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Landmark Font problem


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The text that is used for Landmarks is a bitmap that gets scaled in size depending on how far away you are, etc. The text really isn't replaceable/mod-able to my knowledge. I'm not sure how 'bad' this is for you or if there is even anything wrong with how it displays.

Which exact driver version are you using and what resolution are you running at ? If you're using the 23.11's I really wouldn't recommend them. Are you using FSAA at any of the settings (it should work fine, but the older GeForce 256's may limit the FSAA depending on the resolution) ? I can't remember if mip-mapping levels will make a difference or not with the text - have you experimented with these settings ?

Here's one pic from CMHQ with a bit of landmark/battle-detail text in it. Though it may not be a high enough resolution to completely discern the quality of the text; does your text look worse than this (hopefully Madmatt may not mind this direct link too much) ?:


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Shrullenhaft, I do have the 23.1.1 drivers, but I've also had several earlier versions with the same result. Per your previous post, I played around with the FSAA settings, including turning it off, with no luck.

Your picture shows the "label" text which is similar to mine = no problem there. It's the Landmark text which is the problem. It comes out large and blotchy as if the text in your picture were doubled in size and then smeared.


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I'm not sure which is which, but the bitmap files 30000-30002 are text bitmaps that are used within the game (and on other 2D screens). You may want to replace these with what you have on the CDROM to see if this makes a difference or not.

Otherwise you may want to take a screenshot and email it to me and I'll compare it with what I have.

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1> Schrulenhaft : I might be crazy, but I think it is modable... Im pretty sure that I have an interface mod which changed it...

2> Lopaka : Im having the same problem, and for the life of me I cant remember having it before I loaded the "Tank Girl" front end mod. I dont remember who made it, but I think I got it from Combatmission.com. Anyways, if it is the Mod Font causing the problem, you could probably replace your current 30000 - 30002 BMPs with the ones off the CD, assuming they are accessible without reinstalling... Ive never tried...

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On the PC you can easily copy the bitmaps off of the CD (they aren't compressed) to the BMP folder on your hard drive. On the Mac the process is a little more complex since the bitmaps are stored in resource files. You have to use one of the mod programs for the Mac and/or ResEdit to modify the contents of the resource file. This would involve extracting the text bitmaps from the original resource files on the CD and inserting them into your current resource files for the game on the hard drive.

I assume that it is possible to mod the in game text, but there would be quite a few limitations to my knowledge. The bitmap is a single file with every text character that is used - mapped out on the bitmap. Modding these files would be subject to limitations in the size, position and resolution of the text. Otherwise the text won't display properly in the game (at least in the info boxes, I'm not sure of the landmark/status text).

[ 12-11-2001: Message edited by: Schrullenhaft ]</p>

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Thanks gentlemen!

I'm not at the computer with the problem, but I'm sure your suggestions will do the trick. I bet it is the DeanCo mod that is the problem as I downloaded it and then down loaded tank girl at a later date and then went back to Deanco. The problem probably started with Deanco and didn't get changed in any subsequent modding. Panzer Leader's description sounds exactly right. I will look for the fix.

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