-T to remove foliage, but it would really add to immersion if there was actual winter foliage.

    Also, I had some of the mujahedeen run through snow which did not seem to affect their fatigue level. I will have to do some actual tests to confirm this.

    After reading one of Normal Dudes AAR's prior to CM:A release, I asked him about this, and he said that they had just designed winter foliage.

    Will the winter foliage be released in a patch?

    Additionally, how about ice tiles to use in winter scenario's rather than the water tiles?

    There is one tree that is leafless, I think it is the last icon in the list, looks brown. That's all the winter foliage that there is.

    Snow definitely has effect on solders and vehicles. But for it to have effect make sure in the mission settings you set it to Snow or Deep Snow only then will Snow terrain tiles have fatigue effect. If you set Light Snow than it'll have little fatigue effect.

  6. I totally agree with your first point regarding the AKMs. Soviets were already deploying SVDs and PKMs at the platoon (and occasionally squad) level, so they did not have a need for the less accurate and less powerful AKMs.

    Regarding the RPGs - I have read in several sources that RPG-7s and RPG-16s were mostly discarded by the Soviet infantry in Afghanistan. At best, they were deployed at a rate of one per platoon, but not really at a squad level. Soviets had already enjoyed the "poor man's artillery" in the form of AGS-17s, RPOs/RPO-As, disposable RPG-18s/22s; not to mention the fire support from their vehicles. In addition, they also had plenty of proper "rich man's" artillery and air support. The fact that they were only deploying the HEAT munitions for the RPG-7/16 (apparently the OG-7 grenades were developed around that time, but not deployed until much later in the second Chechen war) had made them even less appreciated. What Soviets had really needed were the riflemen; that's why the designated RPG gunners were normally used in that role. There is plenty of photo and video evidence to support the low rate of deployment for the RPG-7s by the Soviets.

    The mujaheddin, on the other hand, were relying on the RPGs very heavily (as you have correctly pointed out); this was due to the fact that they were short on the other means of fire support that were readily available to the Soviets.



    DreDay, it would be great if you could provide more specific sources (preferrably original russian sources) that confirm they didn't use RPG-7's much in that war and instead had lot's or one-shot RPG-18/22.

  7. I did a test after seeing Wengart's post (had forgotten about the anti rpg system) to see what it looked like. I think I saw it it. Looked like the RPG detonated before it hit the tank. Is there a visual representation from the tank itself...like it is shooting something or is it an under the hood thing?


    Basically the round explodes just in front of the tank. You can kinda see it as you'll see a larger explosion which is not at the tank armor.

  8. The over-reliance on RPGs in Soviet squads. It is true that regular Soviet infantry squads had and RPG gunner and assistant per squad... However, most of the time there were not enough targets for the RPGs in Afganistan and RPGs were left at the base or in the IFV/APC, while their gunners carried regular assault rifles.


    Just wondering where you have this information from? From countless russian sources I have information that reliance on RPG was high due to their great firepower. So much that towards the end of the war they tried to give every solder the "Mukha" (RPG-18). So RPG's were very popular among russian troops too.

  9. Not quiet what youre looking for but nevertheless a good read and its free.


    A good book about military history of the conflict between Russia and Georgia.

    Holy smokes, they translated that book into English?! I've red it in Russian and it was a great read!

    So yea, by all means anyone who is remotely interested in the state of modern Russian military should read it. At least the section about detailed war chronology. It was only a 5-day war so it is very detailed.

  10. In CMA there is a exit zone (terrain obj, no points, only indirect effect), but the manual does not mention.

    Again, the icons become opaque when the units are out of control; is this in the manual?

    Actually due to time constraints these did not get reflected in the manual.

    Exit zones: they actually have direct effect. If you fail to exit units that you were suppose to your enemy gets points.

    Icons opaque - yes when solders go panicking icons go opaque.

  11. About solders firing through walls. Well, if there is a door in that wall than that is correct behavior.

    Generally this is intended to allow a larger group of soldiers to be able to shoot without having very complex AI to simulate guys taking turns firing out of a restricted space, i.e. it's an abstraction.

  12. Re splitting to form scouts. Is that a uniquely Soviet thing? I thought modern CMSF units would do the same. I generally used the Assault split command to create "scouts." Is there something about scouts in CM:A that is really different or is it just nomenclature?

    Nope, nothing special, it was just put in there because the CM game engine is constantly being improved and CM:A (which is buily on CM engine) was released later than CMSF :)

  13. And what is the difference between 'General' and 'Personnel':

    General - favors unguided HE munitions

    Personnel - favors HE munitions

    ?? Are there any guided HE munitions in CMA and why non-personnel favors unguided munitions?

    General is for normal HE rounds that explode when they hit the ground. Personnel is the timed fuse that will explode in the air above the ground thus having lethal effect on infantry in the open or in trenches but having no effect when infantry is in the building.

  14. Has anyone else noticed a tendency for men to fire through walls from positions where there would normally be windows?

    Wengart, is there a door on the side of the window-less wall they are firing through? If not than there may be a problem and we can look into it.

    But we need a savegame or a replay that can allow us to reproduce the problem.

    If you or anyone can provide them please email them to me at (dimastep at gmail , com)

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