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Trigger AI

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I can guarantee that I'm in a minority of one on this, but as a scenario designer triggers frighen me. Triggers add random events that you can't time your AI movements to. A series of triggers would produce a cascade of events that become increasingly impossible to plan around. Let me stress - NOBODY agrees with me on this point(!) in both internal and external debates. They imagine great advances in AI planning, I see increasingly sloppy and haphazard AI design.

You can now work wonders with the current AI if you just learned how to work it. Simply adding reasonable exit after/exit before numbers to the AI orders for example, or painting movement destinations with terrain features in mind. Believe me I could make the AI look thoroughly incompetent if I tried to - I could also thoroughly kick your arse in a battle using current AI orders tools. :o

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For what it's worth, in CM1 I got tired of playing vs the AI within a few months and have played CM1 vs humans ever since.

However, after 2-3(?) years of CM2, I still get a great game vs the AI and I prefer the speed of play rather than waiting for a PBEM file. So, congratulations on the improvement!

Perhaps if you included a tutorial info re how to best "program" an AI oppo to do the things you say it can do that people are requesting, they wouldn't be harassing you. :)

Now get outa here and have a few days off, for cryin' out loud!

We'll still all be here bitchin' and whinin' when you get back next Monday.

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