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Speaker crackle


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I have suddenly started to get a very base crackle/interference sound sound through my front right speaker channel. I've tried the speaker lead in another socket (no problem) and tried another speaker in the front right (crackle). Any thoughts on the cause?

The speakers aren't brilliant (Cambridge Soundworks Four point surround with sub-woofer) but I'm reluctant to upgrade becuase I will upgrade entire PC soon. Can't see why it should suddently happen. Nothing installed on system to do it. Have the speakers and S/Ws got a life expectancy or is the S/W picking up some rogue sound from somewhere?

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Do you experience this problem in CM when there's fire on screen ? This is a problem that I've seen with Creative Labs Sound Blaster series, especially the Live. Several Creative Labs cards also have a notable problem with VIA chipsets where a crackle/sizzle/hiss is heard from the speakers (other chipsets cause this problem too, but the VIA's are the most common culprit).

It is also possible that the amplifier in your subwoofer is aging and crackle/hiss could be a sign of that. This could especially be true if the amplifier is buried underneath all sorts of things and doesn't have adequate ventilation. However my guess is that there may a problem with the sound card and the chipset. Also if your sound card has a built in amplifier (which many do) it could also be the culprit.

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Through a process of elimination (and if my non tech founded assumptions are correct) I think it is a problem with the sub-woofer/connection for the speaker within it. Even with the PC fully turned off the crackle/rumbling still comes from that speaker (or rather that speaker's output jack).

I have a CL SB 1024 Live and whilst I think it's OK it doesn't produce as good a sound as I've heard on some, despite my tweaking the environments, which seem far more hassle than they're worth. With lots of burning vehicles on screen the fire does tend to take on a tinny/echoey sound but I thought others experienced that too.

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If you jiggle the cable and it makes crackling sounds in the speaker, then it sounds like something is either wrong with the cable or the connection. If too much of the bare-wire lead is exposed and it touches something metallic it will create a crackle/pop sound in your speakers with every contact. I'd suggest switching the speaker around to a different output and see if the problem follows the speaker or remains at the particular output.

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Thanks for that. It's the output for certain. Same noise comes from any other speaker plugged into it and the normal offending speaker is fine in other ouputs. Sounds like ti will be easier/cheaper to replace the SW box than attempt to repair (something I have absolutely no idea of how to do BTW).

PS - any views on my 'Winter helmets reverting to grey' post in main forum (same date). It sounds like video card is struggling.

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