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Why would this happen?

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It's not game ending or anything, but this has been bugging me for awhile. I have the Building Mods, and whenever someone sends me a setup I see the Original buildings, not the Modded ones. But when I send the game I see the Modded ones. And some of the people I get games from I know have the building mods. I'm clueless as to why this would happen. I have a older voodoo 3 16meg, 900mhz Athlon, 256 meg ram, windows machine? Any help??

Also I would say 90% of all my maps are Med.

Every once in awhile I get a slow down in CM no big deal. But the Grass, trees etc are all moded, and are never affected like the Buildings. Thoughts? Ideas? It was suggested to me to pop out the CD after CM loads and I'll try that when I get home, but I'm just puzzled and would like to find out why. smile.gif Thanks

[ 06-15-2001: Message edited by: joeski ]

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Yeah Joe, I read that over on the BoB. Contrary to what they're saying though, your vid card has nothing to do with what you're seeing. The CD thing sounds more likely. I mean, the game is looking for a bitmap file and you should only have one bmp file for each type on your system. Perhaps you have multiple copies of the building bmp files in the CMBO directory?

Also, are you seeing the stock buildings that shipped with the CD or the buildings that your opponent is using?

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I would have to say that is an obviously strange problem, since the PBEM files do not contain details about the textures used by the opponent. The building texture mods you have installed should have replaced all of the stock ones to my knowledge (a dry and a winter set). The suggestion about removing the CD seems almost aimed at making sure that you are just running one copy of CM and that would be my only guess here - you are somehow running a different copy of CM when receiving your PBEMs (as if you were running off of the CDROM). You launch CM with the exact same shortcut everytime, correct ? This question seems almost moot since your buildings seem to be the only things affected.

BMPs 300-348 are the 'dry' buildings (including bunkers)

BMPs 860 - 908 are the 'winter' buildings.

You may want to search your hard drive for more than one instance of these files (which would indicate a second installation of CM). Otherwise your CDROM is being read for these files and I'm not sure why CM would feel it would have to get the textures from the CDROM since your video card should generally be able to handle the high-res mods sufficiently to not force out swapping (which usually just happens with the grass tiles I believe).

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