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1914 Call to Arms AAR - Bill v Dan

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The situation in East Prussia is starting to look a little dangerous, but fortunately von Mackensen has arrived to take command of a fresh body of troops being assembled near Konigsberg. The way things are going, they might well have to smash a way through to rescue Hindenburg!


It is fortunate that our reconnaissance patrols show that the enemy don't appear to be making any preparations for an advance on East Prussia from the Warsaw area.

Further south, skirmishing continues against the Serbs and Russians, with some wins and losses to both sides.

In France, with the support of a crushing artillery barrage, German infantry smash and destroy a French Corps north of Amiens. Cavalry are then sent through to exploit, and we now have three Corps to the west of the river Somme.


The Ottomans are deploying more troops, the German war economy is cranking into gear, and the Austro-Hungarians are stepping up shell production. The Kaiser remains positive!

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I forgot to take screen shots before the turn ended. Three more German corps are dead in France while I lost one French corps.

The Austrians are nibbling at the Russians in the Balkans. I am nibbling back but not as well. I just realized I have two more Austrian cities behind my lines for the taking. A retreating and badly damaged Russian cavalry unit took one of them this turn.

My rebuilt Serbian detachments are moving to swap places with Montenegrian detachments. That way, if Serbia would fall, those Serbian units being outside of Serbia would not surrender.

My Russian encirclement of the German corps in Russia is holding. I have entrenched and repaired units there. Two more Russian corps and another HQ are on the way to reinforce that front.

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The Russians are getting rather aggressive in the Caucasus but it's nothing we can't handle at the moment.


British troops are also moving into Palestine so we should see some good action here soon.

Our Austro-Hungarians are a bit more passive this turn, repairing units and preparing replacements for the front. The Italians are going to start getting a little excited soon, and I'll have to decide whether or not to give them Trento and Trieste. That will be a hard decision.

In East Prussia, while Mackensen builds up strength, Hindenburg decided that remaining on the offensive might be the best course of action, so a Russian Corps to the north of Siauliai is battered.


The situation in the west is looking a bit dicey, so I've pulled back from the west bank of the Somme to take up a position on the east bank. In Belgium we attack and hammer a British Corps that had been threatening Brussels.


I think that we'll make consolidating our position facing the French, and finishing off Belgium, our top priorities now. Coupled with stepping up our preparations for Trench Warfare of course.

Well, I had to choose at the end of the turn whether or not to give Italy Trento and Trieste. I decided not to, they will have to fight for what they want!

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Except in Belgium where brought in another UK corps and killed another German corps, there is peace. It was a time to repair and to attempt to establish part of my Amiens defensive line on the river. I hope that the possible German counterattacks won't cost me too much. The French HQ's have almost finishing swapping positions.

In Russia, two more Russian corps have forced marched into the area. Another is force marching towards that area. Another HQ is almost there. The rest have repaired or entrenched. The Russian defenses are hardening and I am preparing to nibble at the pocket. I have no illusions about attacking further into Germany.

In the Balkans, a Russian cavalry corps took the last Austrian city behind Russian lines. I did some repairing and nibbling at Austrian units.

The Russians are nibbling at Ottoman units on the coast otherwise that area is stable.

Serbians have fully repaired and the rebuilt detachments have swapped positions with Montenegrian detachments.

UK units have taken Ottoman cities in the Middle East. Ottoman National Morale is now under the magical 90% mark for the attack bonus.

Last turn the Entente got a Russian advance in Industrial Production. The UK got an advance in Amphibs and this turn got Heavy Artillery 1.

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Snow at last! The break from active operations the winter brings gives us a good opportunity to strengthen our positions and await for reinforcements in the spring.

The enemy are getting rather aggressive in Palestine so we'll need to do something here in the near future to either drive them away.


Kaiser Wilhelm is busy training up lots of replacements for the front, and also some new Heavy Artillery, but don't tell Dan, let's not spoil the surprise! ;)

The Emperor Franz Josef decides that it's time to start winning some allies in this war. So Austrian emissaries are sent out this turn to the Bulgarian and Dutch embassies. The sooner the Tsar of Bulgaria joins our cause the better, and the latter is simply to counter some diplomacy the Entente appear to have been conducting to cut off Germany's food supplies via Holland.

