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blurry letters

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Hi guys, i need some help.

As you can see in the pictures. The written stuff is really bad. I tried some different resolutions but the blurry letters stay.

Does anybody know this problem or just has an i idea how to fix it?

thx in advance

here are the pictures:

1. http://img16.imageshack.us/i/picture002f.png/

2. http://img210.imageshack.us/i/picture003q.png/

3. http://img237.imageshack.us/i/picture004d.png/

thx in advance

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What video card and drivers do you have loaded up on your computer ? Do you have any anti-aliasing settings enabled (from whatever controls are offered by the video card drivers) ? If you do, you may want to disable them to see if that helps. If you're running an LCD, are you running at the native resolution of the display ? If you are not, then you may want to try the native resolution to see if that helps. Some scaling routines performed by displays may negatively affect text.

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Unlicense, uninstall, reinstall and relicense.

I checked the game out using a 1280x1024 resolution (the native resolution of this display) and the German language files and it looked fine. Your most likely culprit are the video drivers you're using and their settings. Are you running CMSF at your display's native resolution ?

Are you using any mods, especially graphics mods ?

I see that you're using v. 1.02. What distribution of CMSF is this, the Battlefront version, Paradox or GamersGate ? You may want to patch up to 1.20/1.21 and see if that makes a difference. I'm not specifically aware of any graphics changes that would have made a difference to the text, but it may be worth trying.

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If you purchased this game from a retail store in Germany, then quite likely you have the Paradox version. I'm not sure what copy-protection/DRM system Paradox uses, but it is possibly based on the DVD being in the optical drive to play the game. You can confirm the distribution by looking at what directory the game is installed in (unless you created a 'custom' directory instead). I believe it will most likely be '\Program Files\Paradox Interactive\Combat Mission Shock Force' for the CMSF directory in a Paradox distribution.

For Paradox you will want to download and install the 1.10 patch and then the 1.20 patch.

Since Paradox has stopped supporting CMSF (they will no longer compile patches for their distribution of CMSF), you can purchase the 1.21 patch for Paradox from us for US$1.00 (download only). This will change the licensing to a Battlefront eLicense.

To be honest I have no idea if the newer patches will make any difference in the appearance of text in the game. However I would DEFINITELY RECOMMEND the patches anyway since it they improve gameplay and features.

As for graphics, the resolution you run at can be important for displays that have a 'native resolution' - which would be any LCD display. I'm not sure what exact methods some displays use to 'scale' their graphics to fit a non-native resolution on their screen, but some of them could result in a compressed appearance to the text. I can't quite tell what the cause is in your screen shots. It as if there is some sort of JPEG compression going on with the text bitmaps.

If you haven't changed anything in the control panels for 3D for your video graphics, then quite possibly you do NOT have anti-aliasing enabled (ATI/AMD calls this 'Smoothvision'), which could be a potential culprit in the text display.

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i have windows 7 and some graphic ship. i dont even think i have the option to set something to anti-alising. atleast i could not find the option for that.

ok.. sounds like i just have to deal with the flurry letters. thx for the two patches a lot tho.

And yes, its from paradox.

OT: how come u have a german nick even tho your from the states?


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Oh and what i totaly forgot to metion is, that i have a widescreen laptop: currently i am running the resolution: 1366 + 768.

I already tried all the other possible desktop-resolutions but the blurry latters still remained.

Also funny is, that if you read the mission-report in the game and some other things, the latters are great. And the Larger latters don't have the problem too..

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  • 3 weeks later...

What video chip and drivers do you have in your laptop ?

I'm not sure why specific text is blurry. If you go to the 'Options' panel in the Main Menu, check the setting for 'Antialias/Multisample' and set it to OFF. This will turn off antialiasing in CMSF if it is set to 'Application-controlled' in your video control panel. If your video control panel is 'overriding' the application ('forcing'), then the setting in CMSF will not matter. In the case of blurry text you can either disable the antialiasing or increase the setting to something higher.

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Many laptops that have "integrated video" will often have Intel video chipsets ('integrated' into the northbridge). These chipsets will usually NOT have any anti-aliasing features. However just because it is integrated your text shouldn't be blurry. Integrated chipset video will usually have low performance and not a whole lot of video quality selections in the driver, but that in and of itself shouldn't give you blurry text. However some of these chipsets don't have a lot of OpenGL development going on, so it is possible that some compromises are built-into the driver for OpenGL and that could possibly result in sub-standard appearance to some text.

However if you have an ATI or Nvidia, then it is possible that anti-aliasing is a supported feature. This will often be set to 'application-controlled' by default. In CMSF's case (which would require a change in the Options panel of the main menu) this may result in the lowest quality setting for anti-aliasing, since CMSF doesn't control the "level" of anti-aliasing, just whether it is on or off. The lowest quality antialiasing can have adverse affects on some text in the game.

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