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[UFC #3] Crispy131313 (Allies) vs. Scook (Axis)

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Correct me if I am wrong, I thought Paratroopers can't drop two turns in a row. Unless I am mistaken, Soviet 2nd Para, who dropped into Riga this turn, dropped south of Leningrad the previous turn. I just might have interpreted something incorrectly, but thought I had one more turn to garrison Riga. Minor point, but clarification would be good for future.


Airborne land everywhere to lower my MPPs. I lose 50 from them running through a city and 2 mines, and some extra from cutting the rail lines in France. I abandon France and pull up my defenses along the German/French/Belgium border. Kill one American airborne in Germany.

With Russian airborne dropping behind the lines, and tanks assaulting in the front, we retreat a bit. One Soviet airborne and two more Soviet tank armies die. The river protection for Rostov is gone, so that should fall next turn.

Next turn, I should be able to put the whole 3rd Reich on one screen of my monitor.

{South China Sea}

One sub sunk by a carrier before I run it away. The waters from Dutch East Indies to Phillipine Islands is American owned. Think the US is making a video that can't be viewed in theaters, calling it "Navies Gone Wild". Show us your flat tops! Paratroopers escape by sea from Palambang, and reinforce Singapore.

{China et al}

We just hold our positions, just waiting to be attacked.

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July 16, 1944


Allied forces destory german corps in Nantes, and walk into the open French capital. There is a wall of Germans on the path to Berlin now. Axis air is noticeable in Germany and Italy. Americans kill a weak German curiser near Copenghagen. And the russians, they travel an unknown corps via sea to Narvik and land on the empty city to cut off that convoy route for good.


Russians walk into Kursk, and advance heavily around Smolensk. Rostov safe this turn but we do kill an Army in the South. The Paratroopers in Riga put Manstein in a bad spot, he had to advance back beside Riga as the Russians moved forward. We pop him down to 4. (*The paratroopers were in Volodga, and advance forward by foot and were able to prepare afterwards.) More pinging in the far east.

{Pacific Theatre}

Rain in China. A few minor infantry exchanges. The defending special forces in the Dutch East Indies is strike over and over by carriers and a few landing corps, he's down to 3 with no supply left.

We try to sneak into Brunei, of course it's not undefended. An american corps is stranded.

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July 30, 1944

{Western Europe}

Hello? Hellooooo? Anyone home?



Where are they going?


Germany participates in the Run, run, run away strategy.


Guess we aren't moving west any more?



Given enough time and Navy, anyone can capture a port, maybe. This will be trouble. You don't see the massive navy sitting south of these islands.


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August 1944


Allies prepare for the invasion of Germany. Minor air fights in the sky.


The Germans are on the run, we take Smolensk, Kharkov, Rostov and a mine without a fight. The paratroopers in Riga are now linked back to Moscow via rail. It looks like the Germans want to make a stand at the River that stretches infront of Riga, Minsk, Kiev and Odessa. The Russians aren't letting up and are nipping at the German's heels everywhere they run.


Stubborn Japanese defender. Not like they have to fend off much though, our infantry on the island is limited at best.


The Chinese troops get a little more agressive as we try to wear down the resource strapped Japanese. American fighters kill a bomber in Peking. Indian tank group in Burma on it's way to becoming a killer.

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Bahhhhhh, typed a big post, and it got lost just before posting. Giving a quick summary now.


2nd paratroops die in Riga, we form up our line starting there. Air strike tanks in Turkey, reduce them to a 6. We hold our positions and dig in.


We pull back from Russkies, too hot for us. We can't touch them, and they are pounding us. It's not an experience thing, just higher morale and readiness. I think Japan needs more Logistics training. Army in Batavia is only strength 5, but if it rains, we might be able to hold.

We thank the Chinese for coming forward out of the mountains, we promptly smack em down. Lucky cruiser bombardment knocks American corps down to strength 1, Japanese corps finishes the job.

Hmm, thats about it.

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September 1944


American infantry go to work on the entrenchment in Brussels. Some air battles over France but nothing decisive. Italian army in Rome take a couple hits from British and American carriers. A corps blocking the Russians from readvancing into Bulgaria is killed and a new Russian Army is moved into the important strait.


