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trouble making kursk movie

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Well it would be safe to say i already kno the answer to this question but i still was curious of other ppl's thoughts

Before i had finished making a kursk movie I updated the game with the caen xpansion because i was to impatient 2 wait untill i had finished making the movie, knowing full well it will change the version of the game.

But i wasnt sure if there would be problems using vids from old version with new version in FRAPS.. i cant keep making vids & apply them to fraps because the caen version vids wont work with original pre-caen version vids in fraps...understand ? :P

so my question is.. ther any way to make 2 differing versions of the videos work together in FRAPS ?

so i think i might just turn what ive got in2 a movie without finishing it :( could always make 2 seperate movies i guess...


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yes! that is what i mean,

I've made half the movie in ( cant remember patch number b 4 caen DLC) in standard kursk - then downloaded caen & installed - made more FRAPS vids 2 make second half of my kursk movie but they dont seem to work when drop and dragged in2 sequence for the movie, they wont play at all..

I'm guessing the most likely answer is that they are videos made from different versions of the game so they arent compatible when stacked together for a 5 min movie

do u get me ? - :P


I'm using a program called video pinnacle spin

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Exactly what Sneaksie said. It shouldn't have anything to do with the game, it sounds like a codec has changed/been corrupted.

Can you play the videos outside of the video editing suite? What format are they (AVI, MPEG, WMV)? I'm pretty sure FRAPS records in AVI, so you may need to update your codec or reinstall FRAPS.

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Ok, well i tried using microsoft Movie maker first, many moons ago in april/may, but there was worse issues with that than my current program(Video pinnacle spin-trial version).

Windows movie maker would only recognise 1 out of 3 videos i was trying to place in sequence. Odd indeed

Fraps does record in AVI.. since my last post some of the new videos i have made have worked viewing them in AVI before placing them in2 sequence in video pinnacle spin but they didnt have sound... only 1 video i recorded out of 8-10 worked when placed in 2 my kursk movie.. it didnt have sound either but it was a scenic shot so i used it with music over the top..

anyways guys thanks for your input much appreciated, I will just try uploading what i have to youtube.. then post a link here

I'll find another way rnd this issue :D


so to update codec is that just like downloading a patch for FRAPS or something yeah ?

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Ok.. just tried to upload my kursk movie to youtube everything seemed fine and dandy untill the upload process was complete than this..

error: Failed to publish your project to the web. This may be an internal issue with the video hosting service provider.

damn! jus cant win ! :\

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It could be fixed by updating FRAPS. As Sneaksie and I implied, it could be the FRAPS recording codec that is having issues or the AVI playback codec itself.

Update FRAPS, see if that helps things a little. If not, try updating your AVI codec either through DivX or pick up one of the many codec packs, built for your operating system, that can be found all over the web.

Just to check, did the videos work as-expected outside of the editing suites i.e. in Windows Media Player, during normal playback? Also, if you're lacking sound on the new videos, check that your FRAPS is drawing sound from the correct source on your system. Fiddle with some options an see if that makes any difference.

Glad to see you're making some progress, though!

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