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Redo of global mod taking best

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I am thinking of redoing my global mod and I wanted input. We have 2 out there mine and Nups. I wanted to know what you do and dont like and what can be improved. The idea is to make a better game than both. So Im going to ask some questions and hopefully you answer them.

I will refer to by game as BF (Brute Force) and Nup's game as NW (Nup's World).

I like both games and each has its good and bad points. Personally I think my game is too wide and Nup's is too big for example. If they come up with SC3 perhaps I can have something already in place. As always AI is a bitch.

#1 Map size

a. NW full map

b. NW map with boxes for unimportant areas

c. BF map with 1/2 scale pacific full map

d. BF map with 1/2 scale pacific with boxes for unimportant areas

e. original Global Conflict scale is the best!!

#2 Turns per year

a. 12, 6 per side

b. 12, 12 per side

c. 26, 26 per side

d. 21, 21 per side (winter time is 1 turn = 1 month)

#3 Scale of ships

a. 1 BB/CV per counter

b. 2 BB/CV per counter

c. 3 BB/CV per counter

d. 4 BB/CV per counter

#4 Scale of airpower

a. Many units like in both NW and BF ~400-600 a/c per counter

b. 3/4 as many

c. 1/2 as many

d. More units ~200 a/c per counter

#5 Decisions

a. Many decisions - redundant, important, for flavor

b. Game geared decisions - redundant, important

c. Game important decisions only

d. No decisions

#6 Combat play

a. Standard SC2

b. Varied system for realism (as I do it)

c. Varied system for more destruction

Thats all I can think of for now. If anyone has more questions to add it would be great.

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I like your present Map, does that means d, for #1?

#2 is 26©, secondarily (d) 21.

#3 is b., 2 per counter, except for CVLs which should be combined into how many planes they can carry. Let's say you use the "Essex" class as the baseline, so 2 of those at 10 strength carry about 200 planes, maybe 180. Now, however many CVs + CVLs its takes to make that carrier capacity in other nationalities is one counter. Maybe BBs should be by tonnage, with the Yamato / Musachi as the baseline.

#4 = a.

#5 = b.

#6 = b.

Let me know when you're ready for playtesting.:)

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Haven't really thought about it that way. Tell you what, when I get home I'll check it again......with a critical eye.

I believe I may have some notes about your scenario too, but I might be getting them mixed up with Nupremal's mod since that's the one I've been testing.

You know....when I reflect upon your campaign, I've kind of gotten used to Nupremal's larger map, although I prefer your format, with the unused historical areas blanked out. Perhaps you should go bigger with emphasis on maneuver, it adds a nice element to the campaigns and gives them operational flavor not to mention the additional strategic alternatives for meaningful deployments.

Remember when making the new map, sprinkles of resources(MPPs) make the otherwise unimportant areas more attractive for combat options.:)

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Alright, after a quick scan and refamiliarization, here's my suggestions. By the way, I see what you mean about width, but really, its not an issue.

Personally, I like big oceans so put the USA East coast on the top map and the west coast on the bottom map. Shorten the eastern Pacific from west coast to Hawaii with impassable tiles connected with loops. Now enlarge the central and western Pacific and the Atlantic. You could also dispatch much of the territory of the USSR, east of the line from Archangel to the eastern Caspian Sea.

Since the naval game is most awesome, let's have a few more convoy routes for interdiction and protection. That's about it off the top of my head, once we get into testing, I'll have a lot more opinions, otherwise, the map is good.:)

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I also have this one I came up with that really fits everything together nicely and neatly with only 1 off map box for most of South America. It will be abstract and add a full 1/2 scale Africa to the map. It will also be the easiest to implement because like #3 above it uses the current map and adds more to it.

Also I might swap Italy for China but I m still not sure. I kept China simple with lean lease equaling control of the Burma road and the USA able to buy for them extra units beyond their force pool. In reality the Japs couldnt conquer china, too large... and the Chinese couldnt beat up the Japs, they sucked to much.

I think I would have to change Russian surrender without a full map. Usually in games like this it takes booting them out of the Urals to really destroy the Russians. But historically Hitler want a line from Arkhangel'sk to Astrakahn. So maybe the surrender option will be to completely boot the Russians off the Euromap. Also Japan attacking Russia is silly as they would have gotten their asses kicked. BUT we have to account for it in the fun factor. Really they wouldnt go past Chita which is the western edge of Siberia. So thats the left part of the Pacific map for USSR.

