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[UFC #3] Crispy131313 (Allies) vs. Scook (Axis)

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March 1942

{Pacific Theatre}

Japs hopped up on conquests take Nanning, with support of 4 carriers. Chunking bombed flat. Wake Island in our hands. The important one, Dutch East Indies, falls. The other important one, Phillipines, holds out. Need to study the weather charts more next time :). Sub I-20, heading to shell Hollywood, runs into the BB, California, and takes a hit. Don't have much hope for those boys. Maybe the can capture John Belushi 1st.

{Fortress Europa}

Snow and blizzards mar the Eastern Front, however one special forces dies. Spain does join us, glad she did it on my turn, otherwise her fighter, starting next to Gibralter, might have died. Everything else is a quiet shuffle, on the continent, and at sea.

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March 29, 1942


Weather clears on the front lines, raining everywhere else. Germany is in an offensive postion with 4 Panzer groups between Minsk and Odessa, Scook continues to use his corps to shield them. Russians deply 3 corps around Kiev to protect the city from Blitzkrieg warfare. In the North Russia's front lines behind the river have held all winter, but there is now a German Tank group in the "sweet spot" left of Riga. The Germans have waited a long time for some clear weather on the Eastern Front, if it keeps up blood will spill next turn.


The Phillipines continues to hold. Manilla corps is still able to manage full reinforcements thanks to the HQ in fort. Some more Island hopping by the Japanese to grab the usual islands. The submarine that wandered close to the United States coast is waxed easily.


With the loss of Nanning the Japanese surely will be coming after my capital hard now. They have been bombing the hell out of it for a while now.


A few Axis subs spotted off of the coast of St. John's. A mix of UK, and USA destoyers pop it for 9 points. Not enough for the kill, but we can't let them live fearlessly. The USA declared war on Germany and allies in the process.


German Para's and an Army ride the rail to the capital. Their target is more than obvious.

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April 12, 1942


The target is obvious, Portugal! The evil Portuguese people will pay for their transgressions, we'll make those up later. 2 units pop up there, kill the 1st next to capital.


We slip away from the American coast, no need to stay so close to the enemy bases.


1 army, and 4-5 corps fall this turn. Mud, but clear skies for once! Both sides are going to have to be careful here, losses are going to mount rapidly.


I hate this place if you can't take it in one turn. Monsoons in, we shore bombard the capital, and Corrigedor. Should only be a matter of time though.


Still wanting to take advantage of the amphetamines, errr, victories our troops are high on morale with, Expedition Army slams into 8th Route Army. Follow-up Banzai wave assaults from the frony bring them down. Expedition army notices Chinese special forces troops are now armed with Russian sub-machine guns (infantry weapon 2). Technological advantages can be short lived.

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April 26, 1942


Mixed fleet of Allied destoryers chase the Axis wolfpacks towards Greenland, dives, dives, dives! We nail a few hits, but none are dead.


First turns of clear skies have been bloodier for the Russians than the Germans, but it's expected. We attack near Odessa with a pair of tank groups, routing a Romanian army and smashing a German corps near death. Axis air seems heavier in the North so the German's are going to have to send some stronger units to the front lines if they wish to counter.


The 8th route army were legends amongst the Chinese, handing out huge shots nearly every turn. They will sorely be missed. The Flying Tigers attacked near Chengchow but their escorts didn't take to the air, bad calculation on my part. Japanese fighters intercept and do damage.


German army, corps, Para are poised to take Portugual. Japan has already declared Portugese Timor their own.


Defenders are back to full strength in the capital despite heavy bombardment to their supply outlets.

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May 10, 1942

Atlantic Ocean, somewhere between Maine and Iceland, communique to Churchill:


Unbeknowst to the Allies, the Kriegsmarine was lurking in the middle of the Atlantic, ready to assist the sub fleet. Bismark, Tirpitz, and others intercept destroyers and wreak havoc. Subs come in and clean up. 6 destroyers sunk, one massively damaged, and one Canadian DD unscathed. Now all we can do is see what backup the destroyers have.

