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Massive Problems with all Battlefront games and the eLicense system

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Hi there !

I own a bunch of Battlefront games (Combat Mission Shock Force, the Marines module, the British Forces Module, Combat Mission Afghanistan, Theatre of War, Strategic Command Blitzkrieg) and they all ran fine on my old Windows XP computer.

But now on my new Windows 7 PC none of these games will start.

I installed them (using admin rights), eLicensed them (without any error), but as soon as I try to launch the games, nothing happens.

Deactivated my ThreatFire and AVG 2011 while installing and while I tried to start the games, but to no avail.

Uninstalled, unlicensed and even tried to uninstall the eLicense system with the tool from the Battlefront website, but with no success.

I'm really looking forward to CM Normandy, but if I can't play the old games on my computer ...

BTW, bought ToW2 and ToW3 from Steam (without the eLicensing) and both run fine !!!

Is there a way to get rid of the eLicense and start from scratch with the installation of my games ?

I really appreciate every hint and tipp to get my games running again !



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I believe that you may need to UNINSTALL Threatfire in order for eLicense to function properly. I'm not sure if there is any way to add some sort of exception or whatever options are offered through Threatfire to get it to work with eLicense. The only solution that we're aware of with Threatfire is to uninstall it, unfortunately. Hopefully that will get the games running on your new system.

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Schrullenhaft, you are my new god for 2011 !!!

Let me praise and worship you !!! :D

Threatfire was the problem and without it, the games run fine again.

But it would be nice to get eLicense AND ThreatFire both running without interference.

But now I know what to do and now nothing stands in the way of getting me the NATO module and CM Normandy.

THANKS and a Happy New Year to all of you,


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