Like you said wider oceans. So I widened the Atlantic and popped in Africa for more convoys.

The Pacific I can't stretch it more without making the map on Euro scale. If I do that I might as well use Nup's map.

Another problem is the ship scale. While I would loooove to make 2 capital ships per units I simply can't. There would be too many units on the map. As is I have it at 3 per unit. Ive been trying to get creative with the oceans using the current system to allow combats only near land masses and deep sea is only for travel (very hard to find a target in the mid atlantic for example without the commitment of serious forces, look up Hunting the Bismark and see what the UK committed to finding that ship).

I modified the HQs per your request. People should use em in the back so back to zero defense.

Im a good problem solver and technically creative instrument but a bad marketer for a product.


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Damn it! That's "The Map", do that one. As far as China, you could make upgraded techs only worth 0.5 like Nupremal's does for the minors. You've only got 6 majors, that has to be UK, USSR, USA, Germany, and Japan, there's only one "wildcard" and it has to be either China or Italy.

My vote goes for Italy, make the Chinese subservient to USA at the 0.5 per level increase. Actually, the Chinese were equipped and trained by USA later in the war and were becoming competent at combat operations if they just could have gotten around the politics of Chiang, he was very uncooperative with his eye on the Commies more than the Japs.

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Damn it! That's "The Map", do that one. As far as China, you could make upgraded techs only worth 0.5 like Nupremal's does for the minors. You've only got 6 majors, that has to be UK, USSR, USA, Germany, and Japan, there's only one "wildcard" and it has to be either China or Italy.

My vote goes for Italy, make the Chinese subservient to USA at the 0.5 per level increase. Actually, the Chinese were equipped and trained by USA later in the war and were becoming competent at combat operations if they just could have gotten around the politics of Chiang, he was very uncooperative with his eye on the Commies more than the Japs.

How does one make upgraded techs only worth 0.5? Is there a compilation of undocumented rules mods?

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Been working on the adjusted map. I found I have more room than I thought. How is this? It literally covers all important zones. The only thing missing is Urals area and the west side of south america (which I can offmap box it)

I checked several times my scale comparing a Peter's map to a Mercator map to Google earth (3d model) and found the 2 former were actually slighly off and my original scale is correct. One has scandinavia too small the other too large for example. So all the scales are valid even though it looks stretched.

I think this looks smoother (mid bar separates the Europe from Pacific)

Europe 40m per hex

Pacific 80m per hex



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Good one Al. The N.Atlantic is awesome, so much room. The S.Atlantic, check! Indian, nice. Pacific looks a little short, I know its at condensed scale. How about doing away with that Eastern Pacific, handling the area between West Coast and Hawaii with a couple of loops and expanding the Central, Western Pac, preference to the West?

Just thinking,....hmmm... what about breaking the Pacific up? Very reduced Western & Northern Pac, a central Pac with Hawaii(150 longitude west to perhaps 150 east, north of the Equator), maybe squeezing the Carolines and Marianas in. Now reduce Australia, NZ, enlarging the Solomons and New Guinea, then the rest (Western Pac) make as large as possible. All connected by loops.

Since you would have to traverse the Central Pac islands to get west, it would make them more important as that outer defensive spotting layer as it would tend to funnel naval movements through the area. You could go the Southern route by loop but it would take a couple to three turns to come out around New Zealand.

Still, overall, best map yet, IMO.

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I was actually thinking of expanding the pacific the way you suggested. For many islands I'd really have to reduce them to 1 hex so if you invade you can't land troops. Now with the amphib attack from the sea its possible.

So what is more important.... sea battles or land battles? Its a strategic game where if the island land masses (new guinea) is too large then its a tedious outmanuevering play based on divs. Too small might lose flavor. Really he who controls the sea controls the land. Its going to be hard to expand the map as the editor doesnt allow for moving portions of map to another side.

BTW I do have loops in the game already. I have to see what I can do. The scale is 1/2 of Euro but the sea move is the same.

I created an invisible hex that makes every hex on the pacific 2 APs to move through. But not a situation where its impossible to move.

I almost feel like putting Mexico and the other 1/2 of S. America but I dont see a point.

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Relooking at it I might be able to move the west coast to the top map. I do have a minor country being West USA for scripts to work so really I just have to be sure the loops work.