{Portugal and Gibraltar}

Lisbon comes under the Jackboot, paratroopers assault 'The Rock', cause no damage. Two fighters, however, score hits on the defending corps.

{Eastern Front}

More troopers die, Riga falls. rain hovers over the Polish/Russian border, all air grounded. Russian tanks are scary, but not going to be held hostage to them. But, somehow, corps mostly end in front, imagine that! Romanian army attacks Soviet tank, and you can see the results. Ok, he was a 7 when we started, so we lose 4, them 2. But for propaganda purposes we will post that on billboards.


{Pacific Theatre}

More bombardment in Philippines, we'll see if that worsens their supply any. Monsoons still in, ships still out. Chinese army attacked outside Nanning, just some pings both sides. Quiet times, Sean reflects he really needs to learn to play Japan much better for all future games.

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After the massive slaughtering of our sub hunters the Allies had to strike back. The Prince of Wales BB which was hastily stationed in Azores, with an air group to maintain control after the fall of Portugal struck first, followed by a pair of Allied carriers, more destoryers and the King George BB. We sink an German BB, CA, and nearly destory a spanish CA. Mixed results with destoyer vs Subs. The Axis ships are pretty banged up and don't have anyone in position for hit and run. Can't be sure if they will risk a counter attack or not.


The Axis are slowly pushing forward, it's decided that the Russians need to wear them down. In the North 2 Russian tank groups spring forward from Smolensk, we kill a German Army, and smack a 11 strength army for the hell of it for 3. Both tanks are strength 4, but that's what our tank factories are for. In the south the same, 2 more tank groups attack near Odessa, destorying German Armour, and reducing Romanian army to 1, but at heavy costs. Bloody retaliation will happen.


Southern Spain is covered in German units, Gibraltar will fall, maybe not next turn but soon as their entrenchment weakens.

(Pacific Theatre)

The Japanese are facing a wall of Chinese army's in the mountains. Could be a while before another Chinese city falls. 0 Success for the Japanese in the Phillipines, we are back to strength 10. The Japanese haven't even showed up in Malaya or Burma yet.

Also I forgot to mention Mexico joined the Allies last turn.

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The turns have slowed waaaayyy down for me, I am taking an hour to an hour and half to do the last two turns. Lots of stuff to look at, consider, then act upon.

June, 1942

Clear weather, everywhere!

Atlantic Ocean

We consider staying and fighting, but we do turn tail and run. Doenitz knows when to hold 'em, and right now he's folding.


Takes a pounding, down to strength 2, should fall next turn. Sidenote: reinforcing Azores by Allies will be a pain for me, would have loved to have that island.


Too quiet.

Eastern Front

5 Soviet tanks die, I think 1 corps also, Minsk holds on by the skin of their teeth. There are a lot of Soviets on the map, but losing their offensive punch should help me this whole summer. Have to watch out in September though.


Carriers and land based air pummel Manila, it falls easily. Quiet everywhere else. I know he has some big surprises coming my way, and I hope to do the same for him.

ps, forgot, Finland so impressed they join the Axis.

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June 21, 1942


Oh the horror! So many Russian tanks laid to waste, I made a horrible mistake sending them all forward in one blow. Russian soliders will become human shields to stop the Axis march. Axis Armour has broken through our front lines in both the North and South. In North the the Germans have reached Smolensk, I deploy more corps to defend the city. In the South Panzer Groups have captured the first mine, bypassing Odessa in the process. Army groups Central have had not much luck as Minsk and Kiev still stand with many troops, although the Axis have captured some strategic offensive land. Russian BB escapes port and bombards Helsinki, we take the blunt of the damage.


Stalin is mad, and takes out his fury on the pro Axis turkish government. Scook new it was too quite in the Med. The Russians and British made secret plans to attack Turkey and it was a smashing success. British tac air, fighters, and dual carriers flatten Ankara from Syria, while a Russian army moves in and dislodges the Turkish HQ in the capital. A russian corps lands in the narrow passage along Istanbul popping the CA in port, Russian CA, DD escape into the Mediterranean. Russian tanks move in from the Kaukas to destroy Turkish army in Erzurm. We get the surrender.


