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Raff and bocage...is there a way through or just go around?

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I did a quick search but got bored and figured I would start a new, specific thread.

What the fook is up with those faux breaks? Granted I just started this but when I tried to move my boys through what I was an opening, they just stopped and humped the ground. Can you move inf through the breaks in the bocage in this campaign? How about clanky bits; APCs and tanks?



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If you're talking about the first scenario in the TF Raff Campaign, there are multiple small breaks in the bocage lines that you can move your infantry through. Sometimes, when using a small break it helps to put a waypoint on each side of the break to make it clear where you want the infantry to cross.

As for AFVs, they need a much larger break to cross the bocage, and there are a few of these here and there in that scenario -- bear in mind that the AFVs can run over the wood fences.

Also, IIRC, you have a scout team with a couple of demo charges in that scenario, so can use that unit to blast a gap in the bocage wherever you please. Sometimes, it takes two blast attempts to clear a gap large enough for a tank, but infantry gaps always take just one demo charge.

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Also, IIRC, you have a scout team with a couple of demo charges in that scenario, so can use that unit to blast a gap in the bocage wherever you please. Sometimes, it takes two blast attempts to clear a gap large enough for a tank, but infantry gaps always take just one demo charge.

In one play through, I used just one demo to blast a break. It cleared a wide enough gap in the foliage for a tank to go through but left the berm intact. Nevertheless, tanks were able to negotiate the gap.


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Yes; there appears to be some randomness in how large a gap a single demo charge makes. IME, you usually get a gap wide enough for a tank with one charge, but not always; sometimes it takes a second charge to get a tank-sized gap.

A while back, someone posted some very good tests with the most effective ways to lay demo charges, and the specific percentage chance of ending up with a tank-sized gap on a single charge. Some searches should turn it up.

However, if you use a demo charge on a point that already has a small (infantry-sized) gap, IME you always end up with gap wide enough for a tank. So if have very limited demo charges, this can be a good option.

One additional comment to the OP: You weren't specific about whether you were talking about the TF Raff campaign, or the "Road to Berlin" scenario included with the demo, which is based on the first scenario of the TF Raff campaign in the full game, but has some differences, mostly in the units you get to play with. One of the minor differences in the demo scenario is that you do NOT get the scout team with Demo charges, so blasting gaps is not an option in the demo.

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