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[UFC #6] Seems Like Old Times Match ---> Jollyguy (Allies) vs Rambo (Axis)

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August 1940

[Europe] Ah, I'm lost for words. London is empty, there's DD in port. Ah, supply-1 in London because I bombed it last turn. Ah, is this a trap? Political nightmare waiting to happen? Oh well, I'm taking it. German Paratroops take London, no damage taken. We ping the DD. German Bomber does attack on Manchester & the coastal city on the Eastboard. He has DD there, couple Corps around Manchester & Engineer. There is no RAF or RN to speak off. RN is raiding Norway, or somebody is. Guess I fell for the trap. End of turn the Yanks & Russians aren't happy about London falling, but I'll take it.

[MedFront] Italian Navy raids the key convoy line thru the Med: Austrialia, New Zealand, & Egypt cash (MMPs) are sunk.

[China] Japs waste Chinese-Army in the mountains East of Langchow, also kill Chinese-Corp West of Langchow....it's a killing field.

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Thing about it Minty is Rambo can't afford any mistakes against the Allies. He's like a real good football team that beats themselves, gets behind and then starts to gamble, its his nature.

Since JG is new at Global though, his conservative play might allow the Axis to reach critical mass and Jon knows the mechanics of SC defense, it will be a struggle for Jolly to make the comeback. This will be a good match.:)

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September 1940

Yep, it's a trap, not a gift. Royal Navy came to the aid of London & the channel. 2-BB, 2-DD, 2-CA, but no CVs. I lost Cruiser & U-Boat, but did a few hits before death. The Brits haven't put much tech on their ships this early in the game. Also, a swarm of stuff is geared up against London, Corps, and SF in the background. I don't think it was a trap, but rather when he moved his Fighter out of London, there was no supply to operand a unit back in. Either way, I haven't wasted any MMPs on Amphib movement which is a huge cost. The paratroops are in London full strength, low supply, and the Brits have the port.

On the counter, I send some fighters, tactical, bombers on naval support missions. I attack with 2-CA, 2-SB.....sinking couple enemy ships, reducing BB to one. It's a slugfest. We end with our ships on French side of the Coast for air support reasons.

[China] 3-prong attack on Longchow, we reduce the unit to strength-5, also cutoff him from the HQ to the West. But now my supplies are getting thinner. Chinese Engineer lost in the mountains is KIA'ed.

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Another round. The Royal Navy came in again. He's got 2-BB pinging the coast, with three Aussie CA, wow, that's a long sail :) I lost a ship or two. We counter right back, kill CA, work down the BB. The Bismark is out there fighting with my U-Boats.

RN shows up in force with some Aussies :) We'll fight on. Chinese getting a taste of the sword.

Italians are trying to ping there way out of the Rock, going to take awhile.

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No, not a trap. I pulled my fighter back because Rambo's level three fighters were making hash of me, and if i put a corp there he would just get free target practice and gain experience.

I was trained by the great Terif, and learned well that the Home Islands need to be protected as the top priority by the RN through 1940. As long as the RN is ready to be called into action any Sea Lion is very problematical. In SC2 Terif would always keep an eye on RN units, and if they were in far away theatres he would finish off Alexandria or contain it, and then do a Sea Lion. If Egypt had surrendered and the Home Islands fell, then England was out of the war, including their navy. In this game I think a Sea Lion is very high risk, as if a Sea Lion looks like it might succeed then the Brits could retreat to Canada or Australia, including all the RN and whatever units they could get off the island. As long as the Brits don't let themselves be pulled in an uneven exchange of naval units, it seems that the RN could screen most of their high value land units and evacuate them to fight another day.

Heavy naval action. All the Allied minor naval units are also around the Home Islands, and even though I only have level 0 infantry as my English scientists have been drinking too much Guinness, London should be reclaimed in another turn with a bit of luck. Luckily I threw a chit at anti-sub early in the game and that hit, as Rambo has level 2 subs. The lonely German paratrooper was hit with 3 land fighters, one from Egypt and one that arrived as a result of him taking London. Plus, two bomber passes flew over, plus two carrier sorties, then the paratroop was hit with a special forces unit and army. London is totally surrounded by corps, so even if he had amphibs they would have no easy place to land, and his air is somewhat banged up, so they couldn't totally support more landings. The paratroop is down to 5 strength, and can't reinforce. Meanwhile Il Duce is pounding at Gibralter to try to aid the German navy, but with luck the battle will be over by then and the RN pulled back for retooling if need be. The RN bombarded German air units stationed across from London last turn and this turn, with some success. Total losses have been somewhat more for the Brits, but they have the ships to lose. Meanwhile my English engineer is at work on his second fortification.