Right now this is the map. Im trying to figure out how to expand the pacific without making it tedious or painful.

I could chop off the top of Australian and make the capital an off map box accessable by loops.

I came up with some ideas and counter thoughts.

Expanding pacific ocean map 2x to reflect euroscale: I do feel expanding the islands is just tedious and this is a corp level game not divisions. Japs only had a dozen or so divs operating in all of the pacific for most of the conflict if I remember.

1/2 naval and air moves to scale: This would only create loopholes in the game to be exploited by human players.

Expand only the ocean not the islands: The map extention would be too large for the map provided. I could do less of an expansion though moving USA west coast to top map.

Box up close island groups: place close island groups to scale next to each other separating vast open areas of ocean by loops and zones. The problem this creates is that the enemy will always know where you pop up and can react.

So as is Im going to leave it on its current scale. In the Atlantic ships were constantly under threat of u-boat attack (allies) and the axis constantly had to be careful to avoid a larger force (axis) so the scale of movement makes sense. In the pacific the have effectively 2x move compared to the Euro map. The Pacific was vast and to intercept a fleet in open ocean was nearly impossible. It took such rediculous luck. Thus they could move faster in these open areas. The ranges are enough to react to invasions to nearby islands already. I do have linked loops to ports (thanks Nup for the idea) so that cuts time to cross.

--- 15m later

ok I made a possible changed map. I uploaded it too.



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I have submitted a minor change to BF 1939. Found a graphical error and something I forgot to put in. I think I am having a problem with USSR annexing the Baltic States. It was working 1 month ago and now its not even though the decision fires. Not sure if its the patch or not.

I expanded the map for more naval action (Atlantic) and reduced redundant area (Urals).

I added Elite Units for Germany and USSR, CVEs for USA, and Sub Hunters for UK (although they were already in there)

Tweaked some AI decisions and added a new sneaky one.

Corrected some errors and updated some graphics

Still to Work on ---

Putting in rivers in unused land areas like S. America and USA.

Getting the Graphics right so I can streamline the elite units easy.

Figuring out this damn Baltic States bug.

Adding more supply interfering scripts.

New job and kid makes this tough to work on in spare time.

---- Here are the latest scenario notes.

Brute Force 3.01

This mod expands the PAC mod I made in 2009. South America, Africa and the Middle East were added to the map. I originally made a full scale 40m per hex map of the world but I felt it was too tedious to play. The map is currently 40m per hex on Europe and 80m per hex on the Pacific. I feel it’s the perfect scale for this type of game. I excluded areas which didnt play a huge role in the war.

I have completed the AI for Axis and Allies converting and improving it from my PDE mod. Please give feedback on the AI, scripts, and decisions that do not work or have errors. I will continue improving this MOD so it will be the best world scenario out their with AI. The AI has many options and strategies to follow. There are about 20 different strategic options for the AI to perform making each game different.

I do not have a lot of decisions in the game. I took most of the minor obvious yes/no decision events out. The MOD has events occur based on position more than decisions. For example Spain will be more likely to join Germany if England is invaded (historically true) but at the cost of an angry USA.

My recommendation for AI is to set their experience +1/2 or higher. I find adjusting this setting much more challenging than increasing their production. The AI's wasteful spending of MPPs is made up for their increased experience which makes a good challenging game for all except the most savvy of strategists.


In the Pacific all hexes cost a minimum of 2 action points to move for land units, yes even clear ones.

Each country has resource/cities activated over time to reflect true historical production. So you will find some locations with a zero value. I have made every best effort to ensure no loopholes or supply problems occur on the map. There is production and industrial technology to push countries beyond historical production. I have adjusted production for playability though from the base calculations.

Capital and City: 1x MPP

Mines: 2x MPP

Oil: 3x MPP

Movement next to a unit or crossing a river is +1 action points

Most land units have 4 action points except paratroops (3) and armor (5)

Naval units have about 15 action points varying per country.

Some notes about game mod design for playability

**AI** Gibraltar is closed off to assist the AI in holding it easier

**AI** Panama Canal is closed off to prevent the AI from sending units from Europe to the Pacific. A quick loop is in place for human players.

**AI** On the map there are small blue boats designating quick move points. The bottom blue tag explains where a ship will loop to, the top colored tag tells you who can use the loop and what cities they must control. The color of the top text tag is the specific color of the major power that can use that loop. If there is no top tag then any major power can use that loop. The Japan to Singapore loop does require Japan to hold Tokyo + Singapore + 8 coastal cities between. This was done to reduce ship movement so the AI can play faster.

