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I have 2 problems with CM:BO

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Hi, I have these two problems with Combat Mission. Well the lesser important one is that it seems that Combat Mission is "one step behind". What I mean by this is that (it's kinda hard to explain and me being tired doesn't help) like if you are in the scenario editor for example and you click on brush terrain, the highlighted box will still be, let's say grass, u'll draw brush and once u do this brush is then highlighted. It's kinda hard to explain. This isn't just with the scenario editor, with most of the things on the game. Gameplay isn't effected, but when I leave lets say the map section of the editor it doesn't show the main menu of the editor so i have to guess where to click to go into, urrr, units. It's kinda of annoying and I am almost certain it's got to do with my graphics card. Sorry that sounds real confusing, i'm too tired to think of a better way to phrase it. I've reinstalled the game a few times before, doesn't change. There's no problem with the C-D, a friend borrowed the game and he has no problem...

My other problem is that (this is a major problem) my user created scenarios just seem to disappear (get deleted). No one has deleted them, I'm not running the game off a C-D, and it seems to be happening to the most recently created ones. I've lost a few good scenarios this way (both happened to be my favorites). The most recent was when I was playing my level I just created about 10 minutes earlier. I finished the game, went into the menu to try it again as the other team and it just wasn't there. The auto-save was, and it worked, but the scenario was just "gone". Any help anyone can give me or similar problems you would like to express would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Major Concussion, major CM:BO fan.

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Unfortunately the default for CMBO is to saved created scenarios/ops in the Saved Games folder. If you play and then save the game it will use the default name of the file as the saved game name. Thus your scenario that was saved in the Saved Games folder is overwritten by a game in progress (the Autosave won't do this, you have to intentionally save the game and use the default name that is given for this to happen). Thus your scenario can only be finished, but never played again. I'd suggest immediately copying your created scenario to the Scenarios folder before even playtesting it.

As for your other problem - from what I could gather I would guess that it is the video card too. What OS, video card and driver version do you have ?

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Hmmm, thanks. Where do I find the information of the graphics card and everything, i forget, really i do. I'll post them on here as soon as I know how. Also, about the scenario thing, it seems that as long as they are not in the saved games folder they don't disappear, because every month or so I backup all my scenarios on to a C-D and they seem to be fine there. (I still leave a copy in the saved games folder though so I can play them smile.gif ) I'll remember to put them in the scenario folder now so I won't have to back them up. Thanks, Major C.

[ April 19, 2002, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: Major Concussion ]

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You can typically find out what video card you have by going to Start Menu > Settings > Control Panel > System control panel > Device Manager tab > click on the plus sign next to the 'Display adapters'. The name that appears below this is the video card driver that is installed and it will often tell you what the chipset is of your video card (sometimes it will tell you the brand name of the video card instead). Double-click on the video card name and then go to the Drivers tab > Driver Files Details... button > with any of the files highlighted there will be the corresponding version number in the File Version text below the window with the file names in it. Ignore the VDD.VXD file and concentrate on the .DRV or .VXD files. This should give you the version of your driver (though the numbers may vary a bit from what the manufacturer may list on their website since these numbers are the Microsoft number version-ing scheme).

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I have a Video-97 Pro PCI/AGP Blade 3D (V6.50.5452-951CD 7/4/2000. that's everything it says for the device. For the drivers it says the vdd.vxd one and vmm32.vxd (vflatd.vxd). The vdd.vxd and vflat one are both in a subfolder called trident.vxd, which is in a folder called trid_P3D.drv. That's everything it says, word for word, except for maybe a few capitals. Oh yeah, at the bottom it says file version is and the provider is Trident Microsystems.

[ April 20, 2002, 09:20 PM: Message edited by: Major Concussion ]

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The 'Video 97' is a model name of the video card. It's made by Jaton. It's based on the Trident 9880 or 9850 chipset and it has 4Mb of VRAM. It's a bit low on the memory and 3D capability side of things. From what I can tell of the driver versions you must have the latest. Trident Microsystems posts a driver (they're the creator of the chipset) for the 9850.

A newer video would probably be the best path to take however. Your video card's low amount of memory and limited 3D capabilities results in the CPU doing a good chunk of the video work (in one manner or another). Depending on how much you want to spend you can get some GeForce2's for a pretty good price (a GTS or Pro or Titanium would be much better than an MX200/400).

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The CPU doing all the work would explain why I sometimes get a bit of, well when it involves the internet its called lag, and I know thats not lag but that's what I get sometimes. Sorry, I know I've got a lot of problems with my computer, there are more, those were just the two major ones. Thanks for your help so far. I'm just going to get a new card ASAP. smile.gif

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