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x2 Installs for Marines?

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A license key allows for two concurrent activations. So it normally should have activated on your laptop. The key issue here is that it appears you did NOT unlicense one installation before "wiping" the system, which "lost" an activation.

'Submit a Ticket' to the Helpdesk with your Marines license key and we will see if we can do a 'reset' to the license key (which can only be done a few times before the license key is invalidated).

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I think we need some clarification with this. Accidents can and do happen as we all realise. I lost a laptop due to a hardware failure - bottom line it needed repairing and needed to be sent off. But I lost the contents of the drive as a result. I had no way of preventing this from happening nor any way of uninstallling the game first. So I was pretty stuffed. Thankfully you guys sorted it out this time, but it does beg the question, when it is no fault of your own, how can you justify this?

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phil, there isn't anything to justify. If you lose an activation for reasons beyond your control, then we simply reset your key from our end after you submit a support request at www.battlefront.com/helpdesk. In fact, we even do this regularly if it happens for reasons within your control.

As long as you do not have total hardware losses twice a week ;), you will not have any problems (and we don't have anything to justfiy :))


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