To better help certain countries I added mobilization units. These are depleted units meant to be built up at a lower cost instead of overall increasing production of countries and unbalancing the game. Production starts very low at the start of the scenario and builds up over time. With the mobilized depleted units it maximizes efficiency of resources having the feel of more production without impacting the game by adjusting the whole economic system.

Germany: Has many depleted units to bring up to strength which roughly averages out to 40% cost of building it.

Japan: Has increased production early in the game, due to design mechanics, but their fleet is depleted far lower than historical. This will be a balance making the DEI and other resources vital to Japan late war. Their early increased production should be used to build up their fleet.

Italy: Starts the game at 50% Axis and in September, December, and March Germany will have the chance to force them into the war. They gain mobilization as Germany takes countries and will come in when France falls no matter what. Italy can also take Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia before France falls and claim it for themselves in its demands from Vichy France.

USSR: USSR: Will get 5 depleted armies at start of war with Germany to build up. If they fight the Winter War 3 of these units will have experience of 1 when built to full. This reflects the massive increase in manpower the USSR gets early in the war and a slow mobilization. All corps have been built and are on map at the start of the scenario. This reflects the change in how the USSR altered their divisions within corps from European standards (15k-20k) to smaller divisions (10k) grouped in larger numbers within armies later in the war. The USSR will also have their elite minor (see elite below) become active when the USSR is at 100% mobilization.

USA: Has a massive economy late in the war starting in 1943. Also part of their west coast is a minor to provide iron ore and oil to Japan until the oil embargo. A DOW on it is a DOW on the USA. The Pearl Harbor BBs will not come into play until the USA is in the war.

UK (CW): Has many depleted units on the map protecting many colonies. The UK player must choose wisely to use their MPPs for areas of greatest need early in the war. Historically the UK started with 9 divisions and grew to 34 by 1940. I tried to reflect this in the game. Indian and Australian convoys start at lower production. They go to full strength when France surrenders.

France: Is a minor of the UK and has a limited force pool. It is expensive to tech their units up. On the map is written the MPP restrictions to spend on this country. They surrender when Paris is taken. When France falls the Germans can choose Vichy. When this happans very few units become Free French and most colonies become Vichy. If it is not chosen most of the French navy stays free as does its colonies.

China: Is a minor of the USA and has a limited force pool. It is expensive to tech their units up and the effects are halved. They do get free units, warlords, when the Japanese approach their main cities to prevent a dash across China. I have also implemented the Burma Road, which is labeled on the map. The USA will have decision events to give China units through the Burma Road. Japanese units next to or on the Burma road will cut these decision events but increase USA activation. China's armies have only a 2 attack.

The MPP restrictions for France and China are optional and just reflect historical accuracy


Italy has slightly weaker infantry units

Japan has poor tank attack and better infantry defense

Japan and USA have better Marines

Japan and Italy have lower tank attack/defense for armor

USSR has weaker battle fleet naval factors and Escort Fleet anti-sub values

USA battle fleets have better carrier defense

USA carrier fleets have better carrier defense and land air defense

Japan has stronger cruiser group naval factors

China has slightly weaker armies when attacking

Germany has lower MPP attack values for subs but the subs cost 60% as much as everyone else’s. This reflects the smaller sub tonnage per unit the German’s had on their u-boats.

Strategic bombers and aircraft carriers have 1 strike only. I felt 2 strikes was too much.

Subs have a much higher dive rate, tech increases it by 5% and ASW drops this rate down 10%. Average dive is 50%.

Minor powers do not benefit as much from technology as major powers do. All minors that can upgrade are so at 200% cost and 1/2 effectiveness. The exceptions are the Common Wealth States (India, Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, Canada) which are at normal cost as if they were UK units with full tech benefits.


Through special manipulation of the game there are "Elite" build options for Germany, USA, UK, and the USSR.

Germany has SS Panzer Grenadier units which are better than tanks

USSR has Guards Mech units which are better than tanks

USA has CVEs that specialize in escorting vs subs

UK (Canada) has sub hunter Strategic bombers that come into play as the game progresses. They come in as reinforcements in St. Johns and Iceland.