Allied destoyers want to keep fighting, we chase Submarine near Greenland, they dive, every last one of them.


I foget to reinforce the corps (they had supply 5 too!) and run out of money. German forces surely see Americans slip into the Mediterranean before the door slams shut.

(Pacific Theatre)

Nothing too report. Scook celebrates the fall of the Phillipines i'm sure.

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July 1942

Gibraltar falls. Spanish CA sorties, strikes a transport carrying an army for 5, I am just hoping the Allies will hang up to pick up my survivors once they sink the ship. Quiet in the Atlantic.

Kiev and Minsk fall, Germans watch Russian corps to see what they will eat now. Odessa holds on with a strength of 1. Partisan pops up in front of us.


Nothing to report (I think). All quiet.

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July 19, 1942


4 Russian Corps are left for dead near the front lines, they scatter in all directions trying to ping HQ's or just reach back for some supply. A corps retakes the vacant mine. Not much action overall. Axis units are everwhere but supply doesn't seem a problem yet.


The reds quickly form some defensive positions. Turkey should make up for the cities we lost so far. British DOW Iraq and narrowly miss destroying the defending corps. We snag the oil though. A couple armies and a special force have entered the country. The Brits continue to rebuild their tattered economy.


A few smacks to the Spanish CA, they will make it home unfortunately. American reinforcements should come in handy down here.

(Pacific Theatre)

Jap special forces finally pokes it's head into Burma. Stalemate continues in the Chinese mountains. A couple carrier strikes on ground troops near Nanning.

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Sorry about last night's short reply, did the turn, went to bed, and now up 11 hours later, was beat. Kudos to my opponent for the one turn assault on Turkey. I do appreciate minors falling the same turn you do DOW them. Iraq was lucky, they seemed immune to his air attacks last turn. But now, onto the current action. Snapshot mid 1942:


There are a lot of ways to analyze this, as you can see Axis have the land and air advantage right now, and navy goes to Allies. To be fair this was taken at the end of the turn. USSR peaked about 36 or 38 land units, down to 25 right now. I whacked 6-8 more units this turn. What I am not showing you is the economic strength of USA and USSR, both are at scary levels. Those two nations are close to twice the MPP power of the Axis alone. A year from now this graph should be a bit different.

The British Empire is somewhere between major and minor power. Their numbers are good here, but don't currently have the economy to back it. Get them into a head to head tussle they would be fragile. So eating minors works well for now. Since we don't see much growth in US forces, I can only surmise a big investment in Navy, that's going to be scary.


Death, cleaning up of units, I thank you for moving those units out to the open for easier kills. Odessa falls, we are in position to make more cities fall depending on next turn's weather and situations.


Everything else is quiet, but my favorite part of owning Gibraltar pops up end of turn, supply problems for Allies in the Med.


The place is big, really big, takes time and money to shuffle my troops. So nothing happens.

Things I have learned: Going to build as many paratroopers in future games, they are infinitely useful in player vs player games. Going to pick Crispy's brain a bit (if he will let me) on that economic situation. Could have just been lucky Industrial tech hits, but I have never had/seen the MPP power both USA and USSR. Japan: I suck. Need to work on planning better, and how to crush China. Will probably need to get whacked upside the head by some other people so I can get a clue. In our game, the amount of pressure on the Allies Japan is putting can be summed up by, "oh, we are at war with Japan?"

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In class right now, but I can comment on the Economies. I don\'t see anything special out of the USA economy right now, I don\'t have the charts infront of me but they are pretty much where I would expect them to be.

The USSR I have been lucky with tech no doubt about it, however I can admit that my research strategy has always been to go for early industrial with the USSR using nearly every chit I have. I have been rotating my spare room to garner some weapons, and that is where I have gotten lucky, but it could be credited to the catch up rule when it comes to weapons.

The USA/USSR Convoy is something very new to me too, and I\'m not sure if it shows in the charts. It is a big change from having the middleman (UK) in between.

