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New file at the Repository: Hornet's Nest (2011-09-20)

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Single scenario battle on a new 480mX480m map. Allied Only. Single Player Recommended. A Tiny battle on a small map. Lightly wooded terrain with forest trails. Some knolls and ravines. The complete map is essentially divided into 3 equal sectors as hidden objective areas. This is a meeting engagement with emphasis on patrolling and contact drills.Time: 45 minutes with some random extra time.Force:1 X Infantry Platoon (dismounted)Reinforcements:Infantry Platoon Mounted in half tracks delayed 15-20min


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Hey there,

Played it last night. It was a lot of fun, though not quite what I expected. :)







It was a fun battle. Two platoons is just about right for my brain to handle. :)

The force make-up was nice. Scout teams, Breach teams and MGs, plus a well balanced assortment of men/equipment.

The map is nice, as well. A good mix of terrain and cover/concealment. Fun stuff.

My only critiques would be:

For some reason, a few of the houses on the map were not able to be entered. I've never seen that before. Any ideas?

When your reinforcements arrive, there's not enough seats in the trucks/tracks to hold all the troopers. One of the trucks arrives already destroyed.

It was billed as a search-and destroy, but pretty quickly just ended up as a toe-to-toe battle in the woods (the veritable Hornet's Nest). At first I thought I was going to be doing a lot of bounding overwatch, searching for a hidden enemy lurking somewhere on the map. That made me think that 45 minutes would not be enough time for the task. Soon, it was evident that it was just going to be a straight up exchange of lead, which was fine.

I'd managed to get my men across the stream and into pretty good cover when we spotted the first camp of Germans. Their counter attack hit me pretty hard, costing me around 7 casualties. My reinforcements then came on the map and pretty much cleaned house (with the .50 cal's being a huge help).

I would appreciate a version of this battle where the U.S. commanded just one platoon. The mission would not result in a huge hornet's nest being stirred up, but there would be Germans waiting in ambush somewhere in the woods. Perhaps some touch objectives for the fighting patrol.

I'm not sure how well the A.I. would work in that case (ambush for the A.I. being difficult) . . . but I have fun imagining it.

Overall I found it very enjoyable. Thanks for making this fun and challenging wee battle.



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Just a short note to tell you how much I am enjoying your scenario. I am half way and spending most of my free (and not so free time) thinking about my next move.

Please make more of the same type scenarios-very small (1-2 platoons) and very violent.

I believe that CMBN excells in small fire fights.

Thanks again.

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