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Resistance and Liberation (realistic WWII shooter free mod)


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This is a mod i posted about a little over a year ago. At the time it had a lot of bugs and shortcomings which messed up the gameplay. Just this weekend they released an update which definitely sorts out the overwhelming majority of deficiencies.

Its not a traditional/crappy/trendy shooter and I highly recommend if you are into gameplay realism and teamwork. It is nothing like your typical anti-social/lone wolf shooter. You will not have shooter teamwork experiences of equal caliber in any game and on public servers with no admin enforcing teamplay.

Its a free mod and you can actually obtain the engine for it for free now if you do not have any Half-life 2/source engine games. It concerns itself with airborne fighting in Normandy in WWII.


The game has a morale system which upsets your weapon sway and is helped by the presence of nearby friendlies. It works 2 ways so its not just a point and click shooter. Area fire has effects on enemy and vice versa.

The maps are realistically made and absolutely nothing like your typical shooter. Theyre very atmospheric and well laid out.

There is no individual score whatsoever, absolutely not HUD, no crosshairs, no death messages, no moronic weapon tweakage for gameplay "balance." The community is teamwork oriented, you can literally lead a fireteam/squad or coordinate teamwork. There is a local 3D voice chat which exponentially enhances teamwork and immersion. You can hear enemy voice chat if theyre within earshot too.

here's a couple videos. These are'nt trailers ... just public servers. And on the first day of new patch when half the people are goofing off.

Those aren't top notch examples of gameplay. If you search for Resistance And liberation Gameplay on youtube you'll coem up with a lot of examples that'll get you off.

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I've heard it compared to Darkest Hour but I never played it. It has no vehicles (at least officially). I played RO once upon a time and personally I don't think RO has anything on RnL but there's lots of arguments to be had there.

You can get TF 2 for free on steam... that would come with the engine. You can also get the Source engine for free.. not sure how. Either way you need steam if you don't already use it.

Correction someone just told me that when you download steam and right click on the tab it gives you an option to install Source SDK base 2007. Not sure if it works because I already have it.

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I've heard it compared to Darkest Hour but I never played it. It has no vehicles (at least officially). I played RO once upon a time and personally I don't think RO has anything on RnL but there's lots of arguments to be had there.

i played it a bit yesterday.

i think it's very close to RO. the biggest difference (together with not having vehicles of course) seemed to be that suppression effects are far more effective (yay!). in RnL suppressive fire has a real function (it does suppress the enemy when there's enough volume of fire). the morale system (as far as i understood it -- being close to squad / section leader adds suppression tolerance or something) and 3D voice chat also encourages team work even further. the voice chat also adds some nice tension to some situations (everyone becoming quiet when trying to sneak up on the enemy and similarly the ability to hear the enemy speak somewhere close).

it's still quite action oriented, but that's of course up to maps and players. it would be unfair to compare the battles to the battles on dedicated "clan" servers for mods like Invasion 44. hopefully in future there will be less action-oriented maps and battle types. perhaps there already are?

You can get TF 2 for free on steam... that would come with the engine. You can also get the Source engine for free.. not sure how. Either way you need steam if you don't already use it.

Correction someone just told me that when you download steam and right click on the tab it gives you an option to install Source SDK base 2007. Not sure if it works because I already have it.

i noticed that after running the installer the mod showed up on Steam. Steam then automatically recognized that it's a mod and that it requires the Source SDK 2007. Steam then automatically downloaded and installed the SDK. installation was a very smooth experience.

considering that the mod is a beta etc, the game/mod also run surprisingly well. there were only some very minor glitches.

i can fully recommend Resistance and Liberation to gamers who want realistic first person WW2 infantry combat. it's certainly worth trying.

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Less action oriented? Not sure what you mean. Bigger maps? There's a couple custom map that might fit that description but standard maps already run in the range of 60mb+

on a couple of the maps there was a lot of action in RO style. fast spawn + spawn almost in the middle of action = lots of shooting and dying. there was a nice map that left more room for tactics and coordination.

i didn't play much, so perhaps i got a bit wrong impression of the maps.

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  • 1 month later...

i rly like this, downloaded it and played for some minutes, encountered 2 problems.

1. 0230 MEZ+1 and no players online. i joint the only server with 3 guys on, after 15 minutes i was alone. are there more ppl at certain times a day?

2. weapon sway/free weapon movement like in operation flashpoint/ARMA is not removable to 100%, it gives me headache. need to get used to this.

other then that, a great mod, unfortunately i discover it a little late it seems.

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  • 2 months later...

There's been a surge of activity in the last month and a half. Its only recently tapered down especially during the week with the release of CoD and BF all at the same time I'd imagine.

Try it out on the weekend, I've got a server that has a weekend long event where NCO slots may be occupied with admins if I can get enough. Its work out okay the last month.

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