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In need of help

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I am running into some rather frustrating problems. I got the game and played through the tutorial campaigns. Everything was fine. Then I wanted to play against my friend who got me into the game. We started a PBEM game. He had patched so I had to as well. After the patch, I cannot move my vehicles and my pitch control on the camera using the arrow keys no longer works, specifically the down arrow. One suggestion was to reinstall the patch. Tried that and nothing changed.

I submitted a support ticket and got this, "Some other customers have reported these issues with the Mac patch. I believe that Phil is looking at them and another patch (same 1.01 version though) may come out in the near future that should hopefully address these problems. If you visit our forums, there may be an announcement of the new Mac patch when it is released (which may be at least a week or more away)."

So I am supposed to just do nothing for at least a week or more in the hope that a fix "may" come out? Really!?

I have read all this glowing support of the Battlefront team. So far, I have been unable to get a print manual, and unable to play even one PBEM game with the program I downloaded and installed several weeks ago. And now I am being told I might get a fix in several weeks.

I am not trying to be a jerk here, but this is dismal failure in my book. I quite literally have never had this bad of an experience with a software company.

What am I missing? Is there some reason that I should be happier?

The worst part for me is that the game really is awesome! I want to play very badly.

I would love to hear good stories to make me feel better. I would love suggestions to help. I really do want to love the game and the company.

My friend is an avid fan and has been for some time.

One last note, I am not running Lion. I have read there are some Lion issues, but I have not upgraded my OS as of yet.

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There are unfortunatly two versions of the v1.01 patch for the Mac. Both have the same name which is IMHO a, lets say, not so brilliant idea. The first version had AFAIK a problem with tanks not moving. Try to download the patch again and see if it works.

You could also use v1.00 which had worked for me quite flawlessly. The things that have changed between 1.00 and 1.01 don't hurt you too much in your first games.

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wonderjeep - poesel71 is correct, there are two versions of the 1.01 patch and not all the game mirrors updated their patch in a timely fashion.

I had the same problem but fixed it by getting the new 1.01 patch, there are a couple threads with more discussion:




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There are two solutions: Get the NEWEST v1.01 patch for Macs, as the others have suggested. Or, reinstall the v1.00. (I'm a PC'er, so if the following is gibberish, ignore it.) With both v1.00 and v1.01 installed, just use v1.00 with your PBEM buddy. Yeah, he'll have to do the same. (Don't UNinstall v1.01 and REinstall; that will use one of your installs.)

Let us know if you get it working.


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The latest available 1.01 patch fixes both the arrow key and non-moving vehicle problems. It came out within 24 hours of the initial patch, and most of that was waiting for our mirrors to upload. Since then we've been working around the clock to fix and test the issues that people have brought to us with regards to the 1.01 patch. I'm not sure what software companies you've dealt with, but I've spent my career in software development, and I don't think the level of support we've shown is a dismal failure of any kind.

The next version of the patch, with fixes for Lion problems, DRM issues, and some game-related fixes (mostly key-related) should be out shortly.

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I have now downloaded the patch from every site listed on the website. I tested the game between each download and there is no change. I am just waiting for the revised patch. Thanks for the suggestions.

It sounds like the latest patch may not be applying correctly (which was one of the problems we've been working on solving). If you're not seeing FPS info in the lower-right-hand corner of the screen then the patch hasn't been applied.

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Thanks. Yep, people were downloading the following *week* and still getting the old patch. I'm not sure if our mirrors were confused, or if they simply didn't update right away because it was the weekend already in many time zones, but it took a while for the proper patch to get up.

Hmm. Sounds like for some reason the patch isn't applying correctly, then. If you apply one of the later patches over a fresh install of 1.0 (that is, if you're not particularly attached to your current 1.0 install) does it apply properly? If you wait for the new 1.01 patch it should deal with all of this, of course, and more to boot.

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I sounds like I somehow got the old patch and now need to get the updated patch to register on my program. Not sure how to do that other that wiping the whole thing and using up one of my downloads to reinstall the game and then patch it. If anyone knows how to fix that I would love to hear it.

Also, Phil, if you would like to discuss my views of the support I have received I would be most happy to be as helpful as possible. I can assure you, I have received bad support, but I am not interested in venting or complaining. I would love to help you understand what went wrong. I am a small business owner myself and I know that things don't always go the way we want them too. If you are interested, please PM me.

And let me say once again, this game is awesome!!!!

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I sounds like I somehow got the old patch and now need to get the updated patch to register on my program. Not sure how to do that other that wiping the whole thing and using up one of my downloads to reinstall the game and then patch it. If anyone knows how to fix that I would love to hear it.

You shouldn't need to use up an activation - just erase the application package, move the original version into its place, and the license (if already activated) should work just fine.

Also, Phil, if you would like to discuss my views of the support I have received I would be most happy to be as helpful as possible. I can assure you, I have received bad support, but I am not interested in venting or complaining. I would love to help you understand what went wrong. I am a small business owner myself and I know that things don't always go the way we want them too. If you are interested, please PM me.

PM sent.

And let me say once again, this game is awesome!!!!

Glad to hear you're enjoying the game!

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I used the link that says direct link to battlefront. Did the full download and the patch. Tested the game and no change. Still have no tank movement, bad arrow key, and I assume the AI would run my guys to the table edge. I am running out of ideas. I am running a permissions repair in disk utility right now. I hope someone has some idea how to help me. Phil! Help! ;)

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The direct download should absolutely be up to date, so you're definitely getting the latest patch. And from your description the patch is definitely *not* updating your copy of CM properly. Thanks for trying it.

Can you try the "I have multiple installs" patch process that the patch installer walks through on its first pane? If you can't find it I'll post it. It can help get around permissions issues on some machines. Basically it cuts Apple's packaging process (and a lot of permissions changes) out of the picture and directly copies the appropriate files into location. It may not work, but it might.

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I didn't see anything about a multiple installs process. The text tells me to read the instructions for a multiple install process, but there are no actual instructions. My friend and I read through all the text. The only options I saw were the folder to install into. We thought that there might be an issue on what folder to install into. Either the CM Battle for Normandy folder or the game files folder. Of course if we don't select the location option then neither of those are selected and it just installs onto the main hard drive.

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The instructions are the numbered list of items on the first page of the installer - there should be a list there underneath the text "IMPORTANT PLEASE READ". If it's not there it could be a corrupt installer.

Yep, you want to select a folder to install into. Select the CM Battle for Normandy folder that contains the CM Battle for Normandy app, that'll do the trick.

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Yes, we understand now. The numbered instructions are there. They tell us to select the folder directly. We have done this, probably 4 times now. No changes. The only process we see is directions telling us how to and what folder to install into. If that is what you are referring to then it has been done.

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I had another thought. I sounds like the problems I am experiencing are specifically from the first 1.01 patch. How did I get that? Given that I dumped the program file tonight and redownloaded the whole program and then redownloaded the patch from the direct link, I don't understand how I could be having these problems. After tonight, I should never have seen the first 1.01 patch on my computer. I should only have the updated 1.01. When I dumped the program, all I did was take the CMBN folder and move it to the trash. I didn't look for any other files to remove. Was there something else I should have removed? Side note: if the newest patch was called 1.01.a then this would be a lot easier to figure out.

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