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October 1940

Yes, JollyGuy has stated the situation at the end of this battle. The British have a bunch of ground units.....I see at least 3 full Armies, tons of Corps, and SF. The Royal Navy has backed off, the RAF has avoided air combat against tech +3 Nazis. Yes, the Naval battle was pretty much as an exhange. I didn't spend any amphib MMPs, this is good, but I will lose a paratroop....they will die with their Nazi daggers in hand, in London.

Italians have busted out of Gibralter, but nobody to fight. The Royal Navy has gotta be in Scapa Flow, Manchester, etc.

SeaLion is over.

In Egypt, Italian Army leaves Tobruk to take on a charging Corp. There is an Italian BB helping with the attack.

[China] Good news, Langchow is crushed & captured. Another Chinese Army trapped in the mountains is whacked to death by the sword. It's off to the last Capital.

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As winter sets in London is liberated, and the surviving German paratroopers are marched to waiting POW camps. They exclaim that Goring promised wave upon wave of reinforcements, but they only saw waves of Englishman rushing forward to liberate their capital. In China Mao wishes he had such good luck, as the Japanese continue to press forward. A Japanese carrier shows up in the South Pacific, after intelligence says the Aussie navy and all the other minors are sending postcards from the Home Islands. Several Italian ships rush past Gibralter, after pounding the snot out of the port, but the RN has already pulled back. In London the High Command cleans up the mess, and ponder their next move.


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November 1940

Axis ships raid. The frozen tundra covers England along with their large ground forces. RN & RAF hiding. We ping-up a corp on the channel coast with air & crusier.

Egypt. Germans land Panzer, KIA on a lost Corp on the sands. Blackshirts ping HQ in Southern Egypt.

Romania joins.

Chinese have snow too. Little damage given West of Langchow. Just time now. They are low on units.

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Jan. 1941

Axis U-Boats & ships raid all convoys leading to the UK. BB +2 tech pings Western Coast of England. Small combat in the winter waters West of Ireland. U-Boats do small damage to Austrailian CA. After my turn is done, more rain hits the majority of the area, thus good for defense.

Egypt: El Amen is taken down by Panzer & Corp, this was nice. Blackshirts ping from the south on the newly formed 7th Armour. We back off then....

Japs continue the pounding in the winter months, Chinese HQ & Corp take expensive damage. Two more Chinese units are cutoff from supply in the mountains West of Langchow. I brought a Tank in, not sure why.

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[Atlantic Sea Battle]

Allied Royal Navy & Aussie ships come after the Legend in Jan. 1941. On the Allied turn, the following got sunk by the Allies. He went nuts.

Nazi U-29 (sunk)

BB-Rodney (sunk)

BB-Mayala (sunk)

BB-Royal (sunk)

Legend licks his chops, a "time to kill". Here's my counter with Wolfpack, Italains, Bismarck, & Air cover from the English Channel Normandy. Bismark has +2 tech, still roaming & raiding strength-7. Most my U-boats were upgraded to +2. Wow, glad he attacked when I paid for the tech.

Italian-BB on an attack (bad roll for kill) (sunk)

BB-Warspite (sunk)

BB-Valiant (sunk)

DD-St. Clair (sunk)

DD-Nigaraia (sunk)

DD-Bulldog (sunk)

DD-Campella (sunk)

CA-Aussie-Sydney (sunk)

CA-Aussie-Cruiser (sunk)

Raiding last turn was 40 MMPs, plus Bristol raid by Bismarck.

Bomber popped Bistrol port & London port.

[Egypt] Bock goes for it. Sends Legend's Panzer #2 for Alexanderia. We see two different HQ's from Africa & O'Conner from England. The target is the British General O'Conner because Brits have known 7th Armor in Cairo area last turn & WDE Army in Cairo. We nearly get the kill on O'Conner, he's down to strength-1. He can escape the port is about his only choice for next turn. Not wanting some bs to happen from behind, we send Elite +1 Nazi Corp to ping Oasis African. Bock holds the supply line for Legend's Panzer #2.

[China] China, or should we say "new" Japan in a matter of months. Zhu-HQ is KIA'ed, Corp KIA'ed, Army KIA'ed, we are to the next city which will be siege because it has entrenment x4 with Army. Need that city then the last one which is the "The Alamo" of China. I'm one city & two hexes away from it. I have overwhelming troops, HQ's, etc. Chinese have 1-HQ left, maybe 4 ground pieces at best.

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Well, this is part of the learn as you go. My destroyers were so effective on the attack I figured they would make a similar showing on defense...not the case. It seems to be a true cat-and-mouse, and you want your sub/destroyer to be the cat. I made an estimate of Rambo's navy and figured I'd be able to take some blows and then pullback and refit, but not the case. I also gambled that the weather in mid-January would ground his air units, as mine had been grounded on my turn, but lost that gamble. So, lesson learned.