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Goal number two has been met. The German drive in France has been stopped and a hard defensive line has been created. I now hold the entire Amiens river defensive line. France got a tech advance to Industrial 2.

In Russia, the Russians sacked/replaced a 5 leader to a 7. The additional HQ has arrived and the corps are moving into attack position to eliminate the German pocket.

Serbia, Balkans and Turkey are mostly stable. Russians got an advance to Trench 2 and put a diplomacy point into Sweden to stop the convoy to Germany.

The UK is attacking in Palestine, occupied Lemos by a decision event and brought a sub up to strength 8. A UK destroyer, carrier and cavalry unit are on the way.

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What better way to celebrate spring than by launching an attack and destroying a Russian unit? At least that's Hindenburg's way.

The Austro-Hungarians attempt to follow suit but don't quite succeed, the targeted Russian Corps just surviving.


Against the Serbs we've just deployed a new Corps supported by some Heavy Artillery, so we hope to soon be able to go on the offensive there.

A surprise German offensive in Alsace-Lorraine smashes a hole in the French line!


New German formations are deploying for battle, with most of them being sent to the western front. When we get our new artillery in June we'll then see about wiping out the Belgians and BEF in Flanders.

The turn ends with new entrenching equipment being delivered to our front line soldiers, and some new improvements to our Zeppelins. So far they have launched a number of raids against French targets, including Paris, but without any great success worth shouting about. This should soon change!

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France's extreme right flank is beginning to crumble. The rest of France looks good. I shipped another UK corps and an HQ into Belgium. Both the UK and France got Trench 1 this turn. Italy will be in the war soon.

I am postponing the Russian offensive for weather and to allow the artillery unit to be brought up to 10 strength. The Russian offensive on the Turkish coast is stalling. I will need the new decision event artillery brought to strength and moved over there.

The Balkans and Serbia were stable. Austrian National Morale has dropped below 90%. I will need diplomacy to bring Albania from 84% up to joining the Entente.

The UK in Palestine killed an Ottoman corps.

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I've had to reinforce the front in Palestine as the British are making a big push here. That is annoying because my Ottomans haven't really got the initiative anywhere at the moment, and if Dan is about to land at Gallipoli then things could get worse still.

All is quiet in Serbia as we reinforce our artillery and prepare for action there. Against the Russians we can celebrate a successful attack near Lemberg which has destroyed one of their Corps.

Mackensen is moving units forward, ready to break through to Hindenburg who is just resting his troops this turn.

In France it is mainly quiet, with just a small attack on the Somme. Reinforcements are starting to arrive at the front, in the nick of time too, but without more artillery it will be hard to achieve much.

On the diplomatic front we have good news and bad news. The good news is that Franz Josef's diplomatic efforts at the court of the Tsar of Bulgaria have paid off and the Bulgarians are getting keener to enter the war. The bad news is that the Italians are about to stab us in the back by joining the Entente.

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Italy has joined the Entente! All French ground units have been repaired. The French extreme right flank is weak but Bill is not exploiting it. He might not have the units to spare. The UK has only 50 MPP's a turn for a while due to decision events (Italy).

The planned Russian offensive went East instead of North because of German reinforcements. The Russians destroyed a German corps in that offensive. I still plan to attack north and eliminate the German pocket.

The Balkans are beginning to concern me. I have lost another Russian corps there to the Austrians. I don't know how they have that kind of firepower as the Russians have entrenchment level 2. The Serbs are holding well and digging in for the expected Bulgarian declaration of war.

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The Russian navy have been operating off the coast near Trabzon in the Caucasus, so we're sending the Yavuz Sultan Selim (formerly the Goeben) and following behind will be the Torgud Reis once she's finished her fitting out.

An Ottoman Detachment is now on its way through Mesopotamia to Baghdad. We hope to catch the British forces there by surprise by capturing his supply line back to Basra, as if successful this could really make him panic!

Our position near Gaza is now much stronger, but we do need to invest in some artillery, both for here and the Caucasus.

An Austro-Hungarian offensive into Serbia was called off after our artillery and the first infantry attack failed to make any progress. We're also having to reinforce the Italian front so it doesn't leave us with much room for attacking the Russians at the moment.

