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Tank crew morale

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I've noticed in the third Raff Campaign mission that some tank crews that abandon a destroyed tank seem to be more tenacious under fire than most of the infantry (the germans). If a tank has high motivation, does that carry over even once the tank is destroyed and the crew is on foot? It seems to me that they should have far lower motivation now, otherwise there is this absurd situation where the tank crews are more motivated as infantry men than the infantry.

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Its a bug, that I believe has been discussed thoroughly in some thread or another.

They still think they are in a tank and are acting as such.

Ive never seen it however, my guys are always shaken and nervous and wouldnt enter there own tank for the life of them. Literally.

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I just saw a Sherman crew abandon the vehicle (in Barkman's Corner) after one of them died in it. They panicked and ran from a functioning Sherman and I could not get them to come back during the scenario. So they are not all gung-ho after all. Could it be that the Shermans in this particular scenario script are not scripted as aggressively as in other scenarios, or have a lower breaking point?

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Tank crews getting out of destroyed tanks and turning into Rambos.

I am not saying that a .45 isn't a better weapon than a Kar98 at close range (I would take the .45 any day) but I think the tankers need to be a little more panicked after bailing, at least for a few minutes.

In fact, I think most crews, after getting out of a destroyed/burning tank and finding the enemy right there would surrender immediatly.

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I just saw a Sherman crew abandon the vehicle (in Barkman's Corner) after one of them died in it. They panicked and ran from a functioning Sherman and I could not get them to come back during the scenario. So they are not all gung-ho after all. Could it be that the Shermans in this particular scenario script are not scripted as aggressively as in other scenarios, or have a lower breaking point?

Only the AI opponent follows the AI plan scripts, not your own forces. As for not being able to order them back in the tank, you would have to wait for them to recover their morale.

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