One thing I'm noticing about this game is that it plays very much like that classic boardgame, Axis & Allies, in that it is very strategic. Tactics (such as my naval attack), generally take backseat to strategic position.

And in China the Japanese benefited from the better half and I going out to dinner...I was in a rush to finish the turn and forgot to move/reinforce the poor Chinese! I was sitting at dinner, and thought, did I move those guys? Oh well. So, chalk this turn up for Rambo.

But at the same time this game has incredible checks and balances, so early setbacks can be made up. Rambo had an abortive Sea Lion, me naval losses, so I'd say this one might still be even. I continue to be very pleased w/the breadth of this game, as it will give great variability.


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[China] One more city down, onward soldiers, the Rising Sun is marching to the Alamo.

[Egypt] Bock + 2nd Legend's Panzer pounded Alexandria for good solid 7 points of damage against British Army. Blackshirts hear of the strong Nazi movement up North, decide to march out of the Sudan, take a look around.

[Atlantic] England is having a bitter winter of snow & lack of supplies. Axis surface ships placed beside Manchester, London, Bristol.....U-boats raid & protect my surface ships. Lets not forget those British Carriers, where are they? Guessing they are hiding in Jacksonville or the Gulf of Mexico. Some brave British soul is raiding Norway for a point a turn, feels like a damaged DD. The damaged Bismarck strength-6, tech +2 rejects orders to return to port for resupply, instead pops a shell off the Southern English shore.

Yes, Jolly is correct, it's just one phase of the game. The Allies are never out of the game. I'm sure his teacher Yodl (Yoda + Terif + Jodl) is reading this, maybe sending Jollyguy trans-thought. Axis cannot afford to make mistakes, the Allies can.

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No, I haven't chatted w/Terif in quite awhile. One thing I remember him saying many times though is don't give up due to early game setbacks. In a game of this strategic breadth both sides will make mistakes. The Allies (Brits) are so starved for cash early on that they can't defend all places at once. But later on the Allied money machine will expand, so the game will pickup steam. Not much the Alies can do in the first couple years but try to not lose too much too fast in too many places. But lose they will. They want to chip away at the Axis here and there and deal out some damage in favorable mmp exchanges in which they do more damage than they receive. Remember, in the real war it was almost 3 years before the Allies began to turn the tide.

Looking forward to the next turn, SC Global runs the risk of becoming addictive. I could easily play for hours on end in a TCP session but real life doesn't allow that, so pbem is the only way to go. I'm also looking forward to the next patch, as this game can only get better.


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Bob, agreed. SC-Global is a great game, I've got the addiction bug which I had for SC-1. SC-2 & SC-Pacific were building blocks for this masterpiece.

I could easily disappear from real life & play this for months. There's something special about SC-Global.....years of fine tuning.

If you want to do TCP/IP, let me know. I can do 5pm for an hour or so. TCP/IP is best for new games because turns are short, then continue into PBEM.

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Okay, I just rolled the dice on this script. Got a CA (strength 8 +2 tech), CV (strength 5, don't think it had tech, lame).

DE 507 - Germany: Seize The Gold In Fort De France? Event fires: If DE 100 was responded to positively, Paris is in Axis hands, France has surrendered to the Axis, and Vichy France is pro-Axis but neutral. Cost of accepting: 75 MPPs (at 25 MPPs a turn for 3 turns) Yes: Germany is given access to Fort De France in the Caribbean by Vichy France. USA swings towards the Allies and will continue to do so as long as there is an Axis unit in Fort de France. Minimum of 4-10% if the Axis only enter Fort de France and then leave on the following turn. Vichy France may join the Axis if Allies enter and maintain a presence in Fort De France prior to US entry into the war. USA immediately receives a fighter in Puerto Rico, Germany receives a cruiser and an aircraft carrier once they enter Fort de France, and is presented with DE 512. No: The USA swings 1-2% towards the Axis simulating the signing of the Greenslade-Robert agreement. The UK will be presented with DE 108.

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June 1941

[Atlantic] Massive Axis raiding of the Atlantic. Taking ~50 MMPs from England per turn. Also pinging London & Bristol & Irish locations. Gotta be careful because the Carriers are somewhere. Surface ships are now worries, the majority are "below surface" ships.

[Egypt] Italian & Nazi ground forces have finished off Egypt. Waxed a couple African HQs, British HQ, 7th Armor, WDF, etc.

[China] We're on the last capital. My supply is off a little. Need to revamp a few key strong pieces for the final kill. HQ needs to move forward. I did lose an Army on overextension, it happens.

