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split teams and leaders

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I noticed last night that my anti tank squad, split from my main squad had a lowered leadership rating (+1 for squad leader, -2 for AT squad).

Now what i want is my leader to break off with said AT squad to give his bonus to the more vital task of knocking out the incoming panzer IV. (band of brothers episode 3 , lieutenant wells directing bazooka fire from middle of field, springs to mind! i think was episode 3!?!?). Anyhow i digress.

So is there a way of doing this, maybe split assault team twice leaving a sort of AT team with mg and leader.

And i wonder how difficult it would be to have a tick box that allows the leader to go with any split teams dependant on your tactics.

Or is this possible somehow and i'm showing my noob colours by asking this question!!:rolleyes:

Whats your thoughts on this??

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I don't think there is any way to do what you are asking. The only time I've seen a team go through a second split is in the case of splitting off a scout team and then dividing the remaining squad into two large teams. I guess the same thing could happen after first splitting off an AT team.

The only way to get an AT team with guaranteed high ratings that I can think of is to purchase one while putting together your force for a QB, where you can manually set them.


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thx Michael.

Maybe its something battlefront could implement in a future patch, maybe a tick box that means the leader is assigned to next split squad element.

Maybe i should post my suggestion in the appropiate thread.

Do you think it would be something that others would use? Or am i expecting to much from my troops??

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It woulkd be nice to assign specific soldiers to the tasks they are best suited for.

Sure. But I think this may bump up against BFC's self-imposed limits on how far they think they can bend historical reality. I don't know where they would stand on this issue, but it is surely possible that they would view it as giving the player a tool that his real life counterpart might not have been able to exercise.


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i know what your saying, maybe only very rarely did an officer leave his squad alone to accompany 1 or 2 men on a specific task.

I guess old lieutenant Wells was a maverick officer!!:D

in fact come to think of it, they would be a nco leading the squad , so maybe i need to use my platoon leader!! hmmmmm maybe, just maybe.

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soooo another question.

my split AT squad has a -2 leadership, my platoon leader has +2 leadership, despite being alongside each other they remain the same, do they cancel each other out? does my AT squad benefit at all from being close to the platoon leader??

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soooo another question.

my split AT squad has a -2 leadership, my platoon leader has +2 leadership, despite being alongside each other they remain the same, do they cancel each other out? does my AT squad benefit at all from being close to the platoon leader??

Excellent question and I wish I had the answer. In general, your team benefits from being in C2, but I don't know if the effects of leadership have ever been publicly quantified by BFC. Presumably it matters or it wouldn't exist, but beyond that...?


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Excellent question and I wish I had the answer. In general, your team benefits from being in C2, but I don't know if the effects of leadership have ever been publicly quantified by BFC. Presumably it matters or it wouldn't exist, but beyond that...?


Maybe someone from the higher battlefront echelons can help, after all that same question resonates throughout the whole game, for instance if your squad leader has +2 leadership and your platoon leader has -2 leadership does the superior command overule the lesser or vice versa.

How does platoon leadership/ company leadership / batallion leadership filter down??

We really need to know BF!! pretty please with a cherry on top!!

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ok i have been playing around in QB

after selecting squads and looking at point changes i believe that the leadership bonus applies only to the unit itself, otherwise the points of units under their command would have to alter too in order to balance.

so i think that one is solved.

So if i want my super motivated highly skilled bazooka guy i have to buy him as that from the start, or i can super motivate and crank up my leader stats and then arm him with bazooka from jeep!!!! lol prob gamey though ;)

its very cheap indeed to crank up your leader as only 3 men teams.

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Excellent question and I wish I had the answer. In general, your team benefits from being in C2, but I don't know if the effects of leadership have ever been publicly quantified by BFC. Presumably it matters or it wouldn't exist, but beyond that...?

Indeed. For some reason or other, I've been playing as the defender in a number of PBEM games and I tend to rely on splitting to setup a defence in depth, mutually supporting fire bases, etc.

While I wouldn't put my hand on a fire over this, I'd say that the - beneficial - influence of C2 is overruled by far by the leadership level of the team leader. Full squads with a good leader will get from OK to Rattled after weathering - say - an incoming 105mm barrage with light losses. A squad with the same quality and the same leader, but deployed into single teams, each team with +0 or negative Leadership ratings will surely get to Shaken or Broken.

Even worse is that splitted teams with bad morale status take a very long time to get to a Rattled or Nervous state.

In other words, splitting into teams can certainly be a sound tactical decision, but get prepared to see your chain of command to go down the toilet if a nasty surprise comes up or the enemy brings up a lot of firepower.

