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I'm currently playing the 1914 Call to Arms scenario as the Central Powers, and I have two questions.

1. I notice that after you entrench a unit, on subsequent turns the "entrench" option is still active. Does entrenching each turn help increase the level of entrenchment, or is this action unnecessary?

2. At the start of the campaign, Germany's industrial modifier is 70% while Austria-Hungary's is 115%. Unless I am misunderstanding the relevance of the percentages, shouldn't those numbers be switched? (I would imagine Germany's industrial performance would be much higher than Austria-Hungary's.)

Thanks for any answers, I am LOVING this game!


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Hi Dave

1. The unit will automatically entrench up to its maximum entrenchment value. In the first turn you entrench it will entrench up to 50% of its maximum entrenchment value, and in subsequent turns this value will increase by 1 until the maximum is reached.

But, enemy attacks can reduce your entrenchment so if the unit is involved in combat you may find that it doesn't reach the maximum, or not until the enemy cease their attacks.

The entrench ability remains so that if you wished to change the facing of your trenches then this is possible. This would be advisable if the enemy break through and start attacking you in the flank or rear, because although your unit will benefit from entrenchment, the facing is also important. Being attacked in the rear isn't good!

2. This is actually on purpose, because Germany has far more cities and mines than Austria-Hungary, so it is just a way of balancing out the economies and shouldn't be seen as anything more.

Austria-Hungary has less cities so due to the industrial modifier their cities are actually worth more to Austria-Hungary than a German city would be to the German economy, so do your best not to lose any.

Glad to hear you're loving the game, and please feel free to spread the word! :)


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Hey Bill,

Thanks for clearing up the entrenchment option. That gives a lot of options when thinking about when to start digging in. And also thanks for clearing up the industrial modifiers, that makes perfect sense. Again, I am enjoying SCWWI immensely!


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