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AMD XP processors vs Intel Pentium 4

Jack Carr

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Anyone have any knowledge in reference to the horsepower difference?

Take both chip makers top of the line processors:

Intel Pentium 4 3.2 ghz


AMD XP 3200+ 2.2ghz

I have read articles saying that the AMD performs just as well even though the clock speed is a whole GHZ slower than the Intel chip.

Anybody heard or experienced the difference.

The reason I'm asking is I'm starting to research my next rig.

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from an overclocking perspective the current p4's are winning out - something they haven't done in awhile

and the advent of 800mhz FSB coupled with DDR400 RAM isn't to be ignored either

either is hyperthreading from what i've been reading

i'd say intel's winnnig right now even if you don't plan to o/c it

that'd being said, bear in mind we're just starting to see reviews of the new 64bit offering from amd and it looks like they are positioning it towards gamers too and not just servers/workstations

so this is a battle not unlike the nvidia vs ati one

i'd say go with whoever you see is winning the battle at the time you build the system - based of course on performance AND cost

here are some sites that cover the hardware scene:






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Thanks for the reply and additional information. I'm tending to lean towards the Intel P4 at this time. I'm going to wait for CMAK to appear and see how my latest and greatest rig runs that. If it has no problems I'll take a "wait and see" approach. If it stutters even a little, I'm going to pull the trigger on an upgrade and go all out on horsepower from a processor perspective.

Once again, thanks.

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