Mackensen's forces destroy a Russian Corps in East Prussia, but Hindenburg doesn't seem to have realised that helping out might have been an option, so instead of moving south, he's been busy launching unsuccessful attacks on a Russian unit to the east of Libau.


No action at all in the west this turn, though we are moving our artillery behind the lines, to bring it into a position to shell Ypres as we hope that our line on the Somme is secure for the moment.

In terms of reinforcements and research, Germany will have three Heavy Artillery units by the end of the year, and we are working on improving our Zeppelins yet further (they will be used to damage the Belgian ports, thus preventing the British from sending reinforcements to Belgium). We now have Production Technology level 2, and our income is above 500 MPPs a turn, so we should be able to replace our losses and improve the quality of our troops in time for a major 1916 offensive in the east or west.

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France is stable. I have plugged the hole in the Eastern flank with everything spare that I could move. France invested in Gas/Shell Production and put a diplomacy point into Norway. France got an advance in Heavy Artillery 1. When the time is right, France will now be able to successfully attack entrenched units. France sent a destroyer to the Med.

The UK transported another corps into Belgium. It is racing a cavalry corps, destroyer and a carrier to the Med. UK is still hampered by a lack of MMP's due to needed decision events. An artillery, Tech Level 1 is waiting to be transported to France.

Italy is attacking Austria and is moving more units in. Except for subs in the Med, I am now happy with the naval balance. Italy invested one point in Industrial Production and put one diplomatic point into Albania. The Libyian colony is now active.

Serbia, Balkans and Turkey were stable. Russia began its dual offensive into Germany and to wipe out the German units in the pocket. Russian destroyed a marine unit and damaged a unit in the pocket. MPP's went to bringing the artillery unit in Turkey up to strength and in repairing damaged land units. I need to rebuild destroyed corps.

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In the Middle East, the British seem to have forgotten the importance of bringing a packed lunch with them. We'll have to think of a way we can take advantage of their appalling logistical arrangements before their situation improves

Hindenburg destroys a Russian Corps near Libau. Like the British we'd just mentioned in the Middle East, it was also running short of supplies and therefore an easy target.


But we are going to have to be careful here because the Russians are gaining in strength, and if we have to evacuate by sea we'll have to make sure we don't lose the port of Memel. The Kriegsmarine have been put on standby in case the Russian navy tries to intervene.

Speaking of the Kriegsmarine, a large number of U-Boats are currently sailing out into the North Sea. It's time the navy played a role in the war rather than sitting in port and moaning about their food.

Austria-Hungary is busy sending more reinforcements to the Italian front.


In Flanders, our newly improved Zeppelins launch their first raid to interdict British supplies arriving in Belgium, and a British Corps was caught in the open by our artillery and then destroyed in a swift infantry assault. Things are looking bad for Belgium!


Oh yes, German Production Technology is now at level 3, so we can start concentrating on other areas of research now.

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Bill told me before that if Albania has not joined by the end of 1914, one needs to use diplomacy to move it in. My diplomacy point in Albania paid off with a lucky 26% hit. Albania has joined the Entente.

I am concerned about Belgium. Germany destroyed a UK corps there and I destroyed that German corps. Bill's artillery seems really effective. I fear that it is Level 2 now. He might wipe out the whole pocket there. Or I may need to evacutate it all out by sea.

France invested one point each in Production Tech, Industrial Tech and ASW. France got an advance in Production Tech this turn. This will be a long war and France will need the increased MPP's.

Serbia, Balkans and Turkey were stable. I believe that Italy has siphoned off some Austrian troops from the Balkans. In Russia, the Russians destroyed a German corps and liberated a town. The German pocket is being reduced as planned. I would like to invest in Russian tech, but I feel that more Russian corps would be most effective at this time. The Central Powers seem very stretched right now.

Italy has moved a additional detachment into Libya to occupy a partison generating town. I plan to transport a French detachment to occupy the partisan generating oasis. Then Libya should be safe. Bill caused me lots of trouble there in our last game.

Bill moved faster than I had hoped in Palestine. It looks like I have grabbed about all that I can for free. I will bring up my heavy artillery and see what slow damage and progress that I can do later.

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As I'd hoped, the British Cavalry in the Middle East are paying the price for their poor logistical arrangements, and will be having to resort to sucking on pebbles now that we've cut them off from their supplies.


