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Voodoo 5500 no text in a lot of boxes just white

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I have a voodoo 5500 and get a lot of white boxes with no text in them. I can see the word ammo but the box next to it is white. if i hit the enter key to see a units stats mostly i see white lines instead of text. In game graphics are ok except for the box showing the type of terrain the unit is suppoesed to be in or the curser is over its kinda white with some times light blue words

I have dx8 and the latest certified drivers not the beta drivers

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I can't remember what the fix for this would be. You may want to try out the BETA drivers after all. I don't think that they're necessarily unstable compared to the certified drivers.

You may want to adjust your FSAA (higher - 4FSAA ?) settings or set your card into "single-chip" mode to see if this helps your problem.

Voodoo 4/5 BETA driver (v. 1.04.01, 11-28-00):


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If you're not going to use FSAA, then choose 'Single Chip Only'. For whatever reason, 'Fastest Performance' causes this anomaly and is, strangely, the slowest setting of all the choices. This happens with all driver revs.

BTW, a cool tool for V5 owners to be able to configure the V5 settings for individual games is: V5Launch.

- Chris

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Hi JenDragon,Wolfe is right,you should use 1x or 2x anti-aliasing,or single-chip mode to solve this problem.Personally I use 4xFSAA and I have no problems,exept when using "esc" to minimize to the desktop then maximizing again,this makes all the text blurred and fuzzy,but this is a well known problem with CMBO and the V5500.If your setup can handle it I would reccomend using the FSAA over "single chip" anyday!

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Well I'm not sure what happened. I unzipped some new interface graphics as well as several others into the BMP directory. Upped the resolution to 1024x768 whatever, with x2 antialiasing will try x4 later. And it all works now. Do people like the velvet grass or bumpy, Wish i knew which updated graphics bmps to add to the bmp directory now.

Thank you all who replied for the help, did the X2 AA fix the problem? I didn't know to use that before reading above reply.

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