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Any resolutions as to WIN2K graphic wierdness?

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Some severe corruption of a couple of screens and info boxes were fixed (try running 1.0, 1.01, 1.03 & 1.05? and you'll see the difference). I believe that BTS may have changed the white text color a little, but that didn't completely solve all text problems under Win2K.

Users of video cards based on video chips other than NVidia aren't seeing this problem under Win2K (I'm not absolutely sure of that, but I haven't heard anything as of yet). It seems that there may be a few DirectX bugs in the NVidia drivers that affect CM (I've found some FSAA strangeness with even the latest BETAs and CM's text throughout the game under Win2K). While it may be hard for some people to imagine that a company as big and influential as NVidia could miss something in their drivers - believe me it is possible. The way that CM uses text is a bit different from other games on the market. A good number of current 3D games (FPSs being the most obvious) don't utilize DirectX, but OpenGL. So NVidia may not be looking at too many Direct3D related bugs in their drivers that may come up in only certain occasions/games (an infrequent combination of Direct3D calls).

[ 06-07-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune:

Could also be a Directx bug<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If it is, it must be a fantastically obscure one. I have a giant stack of D3D games here that work just fine -- many of which pre-date Win2K by quite a long time.

Beyond that, even if it was a D3D bug, asking BTS for a work-around isn't terribly outlandish. God knows I've spent thousands of hours of my life knocking out code to skirt bugs in other products and apps... I'm quite sure that BTS has plenty of experience in that realm, too...

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What's worse is the garbled text exists in Win XP and the later drivers for the Geforce. While some of the earlier drivers (6.34, I think) would not produce the garbling if you ran the monitor refresh rate at 100 Hz and forced FS anti-aliasing, this option is not open to Geforce3 owners since they cannot run the older drivers (doesn't recognize the chip set). I think that there's probably enough doubt with this problem to pin it on either CM or the Nvidia drivers (since it did work at one time under rather restricted conditions)


Bob Mercer

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