More Ottoman units are moving into Mesopotamia where we also hope to cut off and destroy some British forces in low supply.

Hindenburg is really in a pickle now, so evacuating the Memel peninsula seems the most appropriate next step. Even our reconnaissance flights are being intercepted by Russian aircraft!

Further south, all is mainly quiet on land. At sea, an Austro-Hungarian sub manages to sneak out of the Adriatic, only to bump into some British Destroyers just to the south of Italy. The Emperor was not impressed.

The French front is really quiet at the moment, an uneasy calm before the storm, but our new artillery unit has just arrived for deployment in Belgium. We should very soon have such a superiority in artillery here that we should be able to raise Ypres to the ground.

Our mass of U-Boats are now NE of the Shetland Islands, ready to head out into the Atlantic...

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I am building and upgrading artillery units in France for an eventual offensive. Otherwise that area was mostly stable. France invested research points in Heavy Artillery Level 2 and in Advanced Infantry 1.

The UK repaired and sailed an infantry corps for Palestine. I made a bad mistake with a cavalry unit in Palestine and will probably lose it. Bill has moved faster in that area that he did in our last game.

Italy took an Austrian city and continues to bring units to strength and advance against Austria. Italy advanced to Level 1 in Trenches.

Serbian and the Balkans were stable. The Russian offensive in Russia destroyed a German corps in the pocket. A Russian sub moving to ambush future German units that might be transported out of the pocket encountered a German destroyer. I sent sufficient Russian naval units to sink the destroyer. I am hoping that this will be a hit and run naval operation.

Russians invested a point in Heavy Artillery 1 and advanced a point in Heavy Artillery 1. Russia also advanced to Trenches Level 3. Better artillery will do nicely for reducing the pocket and for attacking in Turkey.

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I have read about the forced march feature with interest. Bill 101 has explained how it works, and Hubert has clarified where it works, but I still do not understand 'what' I have to do to make it happen. Is it in SC WW I version 1.01? So far I cannot figure out how to do it...I would appreciate someone explaining 'what' I have to do. (I finally figured out how to do recon flights after reading this AAR - I didn't say I was a very smart player! - but forced marches still have me confused).

I should also add that I am finding the AAR quite interesting - it is always fascinating to see how differently players approach the game (and different players all seem to approach it differently).

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I have read about the forced march feature with interest. Bill 101 has explained how it works, and Hubert has clarified where it works, but I still do not understand 'what' I have to do to make it happen. Is it in SC WW I version 1.01? So far I cannot figure out how to do it...I would appreciate someone explaining 'what' I have to do. (I finally figured out how to do recon flights after reading this AAR - I didn't say I was a very smart player! - but forced marches still have me confused).

I should also add that I am finding the AAR quite interesting - it is always fascinating to see how differently players approach the game (and different players all seem to approach it differently).

I think it is a potential upcoming feature they are testing out in this game.

From where I'm sitting, Dan has Bill on the ropes a bit - the Russians in particular look to be set-up to cause some trouble down the line.

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Hi Ludi

Forced March is still in the testing stage at the moment, but I realized that I'd better mention it in our AAR as otherwise it might look as though some of our soldiers were zooming much faster around the map than anyone else can do!

I really like it and it is very easy to use. When it's released I'll post a screenshot here in the forum showing how to do it.


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Von Bohm-Ermolli launches a moderately successful attack against Serbian positions to the east of Belgrade, but then receives news that he is to be transferred to the Italian front to stabilize the situation there.

In the Baltic it looks as though the Russian navy has come out to party, so let's give it hell and sink as much of it as we can. Two enemy Cruisers are sunk, a Dreadnought badly damaged and a sub chased off.


Zeppelins continue to bomb Ostend, while at long last our great offensive against Ypres has begun. Under a barrage of shells, our glorious infantry assault the Belgian positions and then, with the enemy in disarray, our cavalry go through. Ypres is ours! :D


Barring any surprise enemy moves, we should now have enough forces in the west to hold out for a while, so that we can send the majority of our new units to the east. In September and October 1915 the Kaiser will be deploying ten new infantry Corps, so these should be enough to knock the Tsar for six.

