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Ammo Loads for Off Map Artillery?

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Hi, Everyone--

What a great game; thanks to Battlefront for providing me with yet another distraction from work and family! :^)

I've checked the manual and searched the forums and I apologize for missing this (I'm sure it's out there), but where do you find the ammo loads for off-map artillery? Specifically, I'm curious how many rounds off-map mortars have...?


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In my own testing, I have found that German offmap 81mm mortars have 100 HE, 8 Smoke per the 2 tubes. 120mm mortars have 60 HE per the 2 tubes.

Haven't looked at the bigger stuff yet, I was looking into mortars specifically. I have a loooong post that I can copy here if interested.

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Thanks, Baneman!

So, it sounds like the ammo loads aren't published anywhere but you need to figure it out via testing, right?

I'd be very interested in your post on this topic (I'm assuming that it's not elsewhere on the forum where a link would get me there..?)!

Thanks for your help!

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Well, I couldn't find any reference to off-map ammo loads in either place; for example, p. 191 of the manual talks about the German 81mm mortar and mentions its ROF, but it doesn't seem to say anything about how many shells it has at its disposal when off-map. And, when I check my FO's in the game and bring up the off-map mortars for a fire mission, I also don't seem to see how much ammo is available....Thanks!

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I'd presume that BFC's researchers used historical records of each army's "unit of fire" issued to batteries during the war. There were such standards published that established how much ammunition should be kept on hand based upon projections of daily combat requirements. If so, those could be used as a baseline to determine how much ammunition off map artillery would have on hand in the game. Of course, precisely what those game numbers are is a good question...

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Ok, here's my results from some testing ( this was posted in another forum, I thought that everyone here is too groggy to need to be told this )

One of the things that I always want to know is how much ammo my artillery has. Also, it can be tricky locating the mortars you might want with the new selection system.

Since I usually prefer to play Axis, I did some tests with the German orbats and have found the following which is useful to know when choosing mortar groups :

Firstly - with mortars, the text will either say "Mortar Squad" or "2 x 81mm mortars" - the latter designation indicates that it is an OFF-Board artillery option.

Note that for Medium ( ie. 81mm mortars ), you can change the offboard to onboard ( using the selection options at the bottom of the screen ).

This converts the 2 offboard tubes to 2 onboard squads with approximately half the ammo and at half the price - which can be handy when trying to squeeze the points, you gamey bastiges, the lot of you ;)

These conversion options at the bottom of the screen also apply to AT and Inf guns, so look out for that.

Mortars are typically located in the 4th Platoon ( Heavy or Weapons ) of each Company.

In the Infantry Only selection

PanzerGrenadier Battalion :

1 x Medium option per Company

2 x 2 tubes 120mm offmap

Grenadier Battalion / Fusilier Battalion :

3 x Medium option per Company

2 x 2 tubes 120mm offmap

Pioneer Battalion ( all 3 types )

1 Medium option per Company

Regimental Pioneer Company

1 Medium option.

Mortar Section

2 Medium Squads onmap ( can't be converted )

Ammo loadouts

Offmap : 81mm mortars have 100 HE, 8 Smoke per the 2 tubes. 120mm mortars have 60 HE per the 2 tubes.

Onmap : Squads have 28 HE, 6 smoke each.

Under Mechanised Infantry it is a little more complex.

PanzerGrenadier Battalion (Armored): Per Company

2 x Med Squads : 28 HE, 6 Smoke ( incl. bearers )

2 x Mortar HT 251/2 : 32 HE

Total : 60 HE, 6 Smoke per squad

Plus in 4th Company : 2 x 2 tubes 120mm offmap.

PanzerGrenadier Battalion ( Motorised ): Per Company

2 x Med Squads : 28 HE, 6 Smoke ( incl. bearers )

2 x Opel Blitz truck : 30 HE, 6 smoke

Total : 58 HE, 12 Smoke per squad

Plus in 4th Company : 2 x 2 tubes 120mm offmap OR 1 x 2 tubes 75mm offmap ( 70 HE, 20 Smoke ) OR 2 x 75mm IG onmap ( 15 HE, 2 HEAT, 1 Smoke ).

