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Initial setups - plans?

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There will be some minor options allowed so that players can alter some of the details of mobilization, but given that any major changes to mobilization plans would have totally disrupted most countries' mobilizations, any big changes would really be best handled by having separate scenarios to cater for them.

But what the players do after mobilization is totally up to them. For instance, if the French so wish they can push into Alsace-Lorraine as capturing it would strike a powerful blow at Germany, or they can deploy to the north to face the German drive through Belgium. Or a mixture of the two. Add in the BEF, wherever the British decide to send it, and there are even more options available.

For Germany, if she weren't to attack France but instead march into Russia then she risks allowing the French time to build up a very powerful force which would be within striking distance of the industries of the Ruhr. Take these, and Germany will probably struggle to continue the war. So, a rapid invasion via Belgium is probably the best thing for Germany to do in almost all cases. But it isn't obligatory, so players can experiment a little, at their own peril of course! :)

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