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Loops in Nup's Mod

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Hello all

I'm really struggling to understand how loops work in Nup's excellent mod. As an example I moved the IJN in an effort to carry out Pearl Harbour: the first turn I tried to move ships across using a combinatiuon of 3 loop locations that I owned it failed. Then next turn the loop succeeded. Coming back the other way another failure although previously a sub had made it back using the same loop.

What am I not understanding about this? Any clues anyone?

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I have delved inside the editor and looked at these loops in more detail.

As far as I can see there is no reason for them to fail if the friendly location is held. All triggers are at 100, and there is no programmed % for fail of any other kind.

I dont know if Nupremal reads this forum, but if so I would value some insight. I am playing a game where this is proving a real problem in both theatres, and it is very frustrating becuase there is no rhyme or reason as to when they work and when they fail. I have noticed that they either all seem to work on the same turn, or all fail on the same turn. I have yet to send a fleet of ships and have some arrive and some not.

A very good mod is being spoiled. Help please?


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No help yet. :-(

Here's an example: as axis I am attacking the phillipines and my opponent wants to use the loop from Peral Harbour down to Manila Bay. He presumably has a US unit at the Pearl Harbour end, and I know he has a phillipine infantry corps on Manila. Turn after turn the loop is failing. Why is that? Is it because he has not put a straight US unit on Manila, or becuase I have Jap troops on the island, or becuase I have Jap navy units very close to the loop exit squares? I cant see it from the editor at all.

Nups - are you out there?

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I wonder if, at last, I have cracked it. Nups has set all the Failed Delay parameters to 1 in his mod for loops, and the delay parameters are also at 1. I fired up the default game and compared - Hubert seems always to have the failed parameters 1 higher than the delay parameters.

Therefore for these to work properly I think all the Failed numbers need to be upped by 1.

Any editor experts out there care to comment on this? Does this make sense?

Not sure why occasionally loops would then work, but I'm going to give it a go changing all these values and then run some tests if I can.

As an aside I did notice also a couple of loop scripts incorrectly set up in terms of the brackets that have to introduce and end each instruction - the editor was giving me errors when I went to save the file. I altered these and the errors went away. Feels as though these loop scripts may have been done in a hurry.

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ive been playing nups mod and following your posts. so far ive not experianced any problems with the loops failing. of course ive only used the pacfic ones so far and those only a few times, but as i said, no problems yet.

btw, im really enjoying the mod. i think the map is first class. unfortunately my 7+ year old computer doesn't care for it much. the AI takes about an hour to do its turn. i usually just watch tv or read while it runs.:(

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I think I have cracked it. The Failed Delay and Delay values being the same introduces an element of doubt into whether they will work. I emailed Hubert and he confirmed this, and as a result sometimes they work and sometimes not.

I amended the values for the Honolulu to Manila Bay loop to the same relative values as in the shipped scenarios and ran a test - loop to Manila Bay worked first time. I'm out of time to do a bigger style test, but I'm inclined to think that is the problem. I'll do a big test when I get a mo - right now I'm knee deep in marking scripts and owe Rambo a tourney turn from 2 days ago!

Maybe Nups deliberately did it that way, but in my game currently it has ruined any chance of my opponent defending the Philippines and that feels gamey - to sit around waiting for a loop to work that doesnt is a random factor I dont like. Assuming further testing reveals that it is a simple task of spending 10 mins amending one value in the editor across all scripts I'll do it and play the amended Nups mod in future. The map is just awesome!

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Nup is aware of the problem and I have directed him to this thread. We've been playing and testing and I've had loop problems with the capetown loop that resides off Perth.

Thanks for ironing this thing out CH. Probably be a good idea if you'd join the beta team, I'm sure we'd all benefit.

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I dont play at all against the AI, only against human opponents. That is the only possible difference across machines/games that I can think of that may possibly explain problems for some and not for others? An earlier poster says that they work ok against the AI, but in my 2 games against humans so far they didnt.

Anyway in my current game, with failed delays up to 2, every loop so far has worked and our game is very much on. Unfortunately my opponent has not fallen for the sucker invasion of England punch this time around... ah well - never mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nup is aware of the problem and I have directed him to this thread. We've been playing and testing and I've had loop problems with the capetown loop that resides off Perth.

Thanks for ironing this thing out CH. Probably be a good idea if you'd join the beta team, I'm sure we'd all benefit.

Happy to join any Beta Team if that would help. I've played wargames a long time and am a 20th century history specialist by profession, so have some knowledge that might be useful.

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