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Indeed. For some reason or other, I've been playing as the defender in a number of PBEM games and I tend to rely on splitting to setup a defence in depth, mutually supporting fire bases, etc.

While I wouldn't put my hand on a fire over this, I'd say that the - beneficial - influence of C2 is overruled by far by the leadership level of the team leader. Full squads with a good leader will get from OK to Rattled after weathering - say - an incoming 105mm barrage with light losses. A squad with the same quality and the same leader, but deployed into single teams, each team with +0 or negative Leadership ratings will surely get to Shaken or Broken.

Even worse is that splitted teams with bad morale status take a very long time to get to a Rattled or Nervous state.

In other words, splitting into teams can certainly be a sound tactical decision, but get prepared to see your chain of command to go down the toilet if a nasty surprise comes up or the enemy brings up a lot of firepower.

the question is , is it the c2 or the leadership bonus thats holding the squad together under fire.

i suppose the only way to tell is to try a squad with -2 leadership but in c2 vs a squad with +2 leadership out of c2.

hmmm off to the QB screen again ;)

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i suppose the only way to tell is to try a squad with -2 leadership but in c2 vs a squad with +2 leadership out of c2.

hmmm off to the QB screen again ;)

I was thinking to setup a small "test drive" scenario for testing this myself. If you get some insight, please share ;)

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very interesting indeed.

2 platoons, 1 with -2 L but in c2, other +2 L but out of c2.

enemy arty falling on same troops( all bunched up together)

-2 troops run at the first sign of mortar rounds in complete panic, while their well led +2 L buddies lie on the ground cautious and at worse nervous !! lol!!!

going to run tester a few more times though

ok well that holds up , again and again the better lead men lie through the barrages at ok/cautious/nervous while the badly led but in c2 range are in panic/shaken state.

i dont think the platoon leader leadership modifier applies to those under his command because otherwise in QB screen all those under his command should increase/decrease their points accordingly, as i said before.

the next question is then, what benefit is c2 to those under your command?? maybe better experience/accuracy??

more tests!

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just another update

-2 L platoon , +2 L platoon leader vs +2 L platoon out of c2,------

again -2 boys run like the wind while the +2 boys keep laying it on.

1 squad of -2 boys were panicked even though they had full uninjured squad!!!

maybe thats the downside of being in c2 , they knew their platoon was getting hammered.

what does that mean in game terms though michael? maybe shorter arty times?

oh so much to learn and so little time.

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Originally Posted by duckEfuzz viewpost.gif

the next question is then, what benefit is c2 to those under your command?? maybe better experience/accuracy??

The only thing I know for sure about that is that units in C2 share information about the enemy faster.


what does that mean in game terms though michael? maybe shorter arty times?

Not Michael, but to answer this question:

Having a good C2 links means that units will share information about enemy units they have spotted much more quickly. Say you have a rifle platoon in one location, with all squads in C2, this Plt. HQ has a radio. Several hundred meters away, you have a couple of HMGs, also in C2 with their Section HQ, and also with a radio. Somewhere else is the Company HQ with a radio. Everybody has "green" C2 links, so all of these units are connected via radio net.

Now, say the rifle platoon spots an enemy unit nearby. The MGs have LOS to the location of this enemy unit, but because they are further away, they don't spot this enemy right away. Because there is a good C2 link, the MG will gain information about the location of this new enemy fairly quickly, this gives the MGs has a better chance of spotting the enemy themselves because they know where to direct their focus.

Note that the sharing of spotting info means that units will even become aware of enemy units completely out of their LOS. I assume this gives units an advantage in quickly spotting an enemy if they do move to a location with LOS to that enemy position.

The game appears to model sharing of spotting information beyond the C2 links shown in the interface (radio, voice, close visual, far visual), because units out of C2 will *eventually* learn of the location of enemy units spotted by other friendly units, they just do so very slowly. I assume this is intended to abstractly model slower modes of sharing information between distant units, like foot runners.

C2 is also really important for calling artillery strikes, but this is a different subject, and doesn't have anything directly to do with the sharing of spotting information over the C2 net.

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thx yankee, much appreciated.

i just noticed what you said whilst playing a QB.

i had a m10 waiting for pz4's to come into range and to be honest was pretty poor shooting on its part.

As soon as the squad of troops overseeing the whole thing got into c2 range that m10 turned into 1 giant sniping monster!!!:D

very nice... loving this game!!!!!

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so to save me hours of testing in the QB screen, does anyone know what the experience/motivation modifiers do?

it seems the leadership helps the units whilst under fire and i think i noticed those with higher leadership carried out orders more efficiently e.g the teams with lower leadership ordered to crawl would occaisionaly stand up and run.

i'm begining to wonder why bother with better motivation if leadership a good catch all.

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