Artillery I have put into the game because so many players like it. Personally I think it is not proper to this scale because it is too destructive and unbalanced. The AI does build artillery. If you do not want to play with artillery go into the editor and reduce the build counts to zero.


Rockets are special weapons

Germany has two V-1/V-2 which will come out in the production queue in 1944. The German player may or may not invest in research for them. At maximum research they should reach quite far from Germany reflecting the V-3.

USA has the A-bomb, which comes out June 1945 and needs to be built up (comes in at 1 strength). The cost is 120 MPPs per point to rebuild reflecting the cost of the Manhatten project.

Japan has Kamikazes, which are only naval attack (3). They cost less than an aircraft and do not defend vs attacks.


All naval units, except subs and transports, evade land/air attacks 20% only when defending

All naval units, except subs and transports, evade naval attacks 30% of the time when attacking or defending.

This reflects the greater luck and intel involved in fleet combat. I also feel it will lower the carnage that is common for SC2 scenarios. On average players can expect about 40% less overall damage toward ships while increasing variance in naval combat.


I have left it at default values. I prefer not to play with diplomacy but that is your choice. Certain actions and decision events will trigger countries aligning to different sides. You can see the influence below on the decision chart.


A maximum of 2 chits may be assigned to a technology. The chance of success per chit per level is 3/2/2/1/1. This should balance out so by 1945 a major country should have 3-4s and possibly one to two 5 level tech they heavily invested in.


#1 Japan take Indo-China & Siam

#2 USSR take Baltic States

#3 Create Vichy France

#4 USSR take Bessarabia

#5 USSR fights Winter War with Finland

#6 Italy takes Tunisia from France

#7 Italy takes Algeria from France

#8 Italy takes Morocco from France

#10 Italy send HQ to East Africa

#13 Lend Lease to USSR

#14-#16 Force Pact of Steel, Bring Italy into the War

#17 Germany sign Molotov-Ribbentrop pact

#18 Germany takes Baltic States if USSR doesn’t

#20 USA trades DDs for bases

#22 Japan invades East TImor

#23 Germany build U-boat bases in France

#50 UK Raids and Mines Norwegian waters against Germany Convoys

#51 UK Support Coup in Yugoslavia

#52 UK Reinforce Pacific Territories

#53 USA Reinforce Pacific Territories

#100-#107 USA lend lease to China 1940-1944


#61 Germany Sealion 25% #3-yes if Vichy yes

#62 Japan Attack USSR 1941 #3-yes 50% for japan

#63 Germany big African Push #3-no

#66 Germany Sealion setup check

#67 Axis Push hard Africa med/sealion strategy #61-yes

#68 Japan Conquer China

#69 Japan Main Assault Australia or India


#71 USA/UK 1943 France Africa-South France-Normandy (Gibraltar Allied)

#72 USA invade west France or Netherlands

#74 USA Rabaaul to Japan shot

#75 USA Invade Palembang


There are 9 turns in 1939, 22 each year after that. These are the events that affect each country.

USA has a random build up of mobilization. The better the Axis do the larger the build up. In 1942 it becomes a higher variance to get them in the war. If history is follow the USA should be on average at 85 starting Jan 1st 1942.

The USSR has a random build up of mobilization. By keeping garrison on the German border they increase their mobilization. By doing aggressive actions they increase their mobilization. The USSR needs 8 units within 8 hexes of Warsaw to increase their mobilization.

Germany must keep a presence on the USSR-German border to keep the USSR mobilization down. 4 units within 6 hexes of Warsaw.

Events are all single trigger events except...

® = repeat event each turn

USA should be @ 91 entry following history on June of 1942 on average

USA® +0-2 (50%) Allied per turn 1939

USA® +1-7 (25%) Allied per turn 1942

USA® +2-4 Allied UK surrendered (1939)

USA® +4-8 Allied UK surrendered (9/1941)

USA® +3-6 Allied Axis DOW on UK or any CW nation

USA® +2-4 Allied Japan conquers NEI (AI only)

USA® +3-6 Allied Japan DOW on NEI

USA +20 Allied China surrenders

USA 100% Allied Axis Invade Canada

USA +1-3 Allies Axis DOW

USA +1-3 Axis USSR DOW

USA +4-8 Axis Allies DOW Italy

USA +3-6 Allied Italy DOW Allies

USA +4-8 Axis Allies DOW Norway

USA +2-4 Axis Allies DOW Minor Country

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Egypt

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Gibraltar

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Iraq

USA +1-4 Allied Axis control Spain

USA +20-30 Allied Axis near USA west coast

USA +1-3 Allied Japan controls Chinese town/city

USA +1-3 Allied Japan cuts the Burma Road

USA +8-12 Allied Japan controls Indo-China (while not Vichy)