The Germans are using the river to stop Russian advancment. We advance some in the North but nothing gets done. In the Central and South we do not meet the Germans at the river.

{Pacific Theatre}

DEI Liberated finally. There is still a Special forces in Soerabaja though. More pinging in China/Burma. The front lines in these two countries have been the same all year.

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{Java Sea}

Going to pay for it, but surface fleet with subs attacks, sinks 1 BB, CA, and DD, knock another DD to half strength. The way is cleared for SF in DEI to make their escape, so they do.


We pull some troops who need R&R off the front lines. We get the kill on another Chinese army, on a roll now! (Well, not really, everyone else is pretty entrenched, that is probably all the killing.)


All quiet on the Western Front. We reduce unit density for the Russians in the north. Bosporus Straits could become an issue again, as per standard Soviet protocol.

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{European Theatre}

The Allies throw some punches along the German border, no kills but reduce a few corps near death, ping Brussels and attack Tank group from the skies. Speaking of the skies, American Para's land in empty Venice. Rome continues to get worked on by Carriers another 3 hits.

The Russians advance into Bulgaria once again with a pair of Armies. On the German front we take it easy in the rain.

{Pacific Theatre}

US Navy counters Japaneses spare pieces attack and kills a pair of subs and Crusier. There will be anothe exchange for sure, but the Americans are not fooled by hidden carrier tactics and do not over commit. We do land a SF south of Brunei to do some scoping out.

In the far east Russian infantry advance on Japaense occupied Chita and get a few hits. Pretty quiet in China/Burma on my end.

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{European Theatre}

Bah, the one turn I have Venice open he drops in. Skies clear up over the west, our air hits the tanks, scratch two more tank groups, this time from the Americans. We ping down the Soviet Army in Bulgaria, but no kills. This time the assault will be with ground pounders, they are so much more resistant to air strikes, so this could be tougher. What other game would the German troops want to head to the Eastern Front? No casualties, we have a gap between them and us.

{Pacific Theatre}

Think we sink a CA in the South China Sea (might be 1 strength, dont recall), sink a corps loaded on invasion boats our subs catch in ports. Rough seas prevent the launch of carrier strikes against the American Navy.

Burma/China: Lot of finger painting, kite flying, and some sushi eating, but not a lot of fighting.

Manchurian Border: We kill a Soviet SF, that is all.

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October 1944

{Europe Theatre}

Lots of rain bogs down our offensive in the East and West. More Russian troops march into Bulgaria from Turkish channel. There is action in Italy as the American Airborne infanty fight from Venice, and Rome better watch out. Italian infantry is banged down to only 2 strength by only Carrier strikes. The Venice defender have lowered the supply in Rome as well.

{Pacific Theatre}

Americans and Aussies land with HQ's on Brunei island to duke it out. China and Burma is a stalemate. The Russians send Tanks to the front lines to test the Japanese infantry.

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November, 1944

{South China Sea}

America and Australia get serious about oil. They can't get enough of it.


We find a carrier, periscope depth reveals no aircraft to be found, so we surface and use the deck gun. Lexington goes to a strength 2.


The American Airborne in Italy no match for German tanks, this is not Bastogne! Concerned about the air and shore bombardment of Rome, as there is a transport just waiting to enter and empty city nearby.

Soviet tanks, they are everywhere again: 2 in Manchurian area, 1 in Turkey, and 1 in Russia, the other 2 unaccounted for this turn. I do believe my opponent has learned much about combined arms in this game, and mixing the tanks with infantry.

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Rome collapases under combined carrier strike and attacks from the sea. British Army and corps land and take the city. Italy is out!

A german corps killed near Sofia, Russia is coming in strong. In Russia some minor attacks in the South, it's snowing from France to Rostov so no major offensive on either front lines.

{Pacific Theatre}

Russian Tanks kill Japanese Army near Chita. We had to chase around that Japanese submarine near DEI but we got em'.

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December 17, 1944


Question: What does this mean to me?


Answer: The least of my problems.

This is taking troops away from what will be a really ugly spring/summer in Europe. The western and eastern fronts are prime for collapse, the areas you see above just take valuable troops away from other needed areas. Oh well, the Feuhrer's Fireman will be busy this year.


And this picture means?


