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Questions on gameplay

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I'm pretty new to this game so apologies if these questions seems obvious to anyone else reading this.

1. What's the effect of Winter exactly? I noticed during winter turns, the effect of my attacks are pretty pathetic as the Axis, even on the western front. On a separate note, how is this different from the effect of the Soviet winter?

2. What's the relevance of historical news eg Gandhi being arrested, Yamamoto being shot down. I mean I appreciate the historical context, but was wondering if there was a real impact on gameplay (other than eg indian national army being formed at a later date)

3. I've been trying to figure out exactly how many units I currently have of each type. Eg how many battleships, tanks etc. Short of counting them by hand, is there a command/report that summarises it?



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Hi Koo

Welcome aboard!

1. The effect of snow is to reduce combat effectiveness, so as you've noticed the effect of your attacks will have gone down quite significantly. This is a good time for resting and reinforcing your units.

Soviet winter is a one-time event to reflect the unpreparedness of the German forces for the severity of the Russian winter at the end of 1941, and it just reduces the strength of Axis units within the USSR.

2. Historical news such as in the examples you've given is just to add historical flavour, to give a feel for the times and some of the things that happened during the war.

3. There is no quick and easy way to count the units you have of each specific type, as the reports that you can see in the game will tell you how many Land, Air and Naval units you have, but it doesn't break them down by type, e.g. Corps, Army etc.

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In Winter you may have conditions Snow and/or Frozen. That makes the following restrictions. "Axis winter" could reduce the strength of units. This is scripted. Weather conditions in general are the same as follows

Snow (Collectively represents blizzard or snow and icy conditions)

Operational movement is allowed, but re-basing of air units is restricted

Attack values are halved for any unit type

Air unit spotting/strike ranges are halved

No AP penalty for crossing snowed enemy river tiles

No amphibious loading is allowed from a snowed port tile

No amphibious unloading is allowed onto a snowed coastal tile

Frozen (Collectively represents frozen or iced conditions)

Operational movement is allowed, but re-basing of air units is restricted

Attack values are halved for any unit type

No AP penalty for crossing frozen enemy river tiles

No amphibious loading is allowed from a frozen port tile

No amphibious unloading is allowed to a frozen coastal tile

No amphibious unloading is allowed to a frozen port tile

No transport loading is allowed from a frozen port tile

No transport unloading is allowed to a frozen port tile

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