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Suggestion - SRBMs for USSR artillery assets.


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The Soviet army and the DRA used SS-1s conventionally during the Soviet-Afghan war to strike at Mujihadeen strongholds before an attack. The DRA used scuds extensively in the closing years of the war as the USSR supplied them with Scuds as compensation for the falling amount of Soviet forces in the country.

It would be interesting for these to be included as conventional artillery strikes, with one usage, high CEP and a very large accompanying explosion.

This could also be incorporated into CMSF in a later patch as im sure the syrians would also have scuds.

Any thoughts on this guys?

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It's a strategic weapon, and therefore outside the scope of the game.

I agree. Those weapons were notoriously inaccurate and their response time was way too slow to be used on the tactical level. I tend to think of them (in game terms) as a land equivalent of the strategic bombers...



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