Red Storm Rising? No! Russia just has too much money on their hands. Sink 3 out of 4, we'll see if it's just bait for the American Navy. 1st Kure Special Forces leads Banzai assault on 5th Tank Army on the border, succeed in destroying it. Nothing else special to report.

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December 1944

{European Theatre}

The cold blowing winter continues across the front lines of Eastern and Wesern Europe, nothing much happens. In Italy more allied troops land to prepare for battle with German forces. The elite german corps in Naples is reduced to 6. In Bulgaria a Hungarian Army is destroyed by Russian Infantry and Tank group, while Sofia is bombed from 10 to 4.

{Pacific Theatre}

American and Australian forces capture Balikpapan (Brunei island).

The Russian submarines were expendable, we wanted to scope out Japanese naval defence around Japan. It was very well guarded.

Lots of air fights over China, but no ground attacks by the Chinese, or the Russians for that matter.

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Hermann Goering tanks lead assault down Italy, Rome freed, Italy liberated, lol. Knock a russian corps down to 2 strength in front of Sofia. Shuffling troops behind the scenes, think I will make past the actual historical date of conquer, but I will be severely beaten here, fairly quick. Want to play this out for a while though, you rarely get to see the late game and how it plays out.


Borneo is guarded only by a single corps, think there is like 8 troopers for the Allies on the island, going to fall next turn. Where will all those guys be heading? His air hit my air last turn, I return the favor this turn, at least where the rain allows. Otherwise, more hunkering down, everywhere.

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January 1944

Russia is gaining ground in Bulgaria, we kill 4-star German Army to crack open their defensive line. More russians pour through the Turkish fountain.

We continue to try to thin out German resources by a DOW on Vichy France. Tough weather slows our advance to Marseilles but the new threate has to keep the Axis on their toes.

German corps in Naples barely survives at strength 1.

{Pacific Theatre}

Brunei is still in Japanese hands as it's slow moving through the Jungle. We drop another HQ for some added supply.

Trench warfare everywhere else.

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HG Panzers blaze a trail of glory through British forces, wipe out an army and a corps single handed, open up the door again to Naples. We ping the tank open to us, knock him to a 3, bring down a truckload of reinforcements again, including our latest tanks, the Panther. At the end of the turn, I realize I am not looking at the Italian/French border quite properly, leave a place the Allies can cross into Italy, but they still have to kill the Frenchy in the way. Speaking of which, doesn't it just feel right to overrun French units, whether you are Axis, Allied, or Communist? I think so! Wonder if it has ever rained all summer long?


Uhm, nothing noteworthy? May have sunk the last Soviet sub, but that's about it.

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January 1945


Russian infantry move into unoccupied Riga, the Germans keep pulling back inch by inch. The Axis make a sloppy move and don't reclaim the port of Albania after the fall short fall of Italy. The British land 4 corps and HQ between Greece and Yugoslavia and nearly kill a German Bomber. The Russians are closing around Sofia themselves, and the British will certainly be an unwanted distraction. Snow everywhere grounds my air, even choppy seas in the Med. Vichy France proves a hard task to beat when marching through snowy mountains.


Can't kill the Brunei defender. That's it.

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March 1945


A rule I am not sure how many people know:


Even though my corps has supply 5, every land square (hex, chit, uhm, whatever the exact name in the rule book it is called) is enemy occupied, so he is ensieged. I don't recall the exact rule, but I do believe with supply 5 he can only be reinforced up to strength 5 (I think it's 8 with supply 10, but I don't recall, and am not looking it up this minute). Makes me think to run away or hold. Not going to give up the island that easily, so kill me.

Nothing else here.


Welp, going to miss something sometime, 2nd Panzer with their new Panthers wipe out 2 British corps and close in on the port, but one unit south in Greece keeps it open for Britain. Pretty tight rope down here, the Russkies are primed to blow something up.

HG Panzer blasts an HQ, and pull up the peninsula, all Allied units in Italy now in Sicily. Clear weather in Europe should be happening soon, Allies will show superior air power when that happens, and lots of German mamas are going to be crying.

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{European Theatre}

Americans make a move to take Vichy France but can't get it done, rain holds back to much of it's airforce. I want clear skies so much. In Bulgaria another British corps lands just to muck it up. Carriers are striking Sofia to reduce the entrenchment to 0.

