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Everything posted by jtkoo

  1. Hi, I'm pretty new to this game so apologies if these questions seems obvious to anyone else reading this. 1. What's the effect of Winter exactly? I noticed during winter turns, the effect of my attacks are pretty pathetic as the Axis, even on the western front. On a separate note, how is this different from the effect of the Soviet winter? 2. What's the relevance of historical news eg Gandhi being arrested, Yamamoto being shot down. I mean I appreciate the historical context, but was wondering if there was a real impact on gameplay (other than eg indian national army being formed at a later date) 3. I've been trying to figure out exactly how many units I currently have of each type. Eg how many battleships, tanks etc. Short of counting them by hand, is there a command/report that summarises it? Thanks, Koo.
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