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Patched Game, Moved it, and What's Up with Norway?

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Hello, Hubert and Bill

I finished the campaign I was playing. Now I went ahead and uninstalled SC-GC from my program files and reinstalled on the C drive in its own folder. It's running like a charm now. My new script could successfully be incorporatedin into my variation scenario so now I can build others. Hurray!!!

I installed patch 1.01. No problems with the game editor.

However, I restarted the 1939 World at War campaign and I have to ask what's up with Norway? I used to be able to take Norway with paratrooper and a corp. Now when I capture Oslo Norway still doesn't surrender right away. This extremely unbalances the scenario for me. Why is this happening

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My tactics is to, after a friendly persuation with the Danes to accept a union with Germany, put the paratropers in Copenhagen and a bomber next.

Declar war with Norway, hit Oslo two times with the bomber (one usually loses a point ore two) and drop the paratropers next to Oslo.

The paratroper usually takes out the 3 point norwegian unit. Then move a corps, wich you previously have plased next to Kiel beside Oslo. The paratroper returns by sea to Kiel later, and the corps occupies Oslo.

This works with the new patch 1.1.

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I think this is normal behaviour, because I know I've had this happen to me at times, and in reality Norway fought on for longer than France did. It does unbalance Axis strategy a little, but only significantly if the Allied player is willing and able to divert resources in that direction. So in some circumstances it could actually make a conquest of France all that much easier.

PS I'm glad you got everything installed and working fine! :)

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