The Russians move forward at first sight of clear skies, killing a Special Forces and a few other random hits. We are face to face along the entire front lines. Russian paratroopers make a move to take Warsaw but a HQ is there, so we move to cut the Sweden convoy port, no dice there either, Damn.

{Pacific Theatre}

Brunei holds on under heavy attacks, carriers can't strike to finish them off. Japanese defender in Chita reduced to 3, the Russians send a wave of troops to the front lines at the though of a break through.


Scook is doing a great job of keeping Germany on it's toes. I am trying to break in everywhere. Japan is a real empire, it's a true uphill battle in the Pacific.

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April, 1945

Ach du lieber!! I have outlived Roosevelt! Send the Bismark out raiding!



West Front: we take pot shots and wound a few units

East Front: I weave together a front line for the last time, itskittin kinda heavy. Artillery, tanks, and whatever else they have will make this miserable in the Eastern Front. Oh, submachine guns, can't leave those out. Think of scenes from 'Cross of Iron'.

{Around Sofia}

We ignore the half strength out of supply unit that is landed, 2nd Panzer grinds 2 more British into the dirt, and they take their 1st casualty. We blast another tank army and divide the Soviet forces. This will of course cost me units, but buys more time.


Is mine, for the moment. But there are 6 to 8 carriers in the Med, I think the Nuclear class carrier Nimitz is with them. There is so much air flying the sun is blacked out.

{Empire of the Sun}

The corps holding out in Borneo is at 2 strength, and very low morale and readiness. Reinforcing to 5 strength would still be death, so we withdraw them. They won't get any medals though, for we are Japanese, and they are just doing what is expected.

The 1st Guards Armor Army is at tech 5, I am not sure how to stop them, just slow them down. I reinforce heavily in front of Soviets, but nothing for offensive action there.

Hmmm, we notice a lack of American air in China. I wonder where they could be now? Just kidding! We are 99% sure they are in Europe, waiting for the sun to come out. Oh, and from the looks of it, mud on the ground for you, but clear skies overhead.

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{European Theatre}

Lots of clear skies, except where nearly every one of my planes are stationed in the East and West. Oh well. Russians break open the German lines again killing a corps. Bulgaria is getting getting rough on the Germans. We reduce the German Panther to 7,Army to 2, Sofia defender to 2, Another army there is already 6. Can't take Vichy it's raining. It's raining over Britian.

{Pacific Theatre}

Brunei is liberated finally, and only because the Japanese ran away. Russians take Chita back behind their mighty tanks. The Japanese will be happy to see even more tanks sent to the far east. We need to get rolling on killing these Japanese units.

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May 1945

Big Turn


The time to strike hard is now. Allied air hits Marseilles, we muck it out with super German fighters from Italy but the American infantry do the real work and the Canadian Tank group takes Vichy France for the UK. Bombers strike Brussels hard from London reducing the city to almost rubble, and American Army's move in to erase the entrenchment. 3 American tanks move in the rear to strike fear into the defending Army.

The Russians follow suit with a large offensive of their own. The Russians capture Minsk, which was abandoned by the Axis and we surround the city with Russian troops pinging away. In the South the Ruskies finally break the long lasting German lines. Tac Air kills a Tank group, and Russians poor through the hole. A Russian tank group finds Field Marshall Leeb and kills him. German Tac Bomber striked by russian infantry down to 6. The Russians don't let up in Bulgaria, we kill a tank group and army.

{Far East}

The Russians are showing no fear and are attacking the Japense head on. No kills, we have to work down the entrenchment.


The Chinese go on their largest offensive in over a year striking and Japanese army they can. Nothing decisive of course, but we damage nearly 8 of the infantry clusters.


The previous turn the Japanese navy was active, a carrier near Thailand killed a US destroyer, and Japanese cruiser and sub attacked transports and surface ships near Brunei. We retaliate by sending Battleships to sink the Carrier near Thailand, and use our own Carriers to sink the sub and Cruiser. A damaged British DD took sail west of the Phillipines and found another Jap sub, when attempting to flank the sub from the West we find another Carrier, we launch another offensive and kill it. Japanese bombers spotted in the Phillipines and killed while we're at it.

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