U14, our Austro-Hungarian sub, has survived its encounter with British Destroyers in the Ionian Sea, but it is now returning to harbor for repairs. In its place, a German U-Boat that we'd sent to Pola, U-21, is now heading out into the Med.

The Sultan is celebrating the destruction of a British cavalry unit in Arabia, while in Mesopotamia things will soon be moving to a head as Liman von Sanders has just arrived there.

Von Sanders will take command of a large body of troops that we've been slowly assembling in the area, including some cavalry for mobile operations. The enemy only have one Detachment here that we're aware of, and it is currently outside Najaf begging our garrison for food and water.

Our great Wolfpack of U-Boats is now north of Faroe Isles, looking mean and ready for business.

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This was not a good turn for the Entente. Bill clearly demonstrated that he could destroy any fortified position in Belgium. My fortified pocket and hopes for a future breakout there are over. First, I sent a French destoyer over to insure that there were no U-Boats in the area. Second I sailed all mobile reserve combat ships from Rosyth south to be nearby if the German fleet sails out to stop an evacuation or to molest my destroyer. I sea evactuated all units except for one UK corps not adjacent to the port. All evacutated units will sail for the Middle East.

I choose to support the Greeks in the decision event. Greece should soon become allied with the Entente. But the UK and French MPP's will be hurting again for a few turns.

France repaired two battlecruisers in the Channel for a possible sea battle. I moved the artillery unit East to set up for a limited offensive next turn. France sailed a detachment South to cover a partisan square in Libya. France put one diplomacy point into Holland and two into Switzerland. Bill almost converted the Swiss to the Central Powers in our last game. I want the back door to France and Italy to stay shut.

Italy sacked the 4 HQ and replaced it with a 7. Italy brought infantry corps up to strength.

The Russian Baltic Fleet sank a German destroyer and damaged another. Germany actually won that naval battle but the Russians did much better than they normally would. The surviving Russian ships sailed back to home ports to fight another day.

Russia destroyed the last German corps in the pocket. The Russian bomber tried but failed to shut down the port. If the Germany doesn't sea evacute the HQ and detachment, they will be next to be destroyed. The Balkans, Serbia and Turkey were stable. Serbia is looking scary but holding. I am preparing for a limited Turkish offensive on the coast.

Russian invested one point into Gas/Shell Production. Those two upgraded heavy artillery units will need lots of shells soon. Russia advanced to Trench Level 3.

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It's time for Hindenburg to evacuate Memel, and to take his place alongside Mackensen in defending East Prussia from invasion.

Of more concern at the moment is the Italian front, and we are sending more reinforcements there, including some German units, because otherwise this could turn into a catastrophic defeat for us.

Things are looking far more positive in Mesopotamia where we've really outmaneuvered the British forces here. Hopefully Dan won't get any reinforcements to Basra before we march in!


Ottoman forces are also busy driving the British out of Arabia.


It's hard to believe but the British and Belgian forces have evacuated Belgium, apart from one British Corps left behind as a rearguard. They didn't last long.

With the improving situation in the west, we've sent one artillery unit to East Prussia and the other is going to stay in France for the moment, deploying near Cambrai.

A new Zeppelin unit became available this turn, and I've stationed it near Saarbrucken along with the other one. They might come in handy should we decide to go for Verdun.

Speaking of Verdun, we celebrate the fall of Belgium by ordering some more heavy artillery! The Sultan thinks that's a good idea so he orders some for his own army too, and finally, Bulgaria is about to join us in the war. :)

After a year of war, there are some positive areas and some where things are a bit difficult, to say the least. But with the large scale mobilization of German industry and manpower, coupled with new weapons of war, we still have very good grounds for expecting victory.

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I'm seeing something consistent in this game with all of the other AARs I have read.

It is really, really dangerous to leave your flanks open and to advance without flank support. Both sides (one in Palestine & Belgium and the other in East Prussia) advanced too far and got chopped up.

I think I would put money on the Entente winning it out. Germany has had a lot of units destroyed compared to the opposition if I'm reading this right. It is difficult to overcome large scale destruction of units.

Anyway, good AAR. Interesting read. I'm glad that forced march is being added. It was a big factor in 1914 on the Western Front according to Keegan and also on the Eastern Front on multiple occasions.

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