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About 152mmDumbRocket

  • Birthday 02/28/1991

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    Computer hardware, birding, history
  • Occupation
    College Student

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  1. I found Clay's LinkedIn and X profiles: https://www.linkedin.com/in/claytonious https://twitter.com/claytonious?lang=en I'm not on either platform, so I contacted his current employer (Scopely) through their contact form.
  2. As I just said elsewhere, the part of TBG that made games left TBG with Clay Fowler, and Stan Marks has not been able to get a hold of him. So Battlefront would have to contact Clay, and that could be hard.
  3. Sorry for forgetting to update this topic, but here it is: Stan Marks and Clay Fowler no longer work together, the part of TBG that made games went when Clay left, and Stan has a hard time getting hold of Clay. In short, DropTeam is dead.
  4. I don't think so. That finding covers prebuilts from OEMs, not retail parts that high end system builders and self-builders use.
  5. DropTeam is gone, though its developer TBG is still around: http://tbgsoftware.com/index.html I wish DropTeam could be resurrected. Edit: TBG's Captcha form is broken, so if you want to contact TBG, here's their email address from the BBB: smarks@tbgsoftware.com
  6. I don't know where you can buy it. However, the developer TBG Software is still around. Here's where you can contact them to see if they can help: http://tbgsoftware.com/contact.html
  7. According to MobyGames, DropTeam was made by TBG Software. I've hunted them down, Stan Marks co-founded TBG with Clay Fowler: http://tbgsoftware.com/index.html Poesel, I've sent you a PM.
  8. I still have my copy, sadly it doesn't work with OS X 10.9.5. I really wish there could be a DropTeam 2.
  9. Please, bring DropTeam back. Please. :(
  10. Lots and lots of agendamonering for "natural". Would not cite.
  11. It's not optional when Steam holds ~80% of PC gaming marketshare. I believe the restriction applies to those who use Steam, and as I said, that's not optional anymore. The gamers voted with their wallets and said they wanted a monopoly. Look what it's gotten you. It's gotten the Order of War: Challenge multiplayer community raped by Valve. And the tech press covered it up, ensuring that it only broke in Forbes and only received 1 report by a tech press member months later.
  12. Here's what's going on. Valve released a new Early Access policy recently. It is in response to price gouging by scam websites. But instead of restricting maximum prices of early access on other websites, they prohibit anyone selling early access games for lower than Steam.
  13. Kelly's Heroes. "Woof woof!" + Donald Sutherland + Clint Eastwood + Telly Savalas = win.
  14. http://alienbabeltech.com/abt/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=33165 I discuss the violation in full here. Ignore the ignoramuses who can’t understand the kindergarten math that if someone sells for less than Steam, then Steam is selling higher and running afoul of Valve’s new policy. Here are the guidelines for antitrust reporting: http://www.justice.gov/atr/contact/newcase.html
  15. 14 October 1944 Field Marshall Erwin Rommel took poison to save his family and staff from the vengeance of Hitler. Enjoy this tribute to him:
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