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*** GAME OVER ***

Jollyguy has surrendered. His first game back he jumped into the pool without alot of practice. We are now playing two new games. He likes playing Allies.

Axis had the scariest possible Navy in the Atlantic. Had all the units built, experience, and even two ships from the Port of Prince script. Had Iceland, England snuffed with no MMPs.....Didn't even have reason to invade. Things were going well in the Pacific too.

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Yea, I'm so rusty I decided to call the game rather than waste time, it was like a preseason game. But our other two games we have going are shaping up just fine, I'm Allied again. We tried to TCP on Friday night but couldn't, so we did speed e-mail turns w/two games going at once, and I think I liked it better.

A lot to learn in Global, but like most anything experience brings improvement. I think the trick with someone of Rambo's calibre is to change things up. Terif had numerous strategies he'd employ, to keep them off balance on what to expect. Rambo's doing the same with me on our new games, I can tell, and me w/him.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Rambo and I have two interesting games going, here's a brief summary:

A) Winter of 1941. This is only my second game, so still rusty, my China strategy was poor, it fell. Germans took London, but the British are dug in. Axis seized control of the seas with advanced subs, forcing the RN to pullback many turns ago. Axis has the momentum in Africa, and took Spain and Norway with a paratroop. The Gibralter corp retreated rather than be destroyed to the Spanish islands just south. Iceland is Allied and garrisoned. With the Axis heavily engaged on other fronts Russia took Finland in two turns with the help of level 2 tanks, and have plenty of ground units deployed. US is close to joining.

B) Also Winter of 1941. My third game, so my China strategy is much improved, I fell back to the interior and used the moutain terrain to my advantage. I sold the Chinese chits and invested as early as possibly in infantry tech, and am currently up to level two, although not all units are upgraded as some are face-to-face with the enemy. The Japanese currently have mucho units deployed and are pounding me with 1/2 dozen air of all types. However, the Russians dow'ed Mongolia and took it in one turn with air, artillery, and level 2 tanks and a paratroop, with the thought to assist the Chinese. However, a Japanese bomber reduced the captured capital to rubble, so we couldn't operate any units in. Plus, that single road makes it a logistical challenge. The Russians, undeterred, attack northeast China in force across the entire front, discovering that the Japanese have no antitank tech and also find several units at infantry 0, so the Russians close to prevent upgrading. Poor deployment by the Russians and deep entrenchment of the Japanese at first stalls the attack, but more Soviet forces and especially tanks are operated in, and two cities fall to be joined by a third next turn. Japanese carriers plaster Vladilastok and that corps is operated out, as the clear strategic interest of the Russians is to close on the Japanese before they can force a Chinese surrender.

Out west London is taken by Axis and the RN had to retreat, as again, the upgraded Kriegsmarine took control of the seas. However, the Axis discover only a rear-guard in place, as all air units and several heavy and light ground units departed several turns ago. This was because the Allies sensed a possibly Sea Lion due to the weakness of Axis attacks on other fronts, especially Russia, hence why Russia felt safe to attack the Japanese. Russia took Finland with ease once the weak Barbarossa started.

Meanwhile in Africa the British fell back from Cairo rather than take on level 3 or 4 German tanks, but regrouped at Nairobi after taking Mogadishu and the Italian city. The British tactical air unit plus a fighter and a bomber were deployed in kicking the Italians out, so the Axis pulled back after advancing to the outskirts of Nairobi rather than risk anti-tank 2 against it's expensive panzers. We are currently in a standoff. The US is close to joining.

Both very good games. I have more of a challenge at the moment in game A with China out, but any game against Rambo is a challenge. The war is still early and both of us could and probalby will make some big mistakes that will turn the tide.


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sounds bonkers. I must say in a lot of my games I am really enjoying the Jap/ soviet aspect. Rambo went bushido nuts against me ivan by the millions in siberia but was unable to break out west of irkutsk thanks to some big KV1s. In other games though I've seen/ played the japs sweeping west and pinning the soviets for the final kill. All depends on how busy uncle joe is againt the hun.

Still not see a Sealion end in victory, be good to see if Rambo can pull it off against JG.

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If you haven't played JG, his style is unique. First, he loves playing the Allies, exclusively. Since he only plays Allies (well, he wants to spar maybe a game as Axis just to become an even better Allied player), he's able to get really good being a single-sided-expert. He doesn't waste MMPs, believes in holding & capturing at flex points on the map. He has trained under the wing of Terif for years. JG & I tangled in SC-1, some great matches. JG real breakout came in SC-2, his Allied game was solid.

JollyGuy's player profile is simple......he's like Ike. Logistics, planning, & execution of strategy.

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