Panzer Aufklaring Battalion: ( In 3rd Company only )

2 x Med Team : 20 HE, 4 Smoke ( no bearers )

2 x Mortar HT 250/7 : 40 HE, 2 Smoke.

Total : 60 HE, 6 Smoke per squad

Plus in 4th Company : 1 x 2 tubes 75mm offmap OR 2 x 75mm IG onmap.

Specialist Squads

Med Mortar Section

1 x Mortar Team : 20 HE, 4 Smoke ( no bearers )

Note 1: While the PanzerGrenadier Battalion ( Motorised ) has 2 HE less than the other formations, the Truck comes with the standard extra ammo of ( 2k 7.92mm ammo and 1k 9mm ammo ) and you get double the smoke.

Note 2: All mechanised formations' mortar squads can still be converted to the normal offmap version.

Note 3: The lack of ammo bearers for the Aufklaring teams is not a problem - if the 250/7's are parked close by, they effectively "Share" the ammo onboard.

Note 4 : Note the disparity in ammo loadout between the on and off map version of the 75mm IG. The offmap version is probably the cheapest way to get LOTS of smoke :)

Feel free to note any errors I've made or add more info.

Addendum: ( not mortar related )

If you're looking for 150mm goodness , the only place I've found it so far ( I'm sure there are other places, but I stopped for the night ) is in the Regimental Cannon Company under Infantry Only selection.

The Company has 4 platoons all of which come with 2 x 2 tubes 120mm offboard mortars.

FIRST platoon can convert these to 2 x 150mm IG onboard ( 17 HE, 4 HEAT, 5 Smoke ) or 1 x 2 tubes 150mm offboard ( 50 HE, 10 Smoke ).

Platoons 2 to 4 can only convert them to 75mm Light IG on or offboard.

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MtrSec lt........3x60..M2...HE 135...Smk 0.....ROF 18.....H30....M20...L10

MtrSec med....2x81...M1.......100/10.....8.....18 (35)......30......20.....10

MtrPlt ArmInf.. 3x81..M1........150/15....12.....18 (35)......30......20.....10

MtrPlt hvy.....2x107..M2 4.2.....60........40.......5 (1).......15........8......5

HowBat lt......4x75....M1A1.....140........40.......3-6..........8.........5......3

HowBat med ..4x105..M2A1.....140........40........-............6.........4......2

SPHow med....2x105..M7.........138........20........-............6.........4......2

HowBat hvy....4x155..M1.........120.......40.....4 (1-2).......4........3......2

HB hvy..........4x203..M1 8"......80.........0........2...........1-2.......1.....0-1

HB hvy..........2x240..M1..........30.........0........2...........0-1.....0-1...00-1

CP................2x105 M3..........70........20......4 (2).........4........3.......2

CP med..........4x114 M1 4.5"..140.........0.......4 (1)........4........3......1-2

CB hvy...........4x155 M1A1 lt..120.......40........1.3..........2.......1-2....0-1

CB hvy...........4x203 M1 8".......80................................1........1.....00-1

RB lt ..............4x114 T27.........320..............................8

RB lt...............4x114 T27E2......384.............................24

DestB.............1x127 Navy 5"....250.............................65

LCB................1x152 Navy 6"....300.............................96

HCB................1x203 Navy 8"....153.............................44

BBB.................1x305 Navy 12".....................................

BBB.................1x356 Navy 14"....70..........................15-20

I was looking to figure out what is best for smoke usage, and decided none of them are very good. The best bet seems to be HowitzerBattery (heavy) 4x155. You get 8 WP shells per round with thick white smoke, so it lays them all down within 5 turns. The 155mm cannons take 14 turns to do the same thing, meaning it dissipates.

However, if you have an open country map, I would use rockets for a quick advance, or if you can afford it, navy guns. They kick up huge amounts of dust in a short time.

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