USA 56 Mobilization Japan trade cut

USA +1-2 Axis USSR fights Winter War

USA +1-4 Axis USSR takes Bessarabia

USA +3-6 Allied Japan takes Indo-China after fall of France

India and Australian become fully mobalized when Italy enters the war

CW 100% Allied Axis DOW on USA or Japan DOW on another CW

India 100% Allied When Italy is 100% Axis

Aust. 100% Allied When Italy is 100% Axis

USSR should be @ 100 entry January of 1943 on average

USSR may hasten their entry up to 1 year by doing the Winter War and taking Bessarabia

USSR® +0-2 Allied USSR has 8 units within 8 hexes of Warsaw

USSR® +1-4(1940) Allied Poland not surrendered to Germany

USSR® +22 Allied Germany refuses Molt-Rib Pact (DE-17 no)

USSR® +5(1940+) Allied Axis < 4 on USSR Border

USSR 100% Allied Axis DOW on Turkey

USSR +44 Allied Axis DOW on Baltic States with Pact

USSR +22 Allied Axis DOW on Baltic States without Pact

USSR +33-55 Allied Axis DOW on Finland

USSR +5-15 Allied Axis DOW on Romania

USSR +10-15 Allied Axis DOW on Iraq

USSR +20-30 Allied Axis DOW on Persia

USSR +20-30 Allied Axis has units on Causcaus border

USSR +1-15 Allied Fights Winter War

USSR +1-7 Allied USSR takes Bessarabia

Italy +1-20 Axis per Germany surrender

Italy +75-100 Axis Germany controls Paris

Roma. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Roma. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on Yugoslavia

Roma. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Roma. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Sweden

Bulg. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Bulg. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Bulg. +15-18 Axis German DOW on Greece

Bulg. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Hung. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Hung. +15-18 Axis German DOW on Yugoslavia

Hung. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Hung. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Hung. +5-15 Axis USSR DOW Sweden

Finl. 100% Axis USSR fights Winter War

Yugo. +3-13 Axis if Greece is conquered

Yugo. +15-18 Axis German DOW on USSR

Yugo. +3-13 Axis per Germany surrender

Yugo. +10-15 Axis Allied DOW on Greece

Yugo. +30-50 Axis USSR DOW Romania

Yugo. +100-125 Allied 2% per turn

Sweden +10 Allies UK Norwegiann waters Mining DE (50-yes)

Sweden +20 Axis for Norway surrenders to Germany and (DE20-yes)

Sweden +20 Axis (DE20-no)

Sweden +10 Axis USSR DOW Finland

Sweden +75-100 Allied Allies control Paris after 1943

Convoy -> Germany 5/25%, 10/50%, 25/100% (UK DE50-yes -10%, Norway Surrender +20%, 1940 +20% UK DE50-no)

Norway +30 Axis UK Mining DE 50-yes

Spain +35-45 Axis Allies DOW Portugal

Spain +30-40 Axis Axis control London

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Plymouth

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Southend

Spain +20-35 Axis Axis control Portmouth

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Gibraltar

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Egypt

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Persia

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Syria

Spain +5-15 Axis Axis control Iraq

Portu. 100% Allied Axis inside Spain (Allied AI only)

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Romania

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Tripoli

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Bulgaria

Turkey +15-25 Allied Allies Control Warsaw

Turkey +15-25 Axis Axis control Iraq

Turkey +50-70 Axis Axis control South Casucaus

NEI +40% Allied USA @70, cuts trade with Japan

NEI 100% Allied Axis DOW on USA

Iraq +75-100 Axis (2%) Axis within 5 hexes of Tobruk or Cairo (starts 6/1940)

Iraq 100% Axis Axis control Syria with 2 units

Thai. 100% Axis Japan control Indochina

Port. +15-25 Allied Japan takes East Timor

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One final minor adjustment to the graphics and a bug have been uploaded in v3.03

Also the alternate A3R type counters (thanks Honch) are available to in the mod's bitmap directory. Simply copy paste the files from the alternate counter folder.

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