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Brute Force (one game)?

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hi all now Im in San Fran and getting time back to work on my mod. I was considering combining the PvP and PvAI into just one. Taking the PvAI as default.

The differences are

**AI** Gibraltar is closed off in the AI version so no fleet for garrison is required.

**AI** Panama Canal is closed off to prevent the UK from using it and USA AI from using it. there is a move box though.

**AI** On the map there are small blue boats designating quick move points. The bottom blue tag explains where a ship will loop to, the top colored tag tells you who can use the loop and what cities they must control. The color of the top text tag is the specific color of the major power that can use that loop. If there is no top tag then any major power can use that loop. The Japan to Singapore loop does require Japan to hold Tokyo + Singapore + 8 coastal cities between. This was done to reduce ship movement so the AI can play faster. Human version has higher ship speeds

**AI** Only Brussels is required to be conquered in Human vs AI game.

I was thinking of just leaving these in.

I also was considering making Netherlands an independent country. If Axis DOW on it they make Belgium become allied (which I think would happen realistically).

Still working on AI to make it better. I made many adjustments and alternative strategies. I am thinking about redoing the map again.

I was thinking of basing it on a Peters Map which is actual scale to land area instead of shape which is the Mercator Projection Map which is the standard flat map you see showing areas as land size stretched out.

Peter Map (land area accurate)


Mercator Map (land shape accurate)


What I would do is make an area of major combat the focus which would be iceland to urals (left-right) and Murmansk to Cairo (up-down). On the pacific map it would be west india to west USA coast (left-right) and Siberia to Cairns [N. Australia] (up-down) the rest of the world would be effectively off map naval loop boxes. The map will be split right in the middle of the USA. With the current AI scripting I can do USA AI easy with 1 power. I would also make the map a world wrap not Eur on top of Pac like it is now.

I think with a Peters Map I can make it easier for the AI to play because it is based on real area not shape.

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