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After getting home booting up and reviewing the chart, I see what you meant. I can assure you that MPP chart is misleading. Some of the flow of MMP's seems to be 'double counted' as the USA/USSR Convoy is being added to both coutries incomes on the chart. I don't know if that is a bug or if that is the mechanics of the chart. Maybe someone reading this knows?

Whatever the reason I am certainly not making that specific amount of MPP's per turn.

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I am guessing because of my limited play in SCGC, I think the Allies must have bigger economies from the other versions. I do have to keep in mind we have all the USA, not just half of it, and that does mean they have to build for 2 fronts. I think that is what is throwing me the most, USA is shown to have true economic might.

Here is a tip, last time I posted it 2-3 years ago, most people didn't know: you can control how much Lend-Lease you send, bring up the strategic map, go to convoys, and click on the flag of the sending nation, which will be either Britain or USA. From there you can adjust the percentage you send from 0 to 40% of your economy.

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That is one thing I haven't figured out how things are counted, countries that fight for a long time will generally spend more in MPP losses than they produce. I don't think that is possible. I would have to play a hotseat game vs myself and keep record all MPPs, so I can see where the accounting problems lie.

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August 2, 1942


Axis are definitley in control, there is not enough stopping them from grabbing the second line of cities. The Russians are going to ahve to draw their own line to make a stand. Very little in offensive this turn, 2 russian corps play musical chairs with a mine, popping German HQ for 6 damage in total.


No reinforcments in Iraq means the British easily take over.

(Pacific Theatre)

Japanse bombers continue to bomb Sian and Chungking. No units dying, although in the south the Japanese are landing some nice hits.

Brazi Joins the Allies.

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August 30, 1942


Smolensk falls, everything cleared between my troops and the ones dug in front of Moscow. It's like a weird history one year later, let's see how the rains come. Kharkov attacked, but special forces being stubborn. Russian corps out of supply pinged. September coming up, so have to watch for more Soviet tanks. Here's a view of Army Group South:



Yugoslavia, even though friendly to us, attacked and conquered. I need to counter his conquering morale bonuses, and can use some extra cash. Hmm, quiet everywhere else, I do believe. Waiting on the British assault on Persia though, only thing in the area that is neutral and worth anything.

{Asia & Pacific Ocean}

Some more movement, not much else. Some pinging outside Nanning. Here is another shot, so you can see China DOES look the same:


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September 13, 1942


No large counter attack by the Russians. A few corps left behind enemy lines try to break loose of the German clutches. Bock gets hit again in the process for 2 points. Kharkov is nearly totally surrounded. They should fall next turn. A Japanse special forces is spottd near Vladivostock.

(Pacific Theatre)

Japan turns their attention to Burma and Malaya. Penang port (Malaya) captured by special forces. A few more special forces from Thailand seem poised to try to attack Rangoon. No Naval action as of yet.

The rest of the world is quiet for now. No axis raiding for a few turns now.

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And the watch word today is: rain. Rain covers western and southern Russia, slowing my offensive to a halt. Only kill the one corps who is out of supply. Marat is sunk by CA Graf Spee and DD Z-31. Outside of that, quiet world wide, just enough for everyone to start that deep breath before the Hammer is dropped and Indiscriminate Justice is met out.

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The Russians finally get some well needed reinforcements! They aren't sent to guard Kharkov or Kursk however, the city's that are closest to falling. We must let the German's come to us.

(Middle East)

British DOW Persia. Lots of mountains and few roads. The march to Tehran will take time.

(Pacific Theatre)

Three Special Forces, HQ spotted in Thailand. American fighters near Rangoon hit HQ but get caught up in a air fight with a Jap Carrier parked in South China Sea.

Special Forces still spoted near Vladivostock. I can't tell if he's on the offensive, or being defensively cautioius.


British and US Governments hold meetings about different strategies to embark across the globe. USA has been very quiet thus far.

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October 25, 1942

Russian land troops jump from 25 to 32. Discretion is the medal winner for now. Kharkov falls to 10th Army. We pull back slightly in the north, partisan pops up to link Leningrad up to Moscow.

I sense another country being DOW'd upon by Allies next turn.

Troops close in on Singapore, finally. Major Rain and General Winter look to rule for a bit.

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