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Everything posted by Holien

  1. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-68933778 Article on the supply from NK to Russia of missiles. The missiles have western components and chips. It's just not possible to 100% close down the import of these components.
  2. This government has a track record of saying big numbers on lots of things and then not delivering. If it happens great, but they are currently lame ducks waiting to be removed in less than a year. However I think the new lot are likely to keep supporting Ukraine depending on the state of finances which isn't great... Ohhh to be able to have back all the lost tax revenues from the recent massive increase of red tape between us and our closest and largest trading partners.
  3. This is very true... Alas the number of locomotives they would have to destroy is a massive percentage as all that will happen is that they don't use them for the passenger duty or non essential trains. Also as numbers dwindle it becomes easier to protect those left. Of course any loss is going to have an effect but not necessarily directly on supplies heading to the front. Friction certainly helps but it is not the answer alone.
  4. Lol they are more expensive and rarer than Patriots!!! You have more chance of getting Patriots too.. I can see some training aircraft being kitted up with machine guns - maybe gliders (perhaps too slow?)
  5. The phrase "He who pays the piper" comes to mind... BTW not everything goes directly to press from the Pentagon. The drone attacks made by Ukraine don't..
  6. Brits do understatement. We leave all that other stuff to our American friends.... (And hyperbole to the Canucks) Let's see how the story unfolds if any of it is true....
  7. Court politics... The fact that they are airing it in public makes it very interesting. Putler getting revenge or some one else? One to watch...
  8. Russia is now protecting there Oil... https://boards.4chan.org/k/thread/61504997 I wonder if they will protect their Steel plants making these well enough...
  9. He wasn't, you are creating a straw man. Calm down...
  10. We note all the fires in Russia, but the war is hitting home ground. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68899130 Russia can always find useful idiots for money... There was a fire at an Ammo production facility in Wales recently too...
  11. My Grandad was white feathered during WW2. He was castigated by quite a few folk in Doncaster a northern industrial town in Yorkshire. But what those doing it didn't know was he was an electrician and he was refused when trying to join up and had to serve maintaining the electrics in the vital factories in the area. My grandmother never forgave those that attacked him and spat at him, they had their son's dying and saw him as a draft Dodger. That young lad you mentioned could better serve his country being back home. He can serve behind the front lines... In fact Ukraine should be looking at what was done by the UK to encourage folk to fight during WW2, it was as vital as any fighting done as if you don't have the recruits you can't fight...
  12. In what way? FWIIW if my country was facing an existential threat at that age I would hope to be fighting not hiding abroad. But of course that is very easy to say as I approach my 60's about to have my afternoon nap... As for comments about Obama and his attempt to reset it is easy to say in hindsight that it was a failure. At the time there was hope to try and bring Russia back from the edge... As for the failure to use a big stick on Russia what do you suggest should have been done? Easy to throw stones at someone's else when you don't have to offer concrete proposals on what to do differently. People are currently blaming Biden for being too weak and not giving Ukraine more, conveniently ignoring the environment he has to operate in.
  13. Hmmm he has not fallen out of a window? "Russian deputy defence minister detained for allegedly taking bribes" Power struggles at the top? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68886406 Quite unusual for corruption charges to be laid against a top table player. Maybe for mass consumption?
  14. Hmmm I think the only thing that will be smoking is the burning Russian vehicle. But hey the Russians are thinking out of the box... Time will tell...
  15. Yet you do!!! Time again you do! What has it to do with Ukraine?
  16. How to bypass a government not doing what you want it to do. Not sure it would work in America. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68843542
  17. Hmmm we in the UK have personal experience of this and it has cost us dearly. A very expensive mistake... I hope for the world's sake America takes note that tearing up years of work and cooperation doesn't magically solve anything and creates problems no one was told would happen...
  18. Some folk are saying the attacks are getting through because of declining AD ammo - not sure if this is the case?
  19. A question for our American friends and any who might understand the DC politics... You know who I am looking at... We are getting more and more evidence that the Biden team are really asking Ukraine to stop with the Russian refinery attacks? Why? Russian Oil is not making up much of the market, it has an effect in cutting Russian spending so why? My poor old brain can only think of the following. It could be they don't want to give folk the idea of how easy it is to do. But that genie is out already. The box is open... Lamp rubbed et al... It could be that they know Israel is not going to act in a restrained proportionate manner with Iran and the whole world supply is likely to be disrupted. If Iran decides to go full in the oil refineries in the area could be taken down very quickly with Iranian backed drones... Any ideas on a postcard to the usual forum...
  20. In about an hour I will be drawing electric from the grid at 0p. This last weekend we had too much power and I was actually paid to store energy. EV and house batteries were topped up and I got paid!!! The UK right at the moment is pumping water back uphill in Norway... Europe is well on the way to having a pretty good integrated energy system and during high wind high sun we easily generate more than needed.
  21. Just FYI Europe is trying to deal with the attacks on Ukraines energy infrastructure... https://neighbourhood-enlargement.ec.europa.eu/news/eu-sends-emergency-aid-ukraine-after-further-attacks-energy-infrastructure-2024-04-09_en Long term and near term if Ukraine can get Wind Turbines and Solar (all time cheap prices on solar) a lot of what Russia is trying to do will be undone and Ukraine will be in a way better position after the war as it will not be reliant on Russian Gas or Fossil Fuels. The Energy market is changing and it will remove the stranglehold of the Axis of Evil as some folk like to call them..
  22. While the messenger is important I think it is as much how that message is transmitted to those who fall for this. There are certain TV channels that are as important to this undermining of trust and spread out right lies. Without this support Trump wouldn't get any traction.
  23. Please tell me it's a late April fools day...
  24. Folk listen to Steve, let's keep this on track... Please.
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