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Possible Bugs? British landing in Fort de France after DE 108 and carrier attacks

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I responded No to DE 108, and then moved a canadian corps next to tile 30 30, but it cannot land? I am not sure how I am supposed to occupy the tile to get cruiser and carrier and trigger DE 110?

Also, I've used my full strength english carriers in two naval attacks for far, and while they supposedly have an naval attack strength of at least as high as the Italian cruiser they were attacking, they suffered heavy casualties (3 or 4sp), while the cruiser was undamaged. How is this possible?

Finally, I read something about a 1.02 Global war patch, but cannot find it on the website.

Thanks for your help!


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I can try to help off the top of my head: Pretty sure that the cruiser and carrier can only go german, so a canadian corps tells me that you are allied, so I don't think it will work.

For the carrier, make sure you are in attack mode. There should be